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Everything posted by xoValeriexo

  1. I love this so much. It's perfect. Congratulations! Or good job! Or both! And I like your pretentious song. I started playing it and my [redacted] was like "Oh yeah, I listened to this already. It reminds me of video game music." Huge compliment coming from him, so congratulations and good job on that too.
  2. Do it, babuh. But if you sell the remastered edition to the Sklar Bros forum so help me god. We all work in the produce section of a grocery store. It's a tough job, but some 10+ people gotta do it. I strive to bring out the real you in my writing. All of the forum members can be their true selves with me. Go back and reread your parts and I think you'll find it's been you all along. btw, i do makeout with Uncle Jesse irl just so we're clear
  3. http://www.scribd.com/ValerieBryant It's time for us to get famous. I wrote the first episode of a possible webseries for all of us to star in. Unless I forgot to include you, then I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until episode two. Click on the link and then click on the page that says "Hollywood Handbook Forum Original Pilot."
  4. What a terrible time to try to join us, brother. We JUST embraced Jacob in a warm forum hug and now you think we're gonna let you squeeze in? I'll tell you what, this week you can crowd surf on top of our hug with Jacob and maybe next week we'll let you in the huggle*. *I was gonna write "huddle", but accidentally wrote "huggle" and, not to be too scientific, but as Einstein theorized "everything happens for a reason".
  5. Nice job, Andy and Andrew. You guys are alright.
  6. xoValeriexo

    Episode 290 — Shed Busting

    Scott repeating Pardo's "Hah! You're an idiot!" was amazing.
  7. I've seen you in the halls and I always thought you looked cool. We're gonna break into the abandoned nursing home tonight if you wanna come. But don't talk about U2 all night, 'cuz we only listen to punk rock.
  8. I get the feeling Freja could give some pretty good advice on how to get chickadees. And I love yelling at the tv during The Bachelorette, so I definitely have a lot to offer too. And Agata is hot + young, so maybe she can be your motivation to be a better man.
  9. Agata, doy. C'mon now. Let's talk. Nany and Johnny. Why? He's a dumb idiot. Thoughts? Can we also talk about how shitty the trainers on Extreme Weight Loss are? They don't understand people or emotion even a lil bit. And can we talk about how pretentious the guy from The Bachelorette is? Which one? Oh, I don't know, maybe the one who died paragliding. Amazing race: Not thrilled about the winner! Game of Thrones: Not a reality show. Did anyone else know this??
  10. I actually talked to huglife recently and he said he was traveling and now he's working on a farm and he was posting on the forums a lot because he didn't have a job.
  11. As Greggy would say, "lol"
  12. Have you guys clicked on OcterDoctopus' signature link? It had me crying laughing. Also if you haven't posted a link to your facebook yet, please do that. It makes me smile to see people from the forum being funny in a second place.
  13. Speak on this. Then speak on that.
  14. A guy I met recently said he listened to comedy podcasts. Which one? Smodcast. Then he quoted a super funny interaction between Kevin Smith and a fan: "the fan asks 'if half of your body was a sausage, would it be the top half or the bottom half?' And Kevin Smith says 'that's the best question I've ever been asked.'" Dude starts cracking up. And he'd never heard of PFT. Never again. Never again.
  15. xoValeriexo

    Episode 86 — Ernest Goes To Jail

    It annoys me so much when they analyze a silly movie like the movie isn't intentionally silly. "Oh, so the laws of gravity don't apply to him?" Yeah, it's supposed to be silly, you goddamn weirdo. I remember this happening a lot in Jingle All the Way where I was just yelling at my computer "Yeah, that's the joke!" I thought this movie was great. Ernest is wonderful and loveable and a dummy. Oh my god in Ernest Scared Stupid when Ernest says "I guess there's nothing in that bag for me" I cry every fucking time. If you don't like Ernest, I don't like you.
  16. I missed Michael Bay of Pigs! I totally zoned out and only heard the last second of the call. Noooooo!!!!! Noooooooooooooo!!!!!! No. Piggy, I miss you.
  17. We can call in to get harsh, unwanted advice? Woo hooooo!!!
  18. I have no idea how many women are talking. 2, 4, 6? I'm bad at listening to shows with hosts I'm not familiar with.
  19. Reload it or press play again, Treese. It's working now!
  20. Chanson, where you been?
  21. Jesus Christ, Octer, this is so funny. Did I describe myself fucking you in my fan fic? 'Cause now I want to.
  22. Jason's start to the lotion scene was fucking brilliant. He is magical.
  23. 2002 "This is the girl from AOL I was talking about..." 2007 "This guy I met on MySpace..." 2013 "A girl I follow on Tumblr..." 2014 "This guy I'm friends with on the Hollywood Handbook podcast forum..." This is my life now.