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Posts posted by VinsanityV22

  1. So now the earwolf community has to shuttle back and forth between two sites and two forums? Most of the wolfpop shows are hosted by comedians. I'm not really seeing the point here. This seems like GM changing a bumper on a chevy and calling it a pontiac.


    No, this is like GM having two cars, and putting Paul Scheer in one and Scott Aukerman in the other. And then calling one Earwolf and the other one Wolfpop. And then Stallone sits in the one with Paul.




    I may not be good at analogies :P

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  2. To Michael Harris, I just wanted to say: FUCK YOU, BRO, lol. Who does one hundred and ONE dollar donations? Just had to get in that one other dollar so that you could look down on all the $100 donors, didn't ya? Big man!? lol.


    Glad they didn't get guests. Again. Which they did last year for Halloween III: Season of the Witch. It's a tradition now, as far as I'm concerned. Apparently part of the tradition is Paul saying that the "no guest" thing is the first time they've done it every year too, lol.


    Alright, that's how far the Soundcloud stream got. MP3's downloaded. READY to listen!

  3. Great episode, btw! Interesting and entertaining; I love listening to Wyatt Cenac :)


    Btw, I would totally listen to an album called, "Dancing with the Sklars" if you guys put one up on the Earwolf store. Get some indie bands together, see if they'll let you put a song of theirs on a CD, and put those on the Earwolf store? I'd order one in a heartbeat! I love your guys' musical tastes!


    Though I also really want that t-shirt from last episode to be a real thing someday. "I need to think before what I do -- Sklarbro County", lol.

  4. You know, if Sean & Hayes started a Dorkist podcast, I bet they'd get more sponsors then just... that company (they know who they are. Can't mention them for fear of Sean finding out)


    This was hilarious. Every exchange was gold, even the little ones:


    "No I'll read a big science book"

    "Like a child's text book?"

    "A big one"

    "Did you wink at me?"

    "I didn't mean to"


    Not to mention, all the Scoop Troop... uh, scoops this episode. lol. I'm so glad they FINALLY clarified that I should stop writing with my fists this episode!



    • Like 2

  5. This one made me especially feel smarter. This podcast is great at either making you feel smarter, or making you smarter for learning new things - but this was definitely one where I enjoyed hearing what I already know, because Cracked makes it more eloquently and more entertaining than I ever could. The stuff about videogames - well, whatever Zynga, EA Mobile and King.com make; like you said,they're more like Slot Machines than actual games - in particular was a point I love seeing hit so hard. Simply because there's a large, vocal side of the industry THAT KNOWS that other side is bullsh*t. And man, comparing them all to slot machines (except without the chance to win a payout) is such a great analogy to make!


    It's not just those dumb Candy Crushes and Farmvilles either; you can see that garbage bleed into normal gaming too. Like Xbox Achievements? More meaningless "rewards" for players time & attention; getting them hooked in hopes that they'll still be there weeks and months later to cough up another $30, 40 or 50 dollars for their "Season Passes" and DLC. And just now, I'm logging into Steam and I see that "I got a new item in my inventory" - stuff I've never given a sh*t about, and I really wish I could opt out of seeing those damn pop-ups alerting me to such uselessness.


    ... I'd rather have Gold Cracked Coins, to be honest. lol.



    I'm sure you'll all get to breaking down the "cheat code" the music industry (and entertainment industry in general) have found that has really blanded up a lot of products in the 00's and current day. You know the thing; how so much of the Top 40 Charts, for example, are all coming from the same producers and songwriters and use the same hooks and song "building blocks"... they can just manufacture a hit, basically now. Not an especially memorable (or usually even good) one, but who cares? What Selena Gomez sings last year, Ariana Grande sings now, and someone else gets the riches while the face of the song fades into obscurity as soon as a younger, less experienced new "artist" comes around.


    How so many summer tent-pole movies feel like they come from a template and hit all the same beats; the ole' Joseph Campbell book of movie-making. Or, if you have an old cartoon license, the "live action/CGI comedy"-template from Alvin & the Chipmunks and Garfield (... and Smurfs... and Underdog... and Rocky & Bullwinkle... and Scooby Doo... and the abandoned Marvin the Martian and Hong Kong Phooey movies... and what Sonic the Hedgehog, Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers, and ALF will be like when they come out, probably)


    There's definitely some sort of "capitalism cheat code" conspiracy to explore there too. I love hearing how you guys shine a light on this stuff :)


    Great episode, as always, guys!

  6. lol. This was a fun 'cast you guys! I hope you all can do another someday, but I doubt it. I lost it at the description of why:


    "I woke up this morning and made breakfast for my kids, packed their lunches... just whatever for my wife just so she could (be less burdened)..."

    "I didn't do any of that. I said, 'see ya later, honey'... and, uh, walked out"


    lol. Even typing it makes me laugh again.


    Great guests! Great stories! Great ep! If ever you get the chance to do something like this again, please do. But I will not hold my breath since I know you guys have families and whatnot.

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  7. Sweet! Before I even listen, I gotta say, "Thanks!" for this surprise special ep! As a staunch anti-Apple guy (eff that company), I needed to wait for the physical release of this one. Which I wasn't on top of, so I'm glad you guys plopped it on my radar!


    Now, time to DL and listen... right after I go order the album from Amazon (using the Earwolf link to Amazon, of course) :D

  8. From Polygon: ( http://www.polygon.c...ening-paul-feig )


    "The long-rumored third Ghostbusters movie is finally happening. Paul Feig, creator ofFreaks and Geeks and director of The Heat and Bridesmaids, says he's working on the film, which will be a reboot of the franchise... "It's official," Feig said. "I'm making a new Ghostbusters & writing it with [Katie Dippold] & yes, it will star hilarious women. That's who I'm gonna call."

    Dippold wrote the screenplay for The Heat and has written for television shows Parks and Recreation and Mad TV."




    I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty hopeful for this. After Harold Ramis passed away, I felt like they absolutely could not move forward with a straight GB3 sequel. When the rumors started persisting that they instead wanted to do a female-led reboot, with Paul Feig directing, I was pretty happy; that could be a really good, interesting movie. Now that Katie "Driving Yellowjackets" Dippold is scripting, I'm very excited. These two can definitely make a great movie and they're definitely going to look the cast the right kind of actresses here.


    I just don't like the reboot term being bandied about. No one needs to replace the original Ghostbusters in-continuity, y'know? Why couldn't they just, like, make the GB a franchise or something and explore a separate team in a new city?


    But still, there's more good than bad with this announcement. I'm looking forward to a great movie, and congratulations to Dippold!



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  9. I remember when I first heard of this movie, well after it had come out. Because Turbo is the same guy who played the Urkel-bot on Family Matters - Michael Boogaloo Shrimp. Was this guy:




    Watching Turbo do his thing is a treat, anywhere you go. No one can pop-n-lock like that guy. Even now, as a fake sitcom robot, that thing still sorta freaks me out because of how perfectly he does the robot. A whole movie of this kind of thing, with all the 80's you can handle to boot? Breakin 2 is amazing. And an amazing choice for HDTGM.

  10. This is a real movie.


    Youtube just put this up in my recommended videos.


    This is... wow... just... look:




    From Wikipedia:

    "The Clones of Bruce Lee (Korean: 蛇形三傑 Death Penalty on Three Robots, Taiwan複製人李小龍:三龍怒火, Hong Kong: 神威三猛龍) is one of the most notorious exploitation films in cinematic history. It gathers together several of the Lee imitators who sprang up after Bruce Lees death (including Bruce Le and Dragon Lee), as well as performers from the real Lee's films and other veterans of the Hong Kong movie industry. It has been called "The Mount Rushmore of Bruceploitation films".


    I own some Bruce Le films, but man, I had no idea this was the level of post-Lee death exploitation at some point. Just... wow...


    I should mention that it's also, somehow, offensive to Brandon Lee (and really, oddly, prescient), because the earliest bad guys' (there are several) ultimate plan to kill Bruce Lee (no.1), after their kung fu assassins fail to do so, is to shoot him while he's a filming a movie... WTF!?!

  11. This video is called, "Reptilian Shapeshifter Exposed due to EPIC hologram failure". Y'know; those reptilian shapeshifters that conspiracy theorists say have replaced all of Earth's richest and most powerful people? Presidents, CEO's, Actors, Politicians... that kind of thing. Maybe even COMEDIANS! If Besser ignores these videos, guess we all know he and his buddies are ACTUALLY REPTILIANS!


    Though here, it's just a reporter, I guess. Who either has a very bad Hologram-machine or a terrible feed that is really f**king up the picture. Either way, it's pretty messed up looking.


    YOU DECIDE. Bwahahahahaha. :D




    I love Conspiracy Theorists. There are a ton of videos on Youtube about this kind of thing.

  12. This was great! I was a huge fan of Dane Cook when I was in College, like most I would imagine, but stopped paying attention to him around the time he started doing bland movies. But I have been wondering about where he'd go and what's he been up to. I really did want to hear about what he thinks of the whole thing, what stories he has to tell, etc. I really figured that he'd just be a cool guy - and sure enough, that's what you guys deliver here. I LOVE it when you guys "talk shop" and get into stuff with comedians.


    Great ep, Bros!

  13. Coming this fall, everybody! It's gonna be some crazy Rapture, religion-exploiting garbage. You can see the trailer on the Facebook page:





    That's the poster? Ugh... movie studio, I improved it for ya ;)




    Also, let's just put the words down that will get people in the theaters:




    Oh wait; what's the movie about? Yeah, yeah, devout Christians get sucked up to Heaven, blah, blah. I got that. But what about the "Left Behind"? Cage is fighting the forces of Satan who rise up to take over Earth, right? OR maybe he'd be against God, since He refused to suck him up to Heaven?


    They really need to cover this, because I'm very unclear on what the central conflict would be ;)

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  14. I was really sad that this week's minisode wasn't a call-to-arms to go out to theaters and go see this because they're discussing it next weekend. I feel like it's been forever since they did a "in theaters" movie - maybe Fast & Furious or Smurfs. If Nicholas Cage can't get Paul to galvanize the masses into their local theaters, who can? WHO, I ask you!?!


    Without Paul telling me to go see this for next week's show, now I'm just going to wait on reviews, or the DVD... or when it hits Netflix :P


    This looks amazing too. It really looks like Cage has brought his A-game here.

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  15. The whole thing is on Youtube in pieces too.


    This is really a weird movie. I mean, I know there were plenty of wacky, high-concept fantasy comedies in the 90's (heck, "Beetlejuice" and "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" are movies that exist thanks to this wonderful time), but this is one is over-the-top. Straight up "Deal with the Devil" stuff. Trapping people in TV because Satan is punishing you for making a deal for a TV with more channels than any other at the time?


    The different shows all look like they have awful bits in them - just look at the trailer where John Ritter is in some hip hop video on MTV. I don't know how that's evil, but I know his getup is pretty racist. The exorcist exercise video, the cartoon world, the game show, the pro-wrestling... everything; just seems like the worst jokes from one of the most outdated and strangest premises ever. Although at least the cartoon world should hold up; this is a Warner Bros. movie after all, and it's clearly well-made.

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  16. Okay, my last reply, I swear! Just a few screens - a preview of the greatness that awaits anyone who wants to check this out. These are all from the same movie; this not a grab-bag of screens from various sci-fi and/or fantasy adventures in the 80's like Krull and Dragonslayer and Legend. Nope, this is all one movie, made by some crazy Italians!






















    TOP NOTCH SPECIAL FX AT EVERY TURN, PEOPLE! They don't make 'em like this anymore, that's for sure!

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