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Everything posted by greggy

  1. all right buddy. thats a LOL
  2. if he does that will mean he has retroactively hosted the previous 17 seasons as well
  3. go vote for 351 bruce, dont be too cool for school and hurt the rest of us
  4. sorry, i did like the fruit salad half, ill hit like on this post for that and the part of this one where you talk about me
  5. wow pepper that reminds me of this crazy thing that happened on Mrs browns boys, this guy was eating peanuts then it turned out Mrs Brown had sucked the chocolate off them, then she said a sexual innuendo about how peanuts sounds like penis
  6. hmm i was going to say i only eat plates so get at me when all the fruit is off it but it seems the conversation has moved on, hope that plate is still up for grabs though
  7. made a new version for new imgur
  8. this also helps for getting images in your posts, you grab the BBcode thing and paste it in here...imgur looks a little different now but its still very similar
  9. claritin does nothing for me jakal, allegra is ok but is giant horsepills and also more expensive in my experience. zyrtec is the way to go. and yeah go with the store brand unless there are bullies around who will make fun of you and say you eat food stamps if you buy generic (this is always the case for me, children can be so cruel even if you are their father)
  10. greggy

    A Classic Reality Show Show Discussion

    i didnt, was it good?
  11. ‣ “hashtag hidden immunity idol” lol i love when people say hashtags out loud, so good…its like HELLO those are supposed to be internet only! hahaha ‣ whoa fishback doing macbeth quotes? i knew this guys was smart but SHAKESPEAR? cultured too ‣ yeah raining for the challenge, i love it ‣ yeah so tasha picked joe then spencer then ciera and was stuck with fishback, right? ‣ i like how green just fucked the stairs portion all up putting posts in wherever to begin with, its a puzzle you dummies ‣ oh keith honey no why did you do that purple is already on the last step ‣ WhOa PuRpLe WoN ‣ its funny, they must get those POV shots of the rewards and the cambodian masseuses bowing to the survivors like right before they get there if you think about it, like the survivors have to chill out in the tuk tuk or whatever and wait for the guy in the steadicam to get those shots to the director’s satisfaction before that can go in and enjoy the reward ‣ purple team enjoys traditional spa food, which is a thing we all instantly know and appreciate as a reference - ngl the food reward looked amazing, i want to eat this ‣ its funny how little food matters this season, they go back to the losers and you see them boiling up a huge pot of clams and crabs ‣ i wish gifs had sound so you could hear the incredibly awkward way jeremky said everything he said while approaching this idol…i guess he’s out there “alone” except for the camera guys so he’s probably in his head a little about reacting in some sort of obvious way for the good of the show…sorry i guess im thinking about the behind the scenes stuff a lot tonight ‣ already got another kid planned huh jeremy? haha you dirty dog you ‣ hot babe in the rain…ENHANCE ‣ lol i love jeff getting a chance to do some hammy shit for once ‣ hmm i feel a fan fic coming on ;-) ‣ https://gifsound.com...p13yZAjhU0M&s=2 ‣ hell yeah joe gets his third immunity, he’s going to keep that necklace all season ‣ wow theres a moment when tasha is going back to camp from the challenge that was very tempting to be a creep and gif, hachi machi what a babe ‣ wow thats a really interesting twist on that extra vote advantage, very cool ‣ spencer watched his jim carrey rubberface vhs tape over and over as a child, practicing every movement ‣ wow what a move…this will be good for the show though, wigglesworth has been so boring this season ‣ i give this one a solid PROBS on the scale, good challenges, interesting advantages/twists
  12. name him buck, thats a good name for a dog
  13. huh i never would have thought a kid could be good on a podcast but you changed my mind, great job
  14. ok i know this is your choice joe but you probably dont feel like you can do this for yourself but its all yours bro, you earned it
  15. wow bold choices you guys
  16. im going to say wentworth this week because obviously a ton of people wanted her out last week so if she doesnt scramble shes dead meat, and also because im bad at guessing
  17. all right i know steveh blazed us for doing this in the other thread, but this week on my podcast i had a really great poster you probably like named Valerie Bryant on and it is very funny and you will like it if you listen to it. dont be confused, she says she's weird al, but it totally is her. oh, and steveh? *does the fingers to eyes and then point thing from meet the fockers* got my eyes on you bro, watch it
  18. you guys want me to get the like limit lowered again? i can go get them to change it if thats what we want
  19. none of that can hold a candle to egg roll hunt or lorne stories
  20. jesus chanson how many more times do i have to apologize for making fun of your utility kilt
  21. its nice to like so many podcasts but you need to take a step back and rethink your priorities imo