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Posts posted by takehomejoke

  1. This started off as a good idea but oh boy did it became arduous and sloppy and a bit of a waste of time. Oh well. I did it at work so at least baby got paid!! AMIRIGHT BROS!!!


    And I had a sweet 2 and a half hour best of to listen to as well.




    In case you want to zoom in on yourself: http://imgur.com/70jyEIC


    I went to the link and zoomed in on myself. It was great. Thanks, ADC.

    • Like 6

  2. I'll try to be helpful to the CBB faithful who want more Hayes & Sean but hate Hollywood Handbook fans cult members.


    Here are a couple of episodes with great table reads similar to CBB: The Movie.


    Brian Huskey, Our Close Friend. They read a script called "Teen Pope" about a teenager, who becomes the pope. Pretty great.



    Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend. They read a script called "So it looks like I married a Van Helsing" which is also pretty great.




    The Mikal Cronin episode. Da Vinci's Demons. Enough said.



    • Like 12

  3. Is this it? The spark that finally ignites the powder keg that is the Earwolf forums? We are being ushered into a conflict of conflict and strife. I've heard of cupcake wars, but flame wars?


    Guys, let's just all get along. Yes, we Handbook Heads are very pleased. But we're not pleased with ourselves (except maybe those of us who have invested in the pro version). We're just pleased with Hayes and Sean, pleased that nerds can be so so cool because now we can all be cool nerds too and read big books and play Marios. And maybe you CBB fans can be a sports game or use a football at your frat house babefests after getting off work at your Wall Street corner office, but remember... We're really good forum guests and we can be proud of our deans lists and game boys, and you really shouldn't be so mean so COME ON GUYS ALREADY


    To quote the great H. Wittels, You had me at come on guys

    • Like 22

  4. I think the Seth Morris episode with the cutting in and out of the turkey podcast was excellent and deserving of best of.


    Might I also suggest some kind of supercut involving Sean talking about his sick basement apartment with the blacklight posters. This could also link up nicely with supercuts of whenever Sean mentions his relationship with his dad to an unsuspecting guest, and whenever Hayes talks about his relationship with Carrie-Ann Moss.


    Also the RPG bit from the Mary Holland episode where the building manager is supposed to eat a fresha tomata.


    Guys, it's been said before, but you can't go wrong with literally any clip of this show.

    • Like 5

  5. Best of proposals:


    -The part from the Gil Ozeri episode during the Teaser Freezer when Hayes gets his feelings hurt and switches places with Engineer Brett, and then Sean joins him to do the sound. Spoiler alert: Brett can't host the show by himself!


    -When everyone switches names near the end of the Sean O'Connor episode. David Cone, shitbird, etc.


    -The fantastic Engineer Cody improv bit from the Britanick episode - it involves shooting a bird. Spoiler alert: Engineer Cody is very funny!


    EDIT: Also the opening Shred the Mountain controversy between S & H on the Sean O'Connor ep. I believe that's when Hayes reminds Sean that an apology that doesn't use the word sorry is not a good apology. It's a big fav for me.

    • Like 10


    no you're not wrong... i LOVE LOVE LOVE ellie kemper but her ep is my least fav HH ep ever... she gave off the vibe of like "ummm okayyyy??" *rolls eyes who are these weirdos haha amirite*, wouldn't improv and wouldn't roll with anything S+H were saying. not to get worked up over this or w/e. love her, but i was surprised at how bad she was considering her groundlings background?? maybe she was on her period that day HAHAHAHAHA YESSS UP HIGH


    Now you're speakin' my language! It was weird too given her improv-ish background. Yeah, that's def one of the episodes where I will re-listen to the S & H segment but not the guest. Unfortunately Dan Klein is in that category too..... too many 'likes'

    • Like 1

  7. Am I wrong or did Ellie Kemper kind of deny everything they were doing? Maybe in a cool way but I sort of felt like she wasn't in on it totally. Aubrey Plaza and Pauly Shore also seemed to not be in on it. Either way I have been enjoying a few rum drinks this evening, along with tomato soup so I may be out of it a little. I was reading a book about rum and I couldn't resist the temptation of a little tipple or two. Tipple is a real word, by the way (btw)

    • Like 7


    I don't have anything to add that everyone else hasn't already said. However, I would like to say that I just finished re-listening to the Dave Thomas ep and it's just incredible. I wish Sean or Hayes could give some behind the scenes scoop on that ep (I KNOW YOU GUYS LOOK AT THE FORUMS). Did he listen to every episode before he came on? Probably not. He was just on fire...the skelington thing, asking Sean to "speak on that". Nothing gets by this guy. He's like a goalie and thats a funny thing to say because he's Canadian


    Here are some notes from me on which episodes to listen to:


    -Dave Thomas - great

    -Any of the Workofholics guys - great

    -Both live episodes - great (sean and hayes can really work a crowd)

    -Episode 57 - great for obvious reasons

    -Alex Borstein - underrated and great

    -David Wain - great



    p.s. Johnny Pemberton and Mikal Cronin eps were super great too

    p.p.s and every other episode

    • Like 6

  9. You're going to want to listen to all of HH in order and all of Reality Show Show in order. Or out of order, but you're going to listen to it either way. Eventually you'll branch out and seek Sean and Hayes on other shows like with Special Guest Lauren Lapkus, Trends with Benefits*, and Haim Slides. You will learn at the feet of Sean and Hayes about laughs, smartness, funniness, funny smartness, smart funniness, etc. And it will be good.



    *Shoutout to Agata, Gabe, & July

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  10. So guys, I recently came across a picture I never knew existed, and think it's a pretty great addition to the dad pic timeline.

    The following picture is baby me, my dad, and Oliver North, one of the men behind Iran/Contra. I must be an important person.




    Your d kind of has a Hayes look going - 70's computer engineer


    Plus Oliver North, that's a good get

    • Like 6

  11. Hey, guys. I joined this forum because the Hollywood Handbook Newsletter recommended that all Scoop Troopers should do so. But now I'm not exactly sure where to go from here. What are forum for? And by that I don't mean what are this particular forum for. I mean, what are any forum for? What is the point of forum? Thank you for your time. I apologize for my confusion.


    By the way, I'm a big fan of Shane and Hayes.


    I feel that your forum name infringes on my long-established avatar. You'll be hearing from my solicitor.

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