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Everything posted by xoValeriexo

  1. xoValeriexo

    Episode 251 — The Bed Spoiler

    Loving Ambie Tambie.
  2. xoValeriexo

    Episode 250 — Podcast Silence

    Major crush on Pete. MAJOR.
  3. I've decided to post today, not because it's my birthday (although it is), but because I have some things to say about your new show. First of all, Hayes' laugh is the best. If not the best, then certainly better than Sean's. Second, god, I really should've posted here after I first listened. Third, I shouldn't listen in the car because then I can't make notes about what I want to say in the message board, which leads me to making pointless lists. Fourth, I'm 27 years a lady. Fifth, okay, this list is getting pretty good. For Donald Glover: How does the song "Dude Looks Like a Lady" influence you as an actor? When you say you like something, are people like "Really? Or are you acting?"? Is my last question grammatically correct? Altar boys are kind of like pokemon to Catholic priests, because they gotta touch 'em all. <--For Twitter, not Donald. Is Rebecca Donaldson from Full House your son? That's all from me today, guys. Happy Birthday, Valerie.
  4. xoValeriexo

    Episode 39 — There Is Ninjas

    I threw my back out yesterday (I am oldx1000) so it was not very nice of Sean to say "Toby Keith Cool" on this episode. I laughed really hard, which made my back feel terrible. But on this, the day of your podcast's funeral, I will kindly forgive and forget. Hayes said something really funny too, but I forget what. Maybe if you said my name with gusto, the way Sean did, I would've remembered. I'm so glad you had Lauren on your last show. She is hilarious. And OITNB is actually a really good show. And, guess what, it's not canceling itself and starting anew to appease the "sheeples" (thanks for the cool new word, Jimmy Rustles). I hope we can all remain friends through this. I love you guys and I will really hate watching reality shows knowing I won't get to hear your thoughts on them. That means you guys in the forums too. Even you, Erika. To borrow a line from my favorite movie, To Wong Foo Bruce Reid Robinson II Thanks For Everything Toby Keith Sweat, "C'mere ya big lug". Chanson and Not the Narnold, I think I'll miss you most of all. "I gotta go. Bye." - Merritt Wever
  5. xoValeriexo

    Episode 38 — I Have 30 Companies

    Eh, listening to your new show sounds alright, but I think I'd rather send a message to Earwolf and kill myself.
  6. xoValeriexo

    Episode 38 — I Have 30 Companies

    Chanson, don't be upset with me just because I'm a straight shooter who isn't afraid to get #controversial. I knew I would get shit from all around when I called you out on your braggery, and that's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh. Sean and Hayes, hi. How are you? Did you know you're just Sean and Hayes in my home? If I said to my boyfriend, one-time-caller-Joe, "Remember when Sean said..." he would know I was talking about our little RSS sweetie magoo. And if I said to him "Remember when Hayes said..." he would laugh because he knows I would never want to talk about Hayes. Hayes, I'm negging you. It means I like you. Read a book. I just want you to know how much I care for you. And I'm being genuine, it's just that I'm not that good at it. Sparkle on, sparklers.
  7. xoValeriexo

    Episode 37 — Huge Dymanic Power Couple

    Ged and JustFriends are feeling a little off to me. I mean, Sean and Hayes are hotties with bodies whose hilarity just won't quit, but it's not like they're the pumpkin spice latte, they're just really fine honeys with jokes for days. Although I know a girl whose favorite Backstreet Boy is AJ, so maybe it's just one of those things.
  8. xoValeriexo

    Episode 37 — Huge Dymanic Power Couple

    Please tell me this is your way of telling us you're the VPN podcast for tomorrow. Or Improv4Humans. You know what, yeah, please tell me tomorrow's VPN podcast is Improv4Humans. I've had my fill of Sean lately. I just saw the episode of Work of Holics he was on. I had to turn the brightness down on my tv because of the glow he emits. Annoying.
  9. xoValeriexo

    Episode 37 — Huge Dymanic Power Couple

    A lot of bragging happening on the forums this week. Where are my shorties with low self-esteem?
  10. xoValeriexo

    Episode 37 — Huge Dymanic Power Couple

    Greggy, so funny! Already your Shane and Heys comment made me laugh, then the last little paragraph made me laugh even more. I like you, Greggy. The Audible ad within this episode was hilarious. My boyfriend and I were laughing so hard while driving on the freeway. Not cool, you guys. The Exterminator alliance bugs the fuck out of me. These losers think they've done something impressive when all they've actually done is managed to not get voted off because everyone thought they were too shitty and stupid to worry about. Then they're cocky about all they've accomplished. It drives me crazy. I can't stand seeing some idiot win just because everyone let them slide by. Where's this seasons Dan? Give me a Dan! These people are jumbo dumbos, y'all, and I'm not afraid to say it. Wait, there's more.. Judd hunts frogs, Spencer said homophobic stuff, Gina Marie said racist stuff, McCrae's favorite player from the past was James, who tormented a girl by calling her "horseface" and blaming her for her father's suicide (he left her a voicemail while she was in class and it was too late by the time she heard it). These people suck my balls. And Andy is just a mean-spirited, dirty player. Like now that Amanda's gone, why does he have to get rid of McCrae? And who will win America's Favorite Player? I shudder to think! So much so that I initially wrote "shutter"! Also Project Runway, huh? Guys feelin' Ken? His attitude is pretty cool.
  11. xoValeriexo

    Episode 35 — Riddle Me Why

    I'm sorry, Chanson, I just didn't want to bring the forums down during this difficult time in my life. These forums are hot and these days I'm not feeling so...that way. I can't stop thinking about all of the people who lost their lives on Whodunnit. I know they're zombies now and they probably have a lot of good opportunities arising (from the dead, even), but I can't help but feel like the show could've found another way. Maybe just pretend to kill the contestants or something, but I know that's silly. That would be like Michael Haneke using CG to show a horse having it's throat slit in his movie instead of using an actual horse. The audience would feel cheated. Showbiz...Can't live with it, can't live without it. Also cats are better than dogs.
  12. xoValeriexo

    Episode 34 — Total Math Wiz

    Hey, guys, can we get John Gemberling on to discuss bestiality? Let's see what this forum can really do.
  13. xoValeriexo

    Episode 33 — Antigua Is So Beautiful

    Oh my god, you guys, why didn't you tell us your series got picked up? It looks so good, brohammies. Congrats. #WeAreMen
  14. xoValeriexo

    Episode 33 — Antigua Is So Beautiful

    It hurts so good. Did you guys watch The Contender? It was a boxing show with Sugar Ray Leonard and one of the contestants committed suicide. Well, thinking about this show inspired me to look up other reality show suicides and I found some interesting ones. There was a guy from Paradise Hotel who I remember being the only likeable person on the show. He jumped off of a tower. There was a woman whose sister was going to be on Extreme Makeover, so she was made to be overly critical about her sister's "before" appearance, but the show ended up not giving her a makeover at all. Her sister felt guilty so she killed herself and her sister is raising her children. And a guy from the Swedish version of Survivor threw himself in front of a train because he thought he'd look like a fool on the show. And obviously Mindy McCready from Celebrity Rehab. Hey, sorry to be critical again, but how come you guys kept calling that contestant on The Challenge "Theresa"? Wes kissed her once, remember? She doesn't have a name anymore, now she's just Wes' trash. Sorry bros, I just had to call you out on it. I'm a straight shooter and I hate to call you low self-esteem, but if the shoe fits. It's 3:30am by the way, so if my post is too safe and uncontroversial, it's because I'm tired.
  15. xoValeriexo

    Episode 32 — Female Body Inspector

    I'm actually in the middle of filming a documentary about Female Body Inspectors. They're seen as heroes but to a lot of the women they inspect they're anything but. I'd like to say more, but I'd really like to keep your interest piqued so my doc makes lots o' $$$.
  16. xoValeriexo

    Episode 32 — Female Body Inspector

    I can't believe you guys didn't discuss how horribly Brooks handled the break-up. Saying things like "I wish I was madly in love with you" and "It's sucks because there's nothing I can say to make you feel better". And when she told him she loves him, he said "Why didn't you tell me that before?" as though there was something she could've done or could do to change his mind. I really hated how phony he was on the show too. In that clip where she says she's going into a run and he's jogging (which is the same fucking thing), he's smiling literally the biggest smile he possibly could, yet when he's interviewed a second later all he's saying is that he was freaked out and he's like walking and he just doesn't know how she could feel that way about him when he really doesn't feel that way about her. Hopefully Zak will become the bachelor and then I can move on from this tragedy. Sean explaining spaghetti was my favorite. Have you guys seen the love Tumblr has for Laura Prepon in Orange is the New Black? It's creepy, but understandable.
  17. xoValeriexo

    Episode 31 — Surprise Surprise

    Sean and Hayes are responsible for all the wars in the world.
  18. xoValeriexo

    Episode 31 — Surprise Surprise

    This forum would have a lot more comments if Hayes (who looks more like a "Hunter") and Sean (who looks more like a "dummy") gave a flying fuck about us. One comment a piece? I think TJ Lavin would have a few choice words to say to them about their level of commitment to their message boarding duties.
  19. xoValeriexo

    Episode 31 — Surprise Surprise

    I heard TJ Lavin had mixed feelings about Brokeback Mountain. I listened to the last 2 episodes last night, so I'm sorry for not commenting until now. But you guys know I'm primarily an Eardropper, so that doesn't leave me with a lot of time for other, lesser podcasts. Big Brother: I don't quite understand what Elissa's issue even was with the way Amanda was dressed. I thought it was a religious thing initially, but then it was a two-pieces-aren't-cute thing, a not-sexy-enough thing, and possibly a you're-fat thing. She's a psycho with a dustmop, right guys? Right? Guys? Whodunnit?: Someone in their twenties is named Ulysses. The Bachelorette: Zak! Come back! This is wack! Reality Show Show: Sean, where are your glasses? I never realized how unintelligent you look until now. Will Hayes ever find love with Dominque Moceanu? She kind of looks like Jamie Lynn Sigler, so maybe he could go that way instead. The message boards: Hotter than a qt on vacay
  20. xoValeriexo

    Episode 29 — This Is Rude

    How is The Mole not on anymore? It was so good every single time. It actually reminds me a lot of The Amazing Race, because it was very serious, had high production value, and had interesting and strenuous challenges. But Whodunnit? brings the mystery element that oftentimes make people sound silly when their guesses are way off, which I enjoy very much. Pettycoat, you are my friend.
  21. xoValeriexo

    Episode 29 — This Is Rude

    I assume you guys know that Aaryn was just being a "joke" stealer in her nail salon bit. Start the video at about 6:25. Anjelah Johnson says all of the same stuff by 7:35. And I'm not putting the blame on anyone, but I died in Super Luigi U when my name was mentioned on the podcast. Just something to think about next time you want to make someone's day. I'm so glad you guys are back. Mama happy. pettycoat, I love it when people cry on Whodunnit! They're just so afraid of being fake murdered. I also love when someone says something like "It was so disgusting swimming in the pool where that dead body was". Um.. is it? Celebrity Whodunnit would be AMAZING. I hope your whole post wasn't a joke, because I really do like that show.
  22. xoValeriexo


    Just make sure you're both all caught up on Big Brother and Bachelorette. Whodunnit is pretty fun too, if you want to try that out. I miss you guys because I only have like one real-life friend, so please just don't leave me. You can watch Big Brother at CBS.com, so you've got no excuse. Plus: racism scandal! Boy did you guys pick a good season to start watching.
  23. xoValeriexo

    Episode 219 — Farts and Procreation 3

    Your criticism of the last episode was pointless because you said the guests talked over one another, but you know as well as anyone that none of those people will be on again next week and they will likely never all be on another episode together. Each show is different. If you can pinpoint who specifically did the most cross-talk, then maybe you can specify and they'll see your comment and they can work on that in the future, otherwise you're just kind of being critical to be critical. You can't expect Scott to tell everyone to calm down and speak one at a time, right? That would feel a little uncomfortable to me. These forums generally are for compliments and praise, partially because it seems mean to say shitty stuff when the people on the show will likely read it. But if you have a genuine concern or something you really feel detracts from a show, post about it. I don't think anyone would jump down your throat if they felt your negative comment came from a good place.
  24. It's like some of you have never watched an episode of Oprah. You actually can be molested and kind of like it. And, yeah, Sean was a teenage boy who probably wanted to be groped by any woman around and all that typical stuff that's definitely true.. but she was an older woman who thought she could broaden a young boy's horizons sexually, she was in an unhappy marriage, she belittled him when he didn't want her sexual advances to continue. Yeah, Sean was preetttyy much molested. Sorry, Sean! Luv ya, boo boo.