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About jonbershad

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  1. jonbershad

    Episode 9.3 — Time Crunch: Day 3

    Jeff, if it makes you feel better, I'm sure the American Idol message boards get pretty heated every year. But, do the ratings go down the next season. Nope. Because, at the heart, the fans still love the show. . Contests make people passionate and sometimes that means anger. Already it looks like the forum is less heated today than yesterday. Yes, some people are still apoplectic but some people always will be. . Most of us are here because they love the show, love the network, love Matt, love the producers, etc. I can't speak for everyone but for me personally, as someone who couldn't even finish yesterday's episode, I know that it won't change my view of the show as a whole. You guys tried something new and awesome and one element kind of f'ed up. Oh well. This was the first time anyone's tried this and I'm sure nearly everyone here appreciates that and will give the team all necessary leeway for any perceived growing pains. . ...Not that the judges gave LHR any leeway this week. . I kid! I kid! . Anyway, thanks for, y'know, the hours and hours of free entertainment!
  2. jonbershad

    Episode 9.3 — Time Crunch: Day 3

    Jeff, if it makes you feel better, I'm sure the American Idol message boards get pretty heated every year. But, do the ratings go down the next season. Nope. Because, at the heart, the fans still love the show. . Contests make people passionate and sometimes that means anger. Already it looks like the forum is less heated today than yesterday. Yes, some people are still apoplectic but some people always will be. . Most of us are here because they love the show, love the network, love Matt, love the producers, etc. I can't speak for everyone but for me personally, as someone who couldn't even finish yesterday's episode, I know that it won't change my view of the show as a whole. You guys tried something new and awesome and one element kind of f'ed up. Oh well. This was the first time anyone's tried this and I'm sure nearly everyone here appreciates that and will give the team all necessary leeway for any perceived growing pains. . ...Not that the judges gave LHR any leeway this week. . I kid! I kid! . Anyway, thanks for, y'know, the hours and hours of free entertainment!
  3. jonbershad

    Episode 9.2 — Time Crunch: Day 2

    First off, I'm a longtime LHR listener so I might be biased, but I'm not sure I can even listen to tomorrow's episode. - There just seems to be so much misunderstanding going on in this week's challenge. What were the podcasts being tested on? Was it professionalism as has been bandied about? If so, there's no way LHR shouldn't have been the victors by far. Instead they're being penalized for, what? NOT whining about the bum hand they were dealt? Isn't that the very definition of professionalism? - Even if the test wasn't about that, there's no way in hell they could have mentioned the situation in the format of their show. They do a sketch comedy show in which they haven't once broken character in a single sketch. If, in the middle of one of their episodes, they suddenly stopped doing sketches and talking about how a big celeb was supposed to be there but canceled on them, it would have been completely distracting, not to mention petty sounding. Their only other option would have been to jokingly do a sketch that was clearly written for ZG but have someone completely inappropriate voice it. However... - a) A sketch like that has been done a million times before, and There didn't seem to be anything in the rules that told them they needed to do that. I may be wrong (and if I am, I apologize) but it seems like they were just told "You have 30 minutes. Do something." They did. They worked together and did what it is that they do: sketch. And yet they could be going home just because the judges decided it was necessary to do something else? - And, even if you didn't like the sketch, I completely agree with @snarla that it was clearly about an idea who's execution outlives its usefulness. Think about it from a writing standpoint. If that's your idea (and again, you may not like it), what is better than a pop culture icon to demonstrate that something is dated? They could have had the guy create some outdated technology (CDs, laserdisks, etc.) but the idea they went with seems to have the best components that could be depicted in an audio only performance. - But, really, the sketch was what it was and I don't want to come off like I'm just some LHR fanboy who would be upset no matter what if they lost. I've grown to like all the remaining podcasts and I'm going to be upset for whomever goes home tomorrow. - This may have sounded like a good idea when Scott had it (and I do think there's the makings for an interesting challenge there), but it's just too late in the game to do something this hazily defined and possible to misunderstand. It hurts both whomever gets knocked out tomorrow as well as whomever wins next week ("They never would have won if ****** hadn't gotten cheated in the last round!"). - I'm complaining as an LHR fan, yes. But as a huge fan of The Earwolf Challenge as well. This was a misstep. - (Sorry for the ridiculously long post and the stupid hyphens. Long time lurker, first time commenter)
  4. jonbershad

    Episode 9.2 — Time Crunch: Day 2

    First off, I'm a longtime LHR listener so I might be biased, but I'm not sure I can even listen to tomorrow's episode. - There just seems to be so much misunderstanding going on in this week's challenge. What were the podcasts being tested on? Was it professionalism as has been bandied about? If so, there's no way LHR shouldn't have been the victors by far. Instead they're being penalized for, what? NOT whining about the bum hand they were dealt? Isn't that the very definition of professionalism? - Even if the test wasn't about that, there's no way in hell they could have mentioned the situation in the format of their show. They do a sketch comedy show in which they haven't once broken character in a single sketch. If, in the middle of one of their episodes, they suddenly stopped doing sketches and talking about how a big celeb was supposed to be there but canceled on them, it would have been completely distracting, not to mention petty sounding. Their only other option would have been to jokingly do a sketch that was clearly written for ZG but have someone completely inappropriate voice it. However... - a) A sketch like that has been done a million times before, and There didn't seem to be anything in the rules that told them they needed to do that. I may be wrong (and if I am, I apologize) but it seems like they were just told "You have 30 minutes. Do something." They did. They worked together and did what it is that they do: sketch. And yet they could be going home just because the judges decided it was necessary to do something else? - And, even if you didn't like the sketch, I completely agree with @snarla that it was clearly about an idea who's execution outlives its usefulness. Think about it from a writing standpoint. If that's your idea (and again, you may not like it), what is better than a pop culture icon to demonstrate that something is dated? They could have had the guy create some outdated technology (CDs, laserdisks, etc.) but the idea they went with seems to have the best components that could be depicted in an audio only performance. - But, really, the sketch was what it was and I don't want to come off like I'm just some LHR fanboy who would be upset no matter what if they lost. I've grown to like all the remaining podcasts and I'm going to be upset for whomever goes home tomorrow. - This may have sounded like a good idea when Scott had it (and I do think there's the makings for an interesting challenge there), but it's just too late in the game to do something this hazily defined and possible to misunderstand. It hurts both whomever gets knocked out tomorrow as well as whomever wins next week ("They never would have won if ****** hadn't gotten cheated in the last round!"). - I'm complaining as an LHR fan, yes. But as a huge fan of The Earwolf Challenge as well. This was a misstep. - (Sorry for the ridiculously long post and the stupid hyphens. Long time lurker, first time commenter)