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Everything posted by xoValeriexo

  1. Watching Nebraska, I was introduced to an actor who can only be described as Fat Hayes. http://l1.yimg.com/b...wasthedrive.jpg http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTc3NTE3NTE1M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzYzMTI1MDE@._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg The other guy is Fat Kyle Cease, but that's neither here nor there.
  2. xoValeriexo

    Episode 21 — Nick Thune, Our Close Friend

    Erika, that both delights and upsets me. I miss screaming Hayes. I miss lashing-out Sean.
  3. xoValeriexo

    Episode 21 — Nick Thune, Our Close Friend

    Oh did I not mention the two other instructors who also have cancer? *Funny dance* Juuusstt kiddin'!
  4. xoValeriexo

    Episode 21 — Nick Thune, Our Close Friend

    You're a good guy, Greggy. I'm hiring you now to speak at my funeral. I'm gonna need you to preface your funeral jokes with apologies, because it's charming. Then after each joke, say "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" and start crying, like you can't control what you're saying because your buds Joe, Q, and Murr are Impractically making you Joke this way. Is this a good time to plug my blog? Yes. Yes, it is. http://genuinehorror.tumblr.com/post/35369487203/how-to-help-someone-cope-with-a-loss http://genuinehorror.tumblr.com/post/23752504844/how-to-throw-a-killer-funeral Maybe read those and then talk about them until we get to 200 posts.
  5. xoValeriexo

    Episode 21 — Nick Thune, Our Close Friend

    I had to lookup "HAM" in the Urban Dictionary. Then I had to lookup "lookup" in the regular dictionary to see if it was one word or two. Brillo, when you drink is it sad like when Matthew McConaughey drinks on True Detective because he's an alcoholic? Or is it like when I drank as a Freshman in highschool where it's just like whoa, lookit how cool she is?
  6. xoValeriexo

    Episode 21 — Nick Thune, Our Close Friend

    My favorite zumba instructor just found out she has breast cancer. Do you want to talk about that? Huh, TheloniousJunk?! Do you??! Or also maybe we could talk about how today my brother called someone "fruity" and that was very upsetting for me. I didn't say anything, because you know how sometimes things like that can be weird? And you know how sometimes brothers have tempers and you've been like permanently traumatized into submission from your childhood relationship with them? And so you're just like "Oh...he is? How so?" Or maybe we could talk about the time I saw a cat get hit by a car? The lady stopped and rolled down her window and said "My bad." Is this what you wanted, Junk? Tell me, Junk, is this what you were hoping to find?
  7. xoValeriexo

    Episode 21 — Nick Thune, Our Close Friend

    Questions for Jon Gabrus: If BJ Novak can write a book, why can't you? How did it feel when you got cast as Daenerys in Game of Thrones? You are funny. Speak on that. Do hollywood big wigs wear big wigs? Maybe this question could be for Sean and Hayes.
  8. xoValeriexo

    Episode 21 — Nick Thune, Our Close Friend

    1. If I wanted to put your whole government on blast, I would scan copies of your W2s and do some kind of wikileaks shit with them. 2. Ouch? What's wrong, are your pants on fire? Hurting some more? That's 'cuz u just got burned.
  9. xoValeriexo

    Episode 21 — Nick Thune, Our Close Friend

    I was literally crying laughing while reading this. Good job. Another Hollywood Handbook success story.
  10. xoValeriexo

    Episode 21 — Nick Thune, Our Close Friend

    Esteban Ricardo is hugLife, but he said his name is Stephen. I feel like he might be some kind of liar. Umm.. Friday? Saturday? Weekdays? People with jobs should decide when we "hangout", I guess. My boyfriend asked me out, yes, by osking me to the oscars. I said no, because he was holding a hot dog at the time and I'm afraid of mustard. But he wouldn't take no for an answer. He stood on top of a table and recited word for word Martin Lawrence's "Wash Yo Ass" bit that got him banned from SNL. I got up onto the table and I kissed him. I was never afraid of mustard again. We actually met on MySpace. You decide which story is cooler.
  11. I love how we hardly talk about the podcast in the forums. I think it's the reason Sean and Hayes don't comment anymore. They know this is bigger than them. And it kills them that they can't stop it.
  12. Have you read his book? It's SO FUNNY.
  13. Mom, Chanson's bragging again!
  14. I made a gmail account: valerie.ann.bryant@gmail.com I'm with you, Bruce. Okay, it's very weird to refer to you by just your first name. You other bruisers need to check yourselves before you wreck yourselves.
  15. Freja, if FU is your man, then how come he was with me last night? And if you look like an even prettier Fiona Apple, then how come he was with me last night? What's going on with him? But for real, after that first episode, weren't you like wwhhhatt the ffuuuccckk? My [booze cruise] bought me 3 shirts for vday, because he is a romantic. He is my pride and joy who I love to infinity and beyond, rest in peace. That was an inside joke. Sorry to leave you out of the loop, but it's kind of a couples thing.
  16. Loved the chewy commercials. Need to talk about Woody Allen's recent movies for real. Midnight in Paris was bad, but To Rome With Love was fucking disgustingly bad. I feel like it's shitty that Woody Allen molested Bob Dylan, but at least if his movies were good I'd be like aiight, you know? I do need to know if that Adam Devine stand-up where he does Dane Cook's material is a joke. Like.. what if someone stole Dane Cook's jokes? That'd be like a silly lil topsy turvy world, huh? I think it'd go a little something like this..., etc. My [Chinese dentist] spit all over the car when Sean said "friendo" during the popcorn gallery segment. If Sean and Hayes took an online survey to find out which Work of Holics characters they were, I think Hayes would be Anders and Sean would be Blake. This eppy of the poddy was ridic good/funny. I enjoyed the go, if you know what I mean. #charmin *Note: the "Chinese dentist" thing is from Mr. Show. I didn't mean to take credit for that word combo. I'm very sorry to all of those who I may have hurt with my carelessness. But also art is up for grabs, y'all!
  17. This was one of the best episodes, I have to say. The segment about little rowdy rudy piper's (judge rudy's? rude judes? rude dudes with bad attitudes?) from itunes was hilarious and Lamorne was possibly the best guest you've had on thus far. Although I feel like I think this every week, so I might just be some kind of kiss ass with a bad memory or something. Good blob, holliwool hamk. <3 seal w/some kis
  18. Interesting choices from you guys because they're so different. Jingle All the Way was actually fun to watch, while watching Battlefield Earth was one of the most miserable experiences of my life. In the Name of the King was similarly draining. You guys make me want to listen to those episodes again for fun times purposes. My favorite was probably Sleepaway Camp. There are so many wonderful things to make fun of and analyze, but it's also a pretty great movie.
  19. Hey BRRII... Brillo? Brillo pad? Maybe that's a good nickname for you? Anyway, I assume you're into HDTGM since your icon is Mantzoukas, so what's your favorite movie they've done on the show? I think what the HH forum really needs is a good discussion about HDTGM.
  20. xoValeriexo

    Episode 266 — The Calvins Twins

    This is the first time I've ever laughed aloud at the catchphrase submission.
  21. Okay, I'm adopting you. The paperwork is all filled out. Tell your parents goodbye.
  22. AndyKneis, I'd like to see your profile picture in a bigger size. Can we make that happen? It looks preeeetty cute, so I'm gonna need a closer look. Also how'd y'all feel about those prank calls this ep? Ba da ba ba ba I'm lovin' it.
  23. This is a real movie. I saw it at Blockbuster today. I'm wondering now if Teen Pope has already been made.
  24. xoValeriexo

    Episode 13 — Andy Daly, Our Close Friend

    I like the sounds of struggle and relief that come from the bathroom because the insulation just isn't good enough. And it helps that my Dad once decided to tell me that he agrees with Freud that sex and pooping are very similar because both feel like a release. Did Freud even say that? I don't know, is quicksilver fool's gold? For my dad it is.
  25. xoValeriexo

    Episode 13 — Andy Daly, Our Close Friend

    Asteck, my little baby, you've done it again! That made me laugh scoops and scoops of troops. I'm too tired to be awake and I'm sorry about that. How come more people don't use the hint you've employed? The "it doesn't rhyme with" hint. It's brilliant.