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Everything posted by xoValeriexo

  1. xoValeriexo

    HWH project

    Sorry, I was gone all weekend so I didn't have a chance to do anything. A couple things: We need to come up with a name for our collective group. I wrote "The Forum" in my script because I wanted something there, but I figured we'd discuss what to actually call it before recording. It seems like "Forum" might already be in use by quite a few other things, so we probably want to think of something somewhat specific and/or unusual. You guys have to think about who might want to be the other characters (Ghost John, Leslie's mom, Leslie's date, the narrator). When recording the audio, should I pause a while in between each chunk of dialogue to leave room for the other character's lines? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I just don't know how the tracks get edited so I don't want to mess anything up. High-quality microphone? Tim Treese, you think I'm made of money? Also does anyone know about microphones or what a high-quality one would be?
  2. Congratulations to Sean Clements and Grace! If you invite me to your wedding, I will bring you a very funny but useful gift. I'm thinking a crockpot with a clown nose, but I'm sure this is just the first of a million great ideas I'll have.
  3. Alex, I read recently that you have a fear of commercials. Is this new or did commercials haunt you throughout your childhood as well?
  4. January 22 โ€“ Jacob C March 4 โ€“ Michael Bay of Pigs March 23 โ€“ Hayzie Bone March 27 โ€“ ShoShoBro June 4 โ€“ Joe McGurl July 5 โ€“ TheloniousJunk July 11 โ€“ Andy Kneis July 17 โ€“ Toby Keith Sweat July 18 โ€“ Andrew July 21 โ€“ Burdrulz July 21 โ€“ Asteck August 4 โ€“ Clem Dawg August 14 โ€“ Agata August 20 โ€“ Tim Treese September 27 โ€“ JeffreyParties October 14 โ€“ Narnold October 17 โ€“ Valerie Bryant November 3 โ€“ Chanson November 21 โ€“ Freja Is this some bullshit or what? btw who am I missing? Let's go with some b-days, Greggy, honlads, Game of Scones, etc.
  5. xoValeriexo

    HWH project

    Aww, now I feel all special. I love you guys. How do you think we should go about recording it? I only have a Flip camera, because Oprah acted like those were going to be very popular. I'll edit the script a bit too before we record something.
  6. xoValeriexo

    HWH project

    http://www.scribd.com/doc/234164413/Ghost-John It's super long and I'm sorry about that, but I figured we'd want them to be around normal show length so I guess I'm not sorry? Women, am I right? I used Joe Wengert as my muse for Ghost John. He's pretty much always the meaning in my life (he's my inspiration).
  7. Sinbad, do you ever look at the cart wranglers at Target and think "I could do that"? Do you feel most comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans or all dressed up in a tight tuxedo? What's your favorite secret society that you're NOT a member of? *wink* *wink* When you give to charity does it make you feel closer to the little people?
  8. Holy fuck, Andy!!!! Andy!!!!! You put Aubrey Plaza to shame! She sucked and you kicked ass! Sweet revenge! Karma's a beach!
  9. Hey, do you guys know anyone who would be interested in programming a game in Unity? My boyfriend just graduated from college with a BS in Computer Science and he has been working on making a game with a few guys, but all of the guys who say they'd like to program have ended up being the kind of people who email you once a month with an excuse and the cycle of getting nothing done continues. My bf can do some programming stuff, but he doesn't really have the time or the desire because he's doing all of the game designing already. He has a reliable artist he's working with who is incredibly talented and works quickly, so he's really in need of a driven programmer. Thanks, butterbeans.
  10. xoValeriexo

    HWH project

    I like the idea of a Tales From the Crypt type of horror thing. If creating new characters is difficult at times, I think it's fine to reuse some characters from other stories, as long as the new story doesn't rely on having read (or heard?) the other stories. I also like Greggy's ideas, particularly the podcast sitcom idea because I'm really not familiar with any soap operas so I may not have much to draw from there. American Horror Story is like a soap opera horror show, so maybe JeffreyParties will end up writing a little bit of soap opera type horror stuff anyway. What I think we should do is write whichever type of show jumps out at us most or write one of each type and see which one ends up feeling more like what we'd like to expand on (or keep writing both, honestly, because I think enough forumheads are gonna get in on this that we could do more than one thing). I also like the Rocky vs Rambo-type collaborative screenplay idea, but I think we should wait on that because it will be a lot more difficult to plan out logistically.
  11. http://genuinehorror.tumblr.com/post/34307984430/the-best-weird-al-songs Here, let me help you out, Game of Scones. This is a list I made of my favorite Weird Al songs. I think "Good Old Days", "You Don't Love Me Anymore", and "Everything You Know is Wrong" are my favorite favorites. After listening to a few, if you still don't like Weird Al, you can just see yourself out of the forums. Thanks. <3
  12. Are you guys watching Big Brother? It's so fucking good this season. There are a ton of idiots and a ton of likeable people. And three guys have giant crushes on female houseguests, which is fun to watch. What will Devin do if we don't vote the way he wants? He's gonna throw a cow, man. Fuck this show's good.
  13. I'm glad Wengert talked a lot in this episode. When he's on I'm crossing my fingers that he'll be really rude and answer every single question Besser asks. I love 'im.
  14. xoValeriexo

    Episode 10 โ€” Fuego

    I thought pretty much all of the songs were okay. I could hear these songs at a concert and not want to kill myself, which I really didn't think would ever be possible with Phish. The rap song though.. honestly, was that a night terror I had? Even that song though is so hilariously bad that I would enjoy hearing it again. The piano player or whoever sounds like Weird Al. I love how open Harris is. I really love him. He's a very special person and he's funny in a really unique way. He's sincere, self-deprecating, and deprecating of others (I don't know if that makes sense, but I know you know what I mean). Even his book is just his comments about others' tweets and the things he says are brilliant and laugh out loud funny. Sorry, dudes, I just really like feelings and I like to feel them about Harris.
  15. Umm, really? Can we get a sneak peek?
  16. Whatโ€™s wrong with drugstore sushi? Whatโ€™s wrong with cheap champagne? The finer things may cost more money If you ask me itโ€™s all the same Walgreens may be a drugstore With top-shelf pharmacists Doesnโ€™t mean I canโ€™t trust them With my fresh-water fish Dimetappโ€™s on sale So is VO5 shampoo Iโ€™ll take this knock-off bubbly Itโ€™s ten dollars for two Annnnnnddddd Whatโ€™s wrong with drugstore sushi? Whatโ€™s wrong with cheap champagne? The finer things may cost more money If you ask me, darlinโ€™, itโ€™s all the saaaammmmmeeee
  17. Hey, thanks! Okay, I like you now.
  18. Andy, great funky job on this episode. You were great and didn't seem like a weirdo forum member they invited on. I'm proud of you. I have a few questions: How was Hayes' signature laugh up close and personal? What did he tell you about tv writing? What did you guys eat when you went out? Was Sean stuck-up? *Objection - Leading the witness* Okay, um, was their any particular personality trait of Sean's that stood out to you? How does Hayes drive with a hurted arm? Tell me anything I missed.
  19. gmail said no. Are you a fucking liar, Parties?
  20. I wrote a script for my spinoff with Uncle Jesse. I hope you like it. http://www.scribd.com/doc/232636473/Have-Mercy-Original-Script
  21. Your rich dads bum me out.
  22. If you're one of those people who cares about what their family thinks, you can delete the post. I won't hold it against you, but I will start calling you a mama's boy behind your back and a fucking loser to your face.
  23. Less than 1% chance of dying? Man up, you pussy, and stop crying like a little girl. P.S. - I'm glad you didn't die. I like you.
  24. The reaction to Game of Scones getting an actual prize was hilarious. I laughed so hard at Sean calling him a "deep cut." I finally get why my dad wanted me to learn the lesson that life is unfair. If I'd just listened to him then maybe this wouldn't hurt so goddamn much.
  25. Damn Greggy, amazing. For real if I had a tv show to hire writers for you would be hired. It was like the classic Homegrown Tomatoes we all know and love crossed with True Detective. Beautifully done.