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Corky Kneivel

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Everything posted by Corky Kneivel

  1. Wow. The first 2 skcenes so far are nucking futs. Horatio Sanz & Matt Walsh have always veered far afield whenever they appear on this show and I like hearing them egg each other on. John Gemberling is so unflappable, yet he has the baility to match anyone on gross out / darkness stuff.
  2. I love me some Gethard, Oneill, Dippold & Gemberling. Plus Husky? Can't wait to listen
  3. Haven't listened yet but so happy to see Chad Carter's face on the list. One of my favorite I4H guests and improvisers
  4. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 143 — Gameface

    How dare you sir? It's pronounced WENGERT
  5. My problem with Gabrus isn't a Fallon/breaking type thing or even Paul Rust where he always cracks himself up at how stupid he's being, I'm saying the guy can't even talk normally without laughing. Listen during the suggestion discussions. He's constantly laughing when he talks. It's just a quirk that grates on me. Someone pointed how much they love it and I responded because I felt the complete opposite of it. Betsy and Matt's laughing at the stuff they were doing, breaking and just background laughter, doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm all for people having fun and celebrating that. It's just, as I said, his manner of communicating by laughing with every word he utters that I think is irritating.
  6. Oh man couldn't disagree more. He laughs waaaay too much. Fantastic improvisor, and super funny, but that "laugh several times a sentence" shit annoys me when people in real life do it and it doubly annoys me when a comedian does it. There's not a sentence he gets through without giggling. Several times. And I reallyo like him as a guest as I said he's fantastic at improv, but the laugh - me no likey.
  7. Holy shit I swear Ithought I was in the Nerd Poker forums as I read this. I was like "haven't you learned by now..."
  8. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 139 — Penis T-Zone

    Rob Moden well said
  9. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 139 — Penis T-Zone

    Every time I start to try to defend Matt Besser or his opinions I remember "This the same motherfucker that liked X-Men 3. Like REALLY liked it." Hard to argue on the same side as someone with opinions like that. that was a joke this next part is serious There's built-in cheat mechanisms in both forms. There's low hanging fruit in both as well. However, anyone saying they are the same thing is just incorrect. Short form is limited comepared to long-form and has more of the built-in cheats, which I think makes up most of long-form folk's negative opinions. Its down to personal preference, IMO. My stand-up friends who do long-form classes get shit from their stand-up friends and short-formers get shit from long-formers and vice-versa. Speaking to the clip in the episode specifically I think Matt was perhaps hypocritical and unfair in his mockery of what they were doing on the clip. I4H initiates a ton of scenes directly from the story or youtube clip so acting like Colin Mockery asking for that information is something to be ridiculed seemed odd to me. Also the concept that short-form improv lends itself to audience recognition while long-form doesn't is silly. Though, to his credit that was Stephanie Allyne who said that last part and Matt acknowledged "no doubt I'm bitter..." so he's speaking from emotional place
  10. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 139 — Penis T-Zone

    Great points all over this thread. I find myself vacillating between positions with each posted comment "I agree with that. I also agree with that. Ooh, that makes sense. Hm so does that."
  11. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 135 — Ute of the Butte

    FUCK FUCKING YES The original with these 3 humans (FBT = Fecal Blow Through & Marjorie) is one of my favorite eps of this podcast. Haven't listened yet, cannot wait.
  12. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 127 — Bug Out Bag

    I like it when you can hear Matt coaching and guiding scenes. Loved this episode.
  13. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 128 — Toothbrush Tommy

    Andy Daly has been amazing every time he's been on this show, starting way back with one of my all-time favorite scenes "Multi-Referee". I can't wait to hear this one.
  14. I love the Hollywood insider stories the bet. More of these (as well as Network, & Adam McKay) type episodes, please. I love when you have a topc and the clips help flesh out the specific topic an dthe guest is someone with intimate knowledge of that specific event or period of time. Thanks for the great show, Jake.
  15. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 68 — Gnasher Poison

    great episode, everyone brought their A-game today on the game play, they semed very into it. I know levelling up seems boring to you guys but when people get cool new shit they just automatically get more into the adventuring. I’m eager to have Sara back to hear Mildred be played with new powers. I adored the spider-song DM torturing too, any chance to gang up on a DM is way appreciated. Though this episode tested my ga reflex throughout. Not sure if my ears are super sensitive today but it seemed like, for the first time in a long while, this episode’s audio was brought to us by the firm of Snorr, Koff, Snack & Retch.
  16. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 67 — Rat Trap

    Not a complaint but I think the past 2 have just been filler episodes. Maybe they recorded when Sara & Gerry couldn’t make it, Sark didn’t have anything ready he wanted to get into without them so he gave some backstory and hints about the current story arc. There have been episodes in the past with no die rolls and they seem to be the more expository episodes. Sark has been killing it lately with the story. Loving the last 2+ months. I play Pathfinder, which is like D&D 3.75, and is heavily dependent upon d20 for game play so I notice when there’s no rolls for checks as well as hearing so much play without them is odd to me.
  17. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 66 — A New Awakening

    Agreed. As I have said before, and I'm sure mods are well aware, I've been less than 100% positive in my comments on these and other Earwolf show forums. I know some disagree and invoke the "free entertainment" mantra but I think there's a place for constructive criticism....HERE. In regards to banning the key word is "constructive" criticism. There's no building from "this sucks, everyone sucks, other things suck" - there's nothing to that comment aside from a person wanting some attention through internet beef.
  18. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 66 — A New Awakening

    No, you are wrong. he has been personal in his negative comments. And if you can't tell that guy was being an ass-hole for the sake of being an ass-hole I don't know what to tell you.
  19. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 65 — The Cavern Explosion

    I've been critical of the show in the past but this comment is pure haterade. I applaud Brian for trying to branch out from front line tanks and do something unique. Hs characterization of Damien ON TOP OF his fantastic in-game choices like making the monster attack Trondor have been up there with Gerry & Blaine's amazing character work. Of all things that slow down this podcast, Brian being unclear on magic rules wouldn't even enter the realm. 100% disagree with you on that.
  20. I loved this episode. Taking inspiration from Ben Lee's songs, as well as from his descriptions of why he wrote them, worked really well. I’ve often wondered how Matt picks performers for this show, and this episode really made me think about it. One of my favorite episodes was Lennon Parham, Jessica St. Clair & Jason Mantzoukas and at the very beginning Matt comments on how he loved the energy in the room and thought it would make for great improv. I wonder if any considerations like that went into having the performers for this Ben Lee episode.
  21. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 65 — The Cavern Explosion

    What a great fucking episode. From DMing to character role play to choices to very little actually happening yet SO FUCKING MUCH happening. God damn this was so great.
  22. Who put you up to saying that? Was it that wizard on my street who disguised himself as a dog? I hate that guy, always telling me what to do... But really though, you were feeling their contribution? I thought the comedy was just bad and poorly executed. I mean didn’t one of them even do Adam Sandler’s “I got a snake, mang” voice?