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Posts posted by takehomejoke

  1. I can honestly say that I don't have a favorite. I love Sean and Hayes equally. They're both funny...and that's all you need to win my heart.


    Plus, who could not like Sean when he is such a lover of kitties. So sweet.


    I love both of these men and to me it has to be equal. On HH at least, Hayes to me is more sly and crafty, whereas Sean seems to be 'on' a lot of the time. You can't really have one without the other, though. The Bozos 'casts and that web series that Hayes did have opened my eyes a lot to other facets of their personas and let me say I'm lovin it

    • Like 3

  2. Reading this thread on my chromebook in the bathroom. As long as we're sharing and being a little sincere I got a master's degree in May, not having paid a cent of tutition, because my employer is a private university with sweet benefits. So yeah, I'd like to brag on that. You all seem like excellent people, including Chanson, and this forum is the best


    Good ep - I was afraid that the Paul Scheer one was going to become a lost ep and we would never get to be thrilled and spooked by tales of skellingtons and Van Helsings. Thank goodness

    • Like 12

  3. i feel stupid right now, I thought he had only been on the one. Also Joe Wengert is fucking awesome-kills it every single time he is on CBB or I4H. I hope he is a close friend of Hayes and Sean


    Speaking of feeling stupid, I only just started watching Workofholics on the Comedy Center. It's great! Cannot believe it took me this long to give something that Mr. Clements is involved in a whirl. And everyone on it has been a guest on HH. Plus I just watched the college flashback episode where Sean plays an effete theater director. And wasn't that a nice treat for me

    • Like 1

  4. Hey, I really love you guys and I'd like to show my appreciation by making a donation to Hollywood Handbook. I think it would be cool if we could all donate this week to show Sean and Hayes that our forum is the strongest forum in the universe. I just donated $20. I think the rule should be $20 and under, since I'm sure most of us are stingy and selfish.


    And, I don't mean to step on UTU2TM's toes, but can we get some t-shirts in here?


    Just donated. Thanks for leading the charge, VB

  5. hey Popcorn Gang,


    tomorrow we will be doing our first ever Hollywood Handbook writers panel. We will have writers from shows like Parking Wrecks, The O Face, and of course Ed.


    Please submit your questions about how to get these good jobs, the dynamics of writers rooms, and the general craft of writering.


    we will ask the questions we think are good, and as for the ones we don't... may heaven show you mercy, because here on earth there will be none.


    What's a "Harris Wittels"? Like, is that even a real name?

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  6. I tried to PM this to Sean and Hayes so that it would just be for them to share with each other, but since they cannot receive PMs I'm going to have to put my "message in a bottle" so to speak,and pray these Qs get to their Es






    these questions might not mean anything to the users...but their the world to me


    Amelie Gillette on HH would mean the world to me. I still re-listen to episodes of her defunct Hater podcast now and then

  7. if there was a spectrum of enjoyable earwolf guest off-mic laughter it might look something like this:


    PFT <----------------------------------------------------------------------------> Pete Holmes


    we're still in beta.


    I really like how willing Pete is to laugh. He's an open book. I'm sure he's not for everyone, but I've always found him really funny, especially on Earwolf shows of late.

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