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Mike B

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Everything posted by Mike B

  1. How about any of the "You got served!" or "You got drum served!" movies? I could never watch one but I'm curious as to how they attempt to make a 90 minute film centered around dancing appear to have any importance or relevance whatsoever to any audience. It's like making a movie about humming or finger puppetry. . . no, I'd watch that.
  2. Here's looking at you, Assface.
  3. Quote: "I thought working with Ben would be good for my career. Turns out that was my last role, also now I have crabs" - Vince Vaughn's wardrobe from Swingers.
  4. Quote: "I thought working with Ben would be good for my career. Turns out that was my last role, also now I have crabs" - Vince Vaughn's wardrobe from Swingers.