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Everything posted by xoValeriexo

  1. I've been listening to The Reality Show Show (where reality doesn't bites) and on the Sean O'Connor episode "Motorboatin'", Sean and Hayes discuss people from The Challenge who've moved on to greater things and the first two they mention are Paul Walker and Philip Seymour Hoffman. The next is Meryl Streep. If anything happens to Meryl, so help me S&H. There's also a low-key "too scary" on that ep. in response to a roller derby name. What these old episodes of RSS have taught me is that I really love Sean and Hayes. I love the way Hayes said "Yuh juss gah kicked off tha show." I love that Sean asked for help finding a home for some abandoned kittens he saw in a parking lot. I love knowing that Hayes had a girlfriend in middle school, because he totally seems like that kind of guy. I love knowing Sean's social security number and his sister's favorite number, because both are very useful to me. I love how much they already hate talking about reality shows by episode 12. I love that Sean gets upset with Padma for offering to send some salt to an eliminated contestant. I love how Hayes admitted he cries every time he hears Cassadee Pope sing "Over You." I love how mean they are about a middle-aged country singer winning The X Factor. I just love these guys. I love 'em with all of my heart. "You went away, how dare you. I miss you....I'm not going to ever get over you."
  2. I made a new Earwolf friend and I think he might come visit us here soon. I'm giving you guys a heads up because I don't want you embarrassing me when he gets here. His name is Sean Paul Giamatti and he's really cool and he lives in Texas and and and just don't embarrass me, okay?
  3. xoValeriexo

    Episode 147 — Old Dread Ben

    Paul!!!!! Paaauuullll! Good job, Paul. I like you.
  4. Sooo good. I could watch fake movie trailers all day long.
  5. Octer Doctopus, are we friends on fb? No, right? Wazzup with that?
  6. Suddenly Clements' like button works. I'm in a terrible mood because of how awful season 4 of The Killing is. Episode 3 is quite possibly the worst hour of television I've ever seen. And season 3 was so good! Seriously, watch episode 3. It is infuriatingly bad.
  7. xoValeriexo

    HWH project

    Send me the file, Bozos. I'm trying to figure out how to use Audacity.
  8. I'm sassy. I am sassy. I don't care what you have to say about it. We all have our memories of poison.
  9. Treese, I'm so upset about seeing you eat a random berry. So upset. Have you see Into the Wild? You're not supposed to just eat berries. Fuck.
  10. xoValeriexo

    HWH project

    You guys both sound perfect for your Raise the Stakes parts too. And, Greggy, how sincere you are when you read the ad copy is amazing. So, so funny. And, uh, super cool to know what Greggy sounds like. You both have great voices, so congratulations on that.
  11. xoValeriexo

    HWH project

    Bozos!!!!!!! Oh my god!!!!!!! Bozos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it. You did such a good job, your performance is so fantastic and funny. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! And I'd completely forgotten about that Joe Wengert character from that CBB ep. so thanks for reminding me of that little ray of sunshine too. This is so exciting. Now we just gotta pay Freja to do the bitchy mom part and figure out who is the hunkiest stud of the forum to be Leslie's blind date.
  12. I really like Mean Detective, you guys.
  13. I definitely want to be invited. I don't like driving places much though, because I get anxiety. I once drove to San Francisco to see Michael Ian Black perform and I couldn't find parking, so I started crying and drove home because I was too scared to drive around looking for a place to park. Then I went to Chili's! It was great!
  14. I was going to vote for him the other day, but then it said it would post about it on twitter and I was like.. um, I'll look like a loser. THEN I saw Hayes' vote tweet and I was like, ugh, now if I vote everyone will think I'm just copying Hayes. I guess my emotions are tall enough to ride because this shit is a rollercoaster.
  15. xoValeriexo

    HWH project

    I don't know if that fits the tone of it? But I'm not against it for any real reason. I'm positive someone (probably me) will write a very cheesy sitcom like my Uncle Jesse one at some point and I think a laugh track would be a MUST in something like that. Should I be suggesting people for the other roles? JeffreyParties, are you going to be Ghost John? Also, feel free to record anything for your own scripts whenever you want. I don't mind if Greggy's script is completed before mine is.
  16. xoValeriexo

    HWH project

    I finished editing the script for Ghost John: http://www.scribd.com/doc/235166092/Ghost-John-UPDATED-script And recorded audio for Leslie: I just put it on SoundCloud because I don't really understand Audacity at this point. I made the file available to download, so maybe that's good enough? If not, let me know. Also this recording isn't perfect. First of all, my computer is loud, second my boyfriend is cooking so at one point pots and pans are a-bangin', and I don't commit to a scream I'm supposed to do so I just kinda yelp. Also I mess up a line and say "Nope!" and redo it, so.. that's in there. I just haven't had time alone to record this and I figured this was maybe okay for now? I can fix whatever later, or record it all over again, or leave more silence in between my lines or whatever the hell. Good first step though, right?
  17. xoValeriexo

    HWH project

    I like it better without it, personally. Tie-breaker requested!
  18. xoValeriexo

    Episode 190 — Slap Dat Cheese

    God, I love Lennon. She is so goddamn funny. I need to listen to this again already.
  19. xoValeriexo

    HWH project

    Greggy, you should be Fred Walsh. What are you thinking, dude? This is like if Matt Damon and Ben Affleck were like no, I don't wanna be in Good Will Hunting. It's ridiculous. But then again maybe your voice is really dumb. How could I know that? I guess I should just trust you to make this decision.
  20. xoValeriexo

    HWH project

    Seriously amazing, Greggy. I love it so much. I can't wait to listen to this one. I love how it's a mix of a bunch of different types of game shows. It's like Deal or No Deal, American Gladiator, and a bunch of crazy other stuff that is so, so, so funny. I love the commercials, I love the use of the phrase "Raise the stakes", I love the religious contestant and how it all turns out for him, I love the second contestant's experience in comparison, and I love the end. You go as far as you can with it and it is glorious. I'm gonna read it again right now!
  21. xoValeriexo

    Episode 42 — Sinbad, Our Close Friend

    1. Adam Devine 2. Sinbad 3. I'm done with this list 4. I can't remember this far back 5. Please stop
  22. xoValeriexo

    Episode 88 — Mr. Nanny: LIVE!

    I didn't watch the movie, so I thought the clip of the dog being thrown into a canal was like a dude on a bridge tossing his dog into the water to drown. I was horrified that June kept wanting to watch it.
  23. xoValeriexo

    Episode 42 — Sinbad, Our Close Friend

    There were so many amazing moments in this episode. Sinbad is fucking quick and genuinely hilarious. When he turned the Reagan comment back on Sean, and said sarcasm has started a lot of wars, and.. and.. lots of stuff. And Sean said tanks but no tanks! This episode should be in the Guinness book for something. I don't know what for yet, but I'll look into it.
  24. xoValeriexo

    Episode 89 — Gooby

    I thought Nathan was great on the show, but I wish he would've had more time to talk. Those three steamroll the guests a bit and I don't care when the guest is someone irritating, but when it's Nathan I'm less forgiving.
  25. xoValeriexo

    Episode 42 — Sinbad, Our Close Friend

    Hayes is killing it in the smile game.