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Everything posted by VinsanityV22

  1. VinsanityV22

    EPISODE 337 — The Ying and the Yankovic

    Oh God, what has "U talkin' U2 2 me?" started? I hope at the next "Best Of's", there's an honorary award for most "C+" episode of the year, lol
  2. VinsanityV22

    EPISODE 587 - So You Live in Harlem?

    Awesome discussion - I never really thought about the "Gentrifiers" and the root of places like Korea-town. I'm also with you there about Brooklyn, Nwadiwe! I was born in Brooklyn in the 80's - I didn't meet a white kid until I was in fifth grade. I'm Latino (Puerto Rican); growing up, my friends included other Latinos, Black kids, Japanese & Korean kids, etc. It's crazy to me to go back now and see so many hipsters. College kids, I guess, are fine. But there are legit hipsters pushing out all the color and culture. Just jobless, yet entitled, assholes - it's like every joke about that place is true. And all the shops are retardedly expensive now. You can go into shops in a two block span and blow through 200 bucks easy, now. Just getting some stuff to eat/drink and whatnot. You know; trying to ENJOY YOURSELF? It's culture-shock... in a culture I GREW UP IN. Fuck Brooklyn now. i remember it being called, "Crooklyn" back in the day... I wish there was a derogatory way to work "Hipster" into the burrough name now. Fuckin' hipsters... But enough about my rant! It's just something that triggers me. But y'all always have better discussions than my friends and I; good ep! Loved listening to this. And, of course, fuck "Guiliani's Manhattan" =D
  3. AMAZING episode!! Oh man, this had so many sketches that killed me! But I think the best was Schnoot and his crazy accent in that sketch about the European friends. Oh my God, that accent was so hilariously stupid! "Oh; 'cuz I was shoving danishes into my fat fucking mouth!!" was RIDICULOUS! I kept going back and listening to that bit again and again; I could laugh at that FOREVER. The I4H team killed it with this episode. This was a great group, Besser!
  4. Holy shit. The conversation with Bill Cosby was one of the funniest fucking things I have ever heard on a podcast! The best part was that I was working on stuff, so I was only half-paying attention to it really. Then it hits my brain so hard; Bill Cosby is going crazy and arguing with Fat Albert on the phone as Chad tries to get a word in on the Hooray Show, lol. It came out of nowhere for me; I instantly went back and listened to the whole thing to get that entire rambling conversation. Horatio's Bill Cosby/Fat Albert is such a good impression! It's so g**damn funny! You know it's hilarious when Horatio is breaking and cracking up at what he's saying
  5. VinsanityV22

    Episode 1603 - Jen Kirkman

    Jen Kirkman is 1000% right; Matt has horrible taste in music if he likes Taylor Swift. Holy shit - thank you, Jen! God, that shit is the worst garbage. She's right; there's a difference between good pop people will talk about 2-3 decades later, and then the kind of horsecrap people won't remember (let alone talk about) in even 2 years. Taylor Swift is such a shitty manufactured thing; it's baffling that some people won't stfu about her and her terrible career. Her music is awful. Btw, MAN OH MAN is it great to hear on her on an Earwolf podcast again! Her new(?) site pictures is smoking, btw (girl looks good!), but when I click it to check, I'm really surprised to see that she has only done 2 podcasts since 2013!!! Man; her presence was missed! Frickin' great episode
  6. VinsanityV22

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Here's a video of The Rockafire Explosion performing "I've Got a Feeling". Or rather, "improving", because ffs, now it has a Gorilla in a suit on main vocals! Apparently this is a thing. People making custom routines for their Audio Animatronics since Showbiz Pizza is no more. And y'know what? That's fine. Do something with these robots, I say! F**k Chuck E. Cheese. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsqKLT4v4x0 if you prefer that instead. From the Rock Afire Explosion's Youtube Page.
  7. VinsanityV22

    The Real Cancun (2003)

    http://youtu.be/BN14PvdUZkw "This spring, the producers of 'The Real World' bring you the ultimate experiment in 'Reality film-making'". Yup, this is that reality show movie that was attempted back when reality shows were becoming a big thing on TV around the early 2000's. I just was reminded this existed when going back to listen to old eps of, "R U Talkin' U2 to Me?" (it's mentioned in the Joshua Tree episode briefly), and thought, "I bet this movie is terrible. HDTGM should look at it!" Also, it's gotta do with Spring Break, and the last time they did that, they did the classic "From Justin to Kelly" episode. It's got a 35% on Rotten Tomatoes. It's got a 2.7/10 on IMDB. But, I've never seen it personally. Can anyone vouch for this thing's quality? Or lack thereof?
  8. VinsanityV22

    Episode 1602 - Andy Daly

    OMG; why is the 7-11 logo sign saga SO FUNNY!?!
  9. Oh my God, this had so many hilarious moments! I can't believe that Thomas Middleditch could stay in character so well! With that corn-fed hayseed smile-personality... and then simultaneously pushing Lapkus to go into such weird territory and say such weird & hilarious things! Only in that accent could the line, "A lawyer from the early 90s!?! If we can only DREAM of such a thing!" be so freakin' hilarious! Amazing episode!
  10. Holy Shit. I could not get through this without pausing the podcast because I was laughing too hard at so many points. When Matt said, "On that note, what if someone is trying to fart into your mouth and you shoot your tongue into their butthole to block the fart... ?", I was done! And then there was Tim coming in a little later with the train-of-thought statement; "I love Nacho Doritos I'm only eight!". It just sounded so good. Everyone was amazing on this one! Hilarious episode! This skit better be on the next 'Best Of'!
  11. VinsanityV22

    Episode 6 - Rock of Agee

    I know others will comment on the actual content, but I just want to say I quite enjoyed that Loot Crate ad. I wanted to know what the box looked like, dammit!
  12. VinsanityV22

    EPISODE 103 — Zardoz

    All I learned here is that I wish Zardoz had a sequel
  13. If Earwolf decided to replace all their podcasts for a week with just episodes of the "Tom Leykis Radio Show", feat. various Lauren Lapkus characters calling in and the universe crumpling in on itself due to an alternate reality/time paradox-situation, I would be perfectly happy that week.
  14. I really want a fucking T-Shirt that says, "Listen to Live Versions and Stroke your Fucking Pud",
  15. Oh and Proptip for Paul Rust (or anybody); best 'passwords' are usually codes made from short sentences, if he's not doing it already (usually "Good" Passwords aren't very complicated) http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/the-numbers-game/videos/the-perfect-password/ == Let's sum it up Let's start with a short sentence example: "Paul Rust should get a better password" (7 characters... let's add a bit there) "Great improviser, Paul Rust, should get a better password" (9-11 is pretty good) Let's break it down into a acronym: GIPRSGABP Let's use lower case/upper case GiPRsgabp Now let's get "l33t" and swap out some letters for words: ('i' and 'l' can become '1', 's' can become '5', etc.) G1PR5gabp Voila! Whenever you need to recall it, just bring up the sentence to work out each character. It's easy to remember (actually remember; I realize it's more effort than letting your browser or smartphone remember it for ya ), but it is still complex. More complex than most people's "complex" passwords.
  16. Holy shit; Mookie's parents are so annoying in THE EXACT SAME WAY my parents are when it comes to watching movies. I fucking want to punch my dad constantly. Poor Mook. Though I did get to hear Neil Campbell talk about American Sniper taking a dump on the street, so that was worth it =D
  17. VinsanityV22

    Episode 1601 - Rich Sommer

    "This is why this podcast is successful and that thing you do is a failure" - oh man, it's a shame that didn't make it in before the new season began, because that quote needed to go in the new intro! =D Also, I love the nickname, "The Purple King". From now on, that should be how you pronounce this:
  18. Guys, I have a confession to make. *Deep Breath* I don't get this show. I just don't get this show; can someone tell me how funny, smart and good it is? And also, why are Sean & Hayes so cool and how did they get so cool? And why they're so nice (so long as you're not an engineer, poster on the forums, or guest )!?! Also, I do miss the Reality Show-Show. Do I not deserve to listen to this anymore?
  19. VinsanityV22

    EPISODE 63 — Tiny Cause, Huge Effect

    Wait... other people don't call this thing The "Tel-Electracope"? I've been sending email over this thing for years and saying it wrong?! Oh God; now it's time to learn a new term. "In... Ter... Net?" That sounds so bland now
  20. VinsanityV22

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    And here's a YoutubeExplained about the "Shrek is Love/Shrek is Life" meme. For the people who are just completely wtf, and don't know about 4Chan and the satirical "Brogres", lol. Link: Spoiler? It's just so dumb and stupid, and got blown up a bit on the internet briefly. Which is even more ridiculous.
  21. VinsanityV22

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Shrek is Love Shrek is Life This should be good audio for the podcast Although WARNING to Besser/Thomas; we all know Matty B won't like the sole usage of the word f*ggot, so do keep that in mind at 0:21. Here's the full version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxTng4FWxBs And then here's a time-stamped version starting at 0:32 instead. It should be fine, with none of that word Besser won't like. Jeez louise; GMod makes this 1000x more funny than it should be. Looks so messed up.
  22. VinsanityV22

    Van Helsing (2004)

    Oh this disaster's a blast! This has one of those moments where you think of the stupidest thing possible, in jest... and then you witness the very thing you were thinking of! Spoiler Alert: I distinctly remember thinking, "I hope he turns into a Werewolf to fight Dracula, lol"... AND THEN THEY DID IT! xD
  23. VinsanityV22

    The Wahlberg Solution 4

    Hell yeah the Muppets Christmas Carol is the BEST ONE! And Hell Yeah; Wahlberg should steal one! This must be why Disney doesn't let him in a Muppets movie ^-^ You all know the words, more or less, now let it into your brain: So glad DVK and co. continue to solve the World's problems
  24. VinsanityV22

    Episode 571 - Islamophobia

    What? How is this not racist!? This is the dumbest question ever Oh well; important thing is that just serves as a launching point to talk about this bullsh** with American Sniper. And Jimmy Wong's breakdown of religion - all religion - is super succinct and brilliant. And obvious; it should be, anyway The line about, "We're basically living in 'The Crusades: as presented by Exxon-Mobil®'" was amazing Great ep!
  25. VinsanityV22

    Episode IV - A New Hope

    True story; just yesterday I had the thought, "Oh man; it's been a few days since I heard Horatio Sans in a podcast. DANGIT!" This is almost perfect timing xD * - heard the last Hooray Show, like, a week ago, and then the Dead Author's Podcast with Horatio 2 days ago. I highly suggest anyone who hasn't heard it give it a listen; Paul F. Tompkins and Horatio Sanz, in character as H.G. Wells and the author of Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes? But not really because they hardly talk about the book and basically just go along with Horatio's amazing backstory and details for the guy? With accents!?! BRILLIANT! I love the Hooray Show! Keep it up