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Everything posted by VinsanityV22

  1. VinsanityV22

    Blues Brothers 2000 (1998)

    I've never seen this either, but I saw a bit of it on TV relatively recently. Where Dan Akyroyd and John Goodman, for some reason, go to see Billy Dee Williams (I think; can't remember. It wasn't *that* recently on TV) who works at a call center that turns out to be one of those "Talk to our Live, Hot Girls" hotlines. Obviously it's filled with ugly, old chicks. And for some reason, this warrants a HUGE musical number. I found it baffling and fascinating. And i want someone to talk about it, and every other part of this movie, and explain it to me. And I want those people to be Paul, June, Zooks, Baby, and (hilarious guest). Also want to know in-depth why it's such a massive letdown compared to the first film, which I also have only seen bits and pieces of... though far more of BB2000.
  2. VinsanityV22

    Submit clips here!

    I could say something here... but Jake & guest(s) should just talk about this "Humanimals" video: Ugghh. How do you embed videos? Why can't that be at the top of the forum? It's so frustrating. I don't come here often, and I forget EVERY TIME. I've tried everything I think of: The URL code on the browser, the 'Share' URL code, the Embed code from Youtube (which never seems to work anywhere)... I've tried using the Link control here in this, the Code controls, I don't see anything here in the Message Controls that could help. It's not 'Quote', it's not 'Superscript', it's not "Twitter"... none of these buttons are working. Nothing's working. How do you do it? EDIT: Thank you Vince_Frost, lemme see if this works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u_HaetTyyw
  3. VinsanityV22

    Submit clips here!

    Here's some odd Virtual Reality video games, for the the Oculus Virtual Reality headset. Which isn't available for consumers yet, and most commercial products don't use it yet, so it's mostly a lot of hobbyist experimentation stuff. Even more experimental than usual indie games. So, with that in mind, here's some stuff to check out! Here's a video of someone playing a Japanese tech demo called, "Death". Which is, for all intents and purposes, a suicide simulator where you play as famous anime girl Hatsune Miku and go walking up a shrine and then it launches you off and you die. Here's another one that's a little more traditionally "horror". First person horror games seem to be popular with the indie Oculus crowd. Long video, I cut it to where it starts to get good: And here's a short demo of Sonic the Hedgehog (the fan-made indie "Sonic GDK" game dev kit) in Virtual Reality: https://www.youtube....?v=gMuqt6civvs. I honestly don't know if you can get into this stuff, or want to, but you're always looking for interesting videos. Virtual Reality is pretty interesting. So I'll take a shot and link these.
  4. VinsanityV22

    Submit clips here!

    Oh, and a fun thing to do? Go to Youtube, look up, 'terrifying children's shows', and just keep clicking Recommended Videos on the side bar until you dig up stuff like this: "Unintendionally funny Christian Children's Program" Luckily, the clip is not from the actual show, but from a BBC documentary/show TALKING about awful shows. -- "The puppets that he had fucking dragged out of burnt out buildings... make Chucky [from Child's Play] look like something you would want to cuddle. The main puppet is called Albert Herman, which sounds like a Nazi War Criminal. He has 'Teddy Eddy', who is (laughs) this panda who he has to make come alive... and by that, he just means he just sort of takes his hand out of Albert Herman, and just sort of leaves that one, dead, whilst the other one is y'know, struggling to animate" -- There's a guy strumming the cartoon while these puppets sing their Christian songs, and he's wearing an alien mask. At one point, one of the ears falls off and the guys just has to keep on going. It's... it's frickin' awful. Of course it's from a public tv station (they say). It seems like something Jake would get a lot of joy out of Doesn't that make you wanna take a peek at this thing?
  5. VinsanityV22

    Submit clips here!

    I haven't listened to every episode of the show (I prefer the live shows/shows with multiple guests to the one-on-one interview focused ones), but I'm hoping you'll be up for some rather terrifying - and oddly impressive - enormous puppets: "The Little Girl Giant": It's an street theater/art installation/performance piece by a French group called, "Royal De Luxe". I believe they did a whole show over a series of months, with other puppets including, "The Sultan's Elephant" and the uncle for this 'Little Giant Girl'. Part of something they called, "Titanic Story" or "Sea Odyssey" or something. Just enjoy
  6. VinsanityV22

    The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990)

    Just found out about this movie. I literally can't even remember why - the Wikipedia page is just a tab in my browser right this moment and I can't remember why. I guess I heard someone mention it on TV? I dunno. But I looked up the trailer, and MAN - first thought, "Why hasn't HDTGM covered this yet". Speaking of which, tsk, tsk. How could you not embed the amazing trailer for this thing? Well let me try here (though it's been awhile since I've posted on the forums): <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/j-vUpXEWpUs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Was, "You're a piece of Spam" actually ever an insult? Or a joke? Ed O'Neill with a porn mustache? This thing needs to be covered by the gang and a great guest. I was, like, 4 when Dice Clay was a major force in comedy, so I need someone to put this "phenomena" into perspective I need to know.... *say it with me* HOW DID THIS GET MADE!?!
  7. VinsanityV22

    Episode 261 β€” Nubile Agape

    I did not know you could ask Scott anything during a game of WYR? I wish that Aaron Neville thought to ask a follow-up to that question about the Draculas & the Daywalkers. Y'know, callback to the question about getting a mixed-race child if you shoot a bullet through a white man's dick AND a black man's dick and it goes into a women? If Daywalkers are born of Vampire fathers & Human Mothers, and you shoot her, but first the bullet goes through a vampire's dick, and a black and white dude's dick, do you end up with a mixed race vampire or is there some other rule and you end up with a monster if there's too many sperm battling it out on that thing? What if Superman shoots a load through several other men & vampires and the whole disgusting glob ends up in a woman - would it yield a superpowered, mixed race vampire baby, or just still kill her, as we all presume Supes' sperm would do? There are so many questions.... God, Scott - you need to share your gift with humanity!
  8. VinsanityV22

    Episode 261 β€” Nubile Agape

    Ku-ku, Shelby - I love you guys. 'Specially Shelby, for that one time on that live ep of The Fogelnest Files where she got to Jake with a simple, pointed comment: "Wait - who are the Beastie Boys?" (lol). Use your age as a weapon, girl! But holy crap, Horatio Sanz makes me lose it constantly. The Pringles Can Urn? "Of course the label's still on it. Well, we don't want robbers to steal our parents" - I was dying! And Scott, you're always a great host. "What about you? Want a car, Brett?"... "Oh yeah I bought that car for her" lol. This episode was too funny. Must keep track of this one; it's "Best of 2014" material for sure. Brilliant show, guys & gals!
  9. VinsanityV22

    Episode 77.5 β€” Minisode 77.5

    My prediction? June will actually love this movie, and she'll love Britney's acting. Jason? He'll lose his mind Shocking prediction, I know. I'm going way off base here, but - maybe - it's just bold enough to work!
  10. VinsanityV22

    Episode 110 β€” Tony the Pony

    That last skit was pitch-perfect. I lost it at, "Wait, Tibrus? What an excellently named God!" >>> "I disagree..." rofl! Every single one of the performers were super-quick witted to pull off so many callbacks, so quickly at the end there. Props to Mary for starting that all with the Tibrus callback. Love this podcast!
  11. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! Mac Tonight! I put that video in the thread! This is a special feeling, you guys. When Jake selects YOUR video for the show - I'm basking in the glory Matt is right, btw - it's WAY more fun to hear comedians struggle to describe these videos. I love Mac Tonight, btw. I was a weird kid, just like pepperjack, DubipR and others. That's why I brought it up. I'm pro-Mac, and I miss him. Screw the new-school Taiwanese CGI abomination that brandenhaize mentioned, btw. BE A WEIRD PUPPET-MAN! I have a bizarre love of animatronic creatures from the VFX-heavy commercials and movies of the late 80's-mid 90's. If Jake ever wants to talk about, say, Theodore Rex, I am ON-BOARD! I was, like, 3 or 4 when these commercials ran, but I thought Mac Tonight was awesome. Although I only thought to rediscover the ads a few years ago on Youtube, there's still that weird magic here. Thanks to it being a real dude in a freaky, foam(?) Moon Head. With REAL shades ('cuz they're important) Though, I have lived the past 25+ years of my life mistakenly believing that the song he sang was a cover of the much more kid-friendly "Do you Believe in Magic?" (by The Loving Spoonfuls). I don't know why my brain got those wires crossed, but either way, the image of that slick-as-hell Moon Man is one I find very welcome... even if I fully understand the creep-factor. Fuck The Hamburglar - Mac Tonight is the one true McDonald's mascot to me, forever. Your Wheat Thins ad sounds amazing btw, guys.
  12. VinsanityV22

    Episode 259 β€” Charlotte's Website

    Amazing show! Super surprising to hear the legendary David Alan Grier (as he's not one I tend to think of when I think of a "comedy nerd" comedian, y'know?) was the guest, but man was it an awesome surprise! What a great, charming, hilarious guest. And of course, Lauren and Joe are some of my favorites, and their new characters were terrific. Every single person worked well with each other, and that always guarantees a great show. Gonna be voting for this one for NEXT YEAR'S Best Of, Scottle-bot! Btw, the end of that "Would you Rather?" was pretty legendary. First off, the whole game was great. DAG is probably the best first-time guest I have ever heard, or at least, heard in quite some time. Didn't vote early, kept going along with the premise and asking questions - THAT'S HOW THE GAME IS PLAYED! The part where David and Lauren BOTH got confused over Scott answering (rather than mis-interpreting) the question was hilarious. And the end of the game where Mr. Grier pulls out the win in bizarre fashion? This was an AMAZING CBBWYR any way you look at it! I was laughing so hard Also love how Lauren kept laughing at the stupid America's Funniest Home Videos theme and the excuse that was made up to explain it away Great ep, Scott! Made my day. So much easier to sit at this PC and get work done when I have quality stuff to listen to, and CBB is one of my go-to's for that kinda quality. Mostly because of episodes like this!
  13. VinsanityV22

    Episode 13 β€” Defending Your Shitty Taste

    Oh yeah, I believe this is 100% relevant to the conversation. Behold, a fake "30-on-30" produced for Space Jam. Y'know, since it's only the most important game of all time. Foghorn Leghorn died in this game, you guys. He died. Link: http://screen.yahoo.com/30-30-space-jam-game-155008766.html Embed(?): http://screen.yahoo.com/sketchy/30-30-space-jam-game-155008766.html
  14. VinsanityV22

    Episode 13 β€” Defending Your Shitty Taste

    "Their ability to cheat was inside them the whole time" - lol. I loved this discussion. And I totally agree with the genuine Space Jam love - I do really, really love it when movies get made that, by all accounts, shouldn't have. I mean, something like Bill & Ted is the same way. No way in hell would that movie get made today, unless it was somehow based on a "popular" young adult/tween novel series, ugh. Btw, very glad to hear that addition about Lola. The original Lola Bunny - all sexy-sounding here, voiced by Kath Soucie - actually DID use fundamentals and played Basketball well. None of that dynamite lighting, hammer smashing, black hole dropping toon antics. That really bugged me that it wasn't included in the actual discussion, but glad it came out eventually. Nowadays though, she totally would pull some looney antics, since she got redesigned a few years ago and is now plenty wacky and airheaded enough to hang with the rest of them. She's voiced by Kristen Wiig now, too! But back in '97, she was the only one on that team besides Jordan who could capably sink a basket in that game Great show this week, all! I liked this crew and their energy; this was a fun group of guys & gals. A little more comedy than usual (which was good). Even though the thinking from the "superior endings" episode seems to be becoming a throughline; that all Cracked writers/contributors/friends are only happy when stuff is "sad" or "deep" and (Space Jam being the lone example so far) only enjoy good-hearted, simple stories very sparingly. Though, for the record, I've never liked The Beatles much either for the exact reasons listed here. Used to flat-out hate 'em, but since I'm a gamer and could not escape the gravity of The Beatles Rock Band a few years ago, I'll give 'em that they have a few great songs. Well that, or I was so entranced by Harmonix's art for some of the videos in that game that I just assumed the songs were good to match the dreamy visuals. I'm very much 1:1 with Liana there and have been trying to articulate that to friends for years. So thanks for giving me a new way to ruin friendships! Can't wait for the next Beatles discussion/argument!
  15. rofl - Horatio Sanz kills me man. "This one time, Chaz Bono came in..." (okay, where's this going?) "and his man side was a good driver---" I'm done. Hilarious! They're all fantastic, and this was a great show! I wish I could go to Bumbershoot, but being on the other side of the country, I don't see it happening unless I move to Seattle. Still, Best Podcast in the Universe does it again! Oh and you guys handled the shit out of the loud heckler - Matt and Brian specifically. The one guy who was "married to the lady who told you what research means". Those people sounded like assholes; more people should punch idiots in the face. That way they'll keep being stupid a secret instead of forcing it upon the rest of society. But you guys handled it quick, turned it funny - bravo, guys. Bravo.
  16. VinsanityV22

    Episode 199 β€” Down In And Up!

    This was an awesome episode! Man, Jimmy Pardo is a fantastic guest! I remember the Earwolf Challenge stuff, but I only started listening to that a few eps in... it sounds like, perhaps, I should finally check out the first few as well
  17. Whoever DIDN'T name this episode, "Boner Killing Carnage Feelings".... tsk, tsk, tsk.
  18. lol. Everything about 9/11 totally did put everyone super-in-the-dumpies.
  19. VinsanityV22

    Episode 256 β€” Raw Copera

    Great group of guests, Scott! Cameron is becoming a favorite guest of mine on many podcasts, and Brendon Small? That was a total surprise, but that dude is the man - been a fan of his since the Home Movies days (every time I hear Archer and Bob Belcher, I just hear Coach McGurk because of that show)... and Doomstar Requiem was AWESOME. Plus, it's been way too long since I heard from the Enigma Force Five... which I guess is just Jesse Ventura now Amazing show this week! Loved everything about this Well, almost everything -- I miss Michael Jackson from last week *sigh*. Guess we'll have to wait another year before we hear from him though, since he has to earn another trip to Earth by staying in his Hell-Oven for another 365 days...
  20. VinsanityV22

    Episode 154 β€” Glory Holeο»Ώ Jack-O-Lantern

    45:06: "It was bad... I didn't see it" *face palm* I loved this episode and the guests were pitch-perfect. I just have a problem with this attitude in general, because - thanks to the INTERNET - you see it so much. People just repeat some opinion they heard about something and "wear it" like it's their own, and it's really dumb. You have people dismissing a whole lot of stuff they probably shouldn't. We've been hearing this sentiment leveled at the Simpsons for years now: "Simpsons hasn't been good in DECADES" almost always comes from someone who - surprise! - hasn't seen it since 1996 or so. Blergh :\ Prince of Persia: Sands of Time was a pretty good movie, yo. That's all I'm saying. And that there is a true-blue, genuine, opinion. Not something I heard on IGN or Collider or whatever, and felt compelled to repeat like it was my own personal judgement This attitude just bugs me all over the entertainment industry; for music, movies, games, etc. But seriously, I really did like the pairing of Emily and Rob with Howard. It was a great episode. Rob; you're the man for remembering the Pokemon days, and Emily - I'm with you - fuck military shooters I'm still waiting for a single FPS with half the creativity of Turok 2 - how can no one have made a cooler gun than the Cerebral Bore in 15 years!?!
  21. Also, now that you guys used the word, "Corporation" & "Conglomerate" so much when discussing the end to Dinosaurs (which, btw, I watched & loved as a kid), I wonder if the comment had something to do with ABC? And how they killed the show... I'm assuming it ended after two seasons because of the network executives, and not the creative leads. I feel every show that gets killed because of an Executive Shakeup or some other dumb reason should do a "bummer ending" like that, as a big middle finger to the corporation that killed it.
  22. I'm so happy they started off by talking about "Rules", and how you can't establish things and then toss them away willy-nilly, as they apparently did in Twilight. Because every time I write anything and establish rules for the setting/universe, all I can think about is Max Landis talking to his dad - Simon Pegg - about how to kill vampires or something. Because of how the Death & Return of Superman broke comic book storytelling forever. ... I know what I said! It makes sense. Just watch this: . It's hilarious, has TONS of celebrities (Simon Pegg, Mandy Moore, Elijah Wood, Ron Howard, and more) & contains great info on storytelling - definitely stuff along the lines of this podcast
  23. VinsanityV22

    Episode 197 β€” Mac N Cheese Please!

    Aw man, you guys are crazy! Kraft Mac N' Cheese? KRAFT!? That's what kids like because they don't know what food tastes like yet That cheese powder stuff; that's soooo far from cheese flavor. Anything nuclear orange is, for sure, 100% artificially created. Something that's a clear sign you should steer clear of this; like how poisonous insects are brightly colored in nature as a warning sign. lol. This was the first Totally Laime I listened to btw, and I gotta admit, I kinda like what I hear. It's different for sure, but it's pretty good nonetheless - very different pacing from the other Earwolf shows it seems, but I think I'll be checking in on this again in the future. Sounds like you guys have some fun conversations
  24. VinsanityV22

    Episode 255 β€” A Visit From Hee Hee-ll

    lol. Man, I never read the comments before the last page on a thread - I just skip to the end whenever it adds in whatever I write. I should've figured someone beat me to it! I'm just glad that there are listeners on the same wavelength! Now that I've had time to process this wonderful impression, I actually think it was reminding me of Dr. Rockso, the Rock n' Roll clown from Metalocalypse. I wonder if anybody else knows that voice? Towelie is close, for sure, too... hmmm, gonna have to hold out hope that the next time MJ comes onto CBB, he mentions wanting to get high or loving cocaine, for comparison's sake. THEN WE'LL KNOW FOR SURE!
  25. VinsanityV22

    Episode 255 β€” A Visit From Hee Hee-ll

    Goddamn you, Mookie Blaiklock! rofl. I had some major surgery awhile ago, and I'm relatively fine now. It isn't sore that much anymore - I'm cleared to work and whatnot. But occasionally, if I laugh or sneeze too hard (mostly), it'll start hurting again. Needless to say, I had to pause this episode of CBB quite a bit because that stupid/brilliant MJ impression kept causing me pain, β™ͺhee heeβ™ͺ. Literally, I could not go 5 minutes at some points without needing a break from laughter. You are too funny dude. I should've known, since you've you've cracked me up so much on Improv 4 Humans in the past. Amazing ep, all around! Rob Delaney is a fantastic guest in his own right, for sure. And Scott was pretty on-fire today (damn your brain works fast to make that White Stripes joke when you did, sir!). But that MJ was priceless. "Why didn't you make more than 3 noises?" ----> "Because I'm stupid.... Shamone; that's just nonsense! Oh man, I'm gonna get another pitchfork in the butt for that one!" This episode was RIDICULOUS and I loved it! Btw, Mookie... I'm pretty sure you can do a better Towelie impression than Michael Jackson, β™ͺhee heeβ™ͺ.