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Corky Kneivel

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Everything posted by Corky Kneivel

  1. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 34 — The Dark Planet

    Great episode. Loved the pace, the game play, and that planet just got creepier and creepier. In my head I saw that hallway of paintings like a cut scene from a game. A 1st person POV of the endless hallway of paintings and you hear the character mutter incredulously "What the...". Wait for the beep you gotta leave your name, gotta leave your number
  2. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 34 — The Dark Planet

    He almost sounds like Bruce Willis DOING Alan Rickman
  3. Ugh I couldn’t finish this. The topic was fine as I capital L Love Weird Al, am ambivalent about Phish and enjoy hating ICP, so that’s all okay. But the guest’s way of speaking put me off immensely. His cadence and inflection were so off putting and hard to listen to. He WOULD TALK REAL BIG then get so small. Plus he would laugh at the most odd moments making it even harder to understand what he was saying. I’m conflicted about the most recent installment of Analyze Phish because I want more of that show so badly but I don’t know if I want to listen to more of him.
  4. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 33 — To Hide or Not To Hide

    Agreed. The campaign so far has been a “learn what’s happening as you go” so maybe that’s how this group likes things but it sounded like there was real frustration being expressed this episode. They seemed frustrated about not knowing exactly what they’re facing, the numbers and firepower, or what their actual objective even is. I cracked up at the general loathing they all had about getting into another one of those elevator scenarios.
  5. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 87 — Fake Laughing

    I fake laughed my ideal laugh several times this episode. The sound o fthe little man's feet scrambling killed me, as did "Stop enjoying running!" Mat Love wa sa great sport and gave them an out line haha. Matt besser's "phone guy" voice is almost as funny as his "weird voiced guy in a crowd" voice.
  6. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 29 — Mystery of the Skeletal Chest Crawler

    Fair enough, sci-fi has been a part of D&D. Also I wasn’t as clear as I should have been, but I don’t think those factors negate my assertion that this is MORE sci-fi serial than it is a playing of a D&D campaign. I’m not saying inclusion of sci-fi negates it being D&D, I’m saying what it is, the way it is played, and the implementation of items, skills, combat wouldn’t be recognizable as D&D as described in the 4th E manual. I think it’s evidenced by not DCs during an hour of game play. Secret iphone app or no, no player was asked to make a check on any of their numerous action attempts and to me that IS why its not D&D but rather D&D-Adjacent. I just flat disagree with you on that. I'm not sure I understand what you mean. And dblade: I love Pathfinder. I think that game is just about perfect. I’m also a fan of mechanics being broken down and even rule interpretation discussions (up to a point). But so what, right? The show is entertaining as fucking hell to me and I listen 1st thing each Wednesday. This group has been playing together fo-eva and whatever they play is theirs to play how they want to. I just found myself agreeing that Nod was technically correct, which thanks to Futurama we all know to be the best kind of correct.
  7. Alright that is fucked. You are consistently the most positive and energetically complimentary poster on the entirety of Earwolf. When shit gets YOU bummed, that’s when everyone needs to just cut the shit.
  8. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 29 — Mystery of the Skeletal Chest Crawler

    I disagree with his evaluation of the show wholeheartedly but Nod is technically accurate. Calling this a "D&D Adventure" is like calling your fantasy football league an NFL game. They use the basic D&D class/character D20 (occasionally) template but this is a sci-fantasy episodic serial more than an actual D&D campaign. Again, that is in no way a knock on the show because I love the show and look forward to it every Wednesday. But someone looking forward to, an someone who enjoys, a Dungeon Crawl or just hearing core mechanics being applied, might be turned off by is. Especially if they came to it becaus eit was labeled as "Dungeons & Dragons with Brian Posehn and friends". EDITED TO ADD: For example, the most recent episode - 06/19/13 - was an entire hour with not one D20 roll for anything. You can't play an hour of D&D, representing 4 days of game time, without any checks and still call the shit Dungeons & Dragons. Well I mean, you can, you can call it “Blue Waffle Underwater Drumming Technique & Lemon Party with Brian Posehn & Friends” if you want…but people expecting to hear any of those things might argue the veracity of the name.
  9. But seriously you're making me re-think the advancements I've made today when you say shit like this: So all white poeple enjoy shitting on minorities? That's a fucking stupid opinion.
  10. It's not posting gifs I'm racist towards, some of my best friends post gifs. After I'm done asking if I can touch their hair my bffs who I compliment them on not being one of "those" gif posters. You know "them" who post "You Mad" gifs and "they" give all other gif posters a bad name. I'm not surprised you didn't comprehend what I wrote though, you've been missing points throughout this post. And hey! Lookie there! I paid attention to what you said after I said I knew not to! I'm breaking stereotypes right and left! Progressive Power! lolol white people lolol
  11. My stereotype is that "You Mad" is to internet replies as the "Hitler Extrapolation" is to actual conversations. Once it gets brought out, I know I can stop caring what you have to say. I'm comfortable with that bit of stereotyping.
  12. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 64 — After Earth

    Aww man I loved that episode.
  13. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 85 — Animal Lovers

    HAHAHA I still haven't listened to this episode yet, but i have read through this entire thread, and I'm laughing like an idiot. The shetland pony strut did me in.
  14. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 85 — Animal Lovers

    HAVEN'T LISTENED YET BUT 3 OF MY IMPROV FAVES. I’ve never been disappointed when Matt Walsh comes in. He just seems to be able to go with anything thrown at him immediately. Spectacular improviser. Paul Rust is hilarious and in previous episodes his chemistry with Matt has been hilarious. Gemberling has moved into my top 5 I4H guests, sadly I replaced Billy Merritt, and even more sadly I have a personal ranking system for I4H guests. www.CorkysI4HTopTenners.com for more info!
  15. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 84 —Double or Nothing

    can't wait can't wait can't wait
  16. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 83 - Driving Yellow Jackets

    I agree on the supporters. Reply after reply of “I think you’re funny” “They’re haters and you made their jokes funnier” or the worst one “It’s only Twitter” is baffling to me. The overwhelming majority of his supporters are Christian and there’s such an obvious persecution complex thing going on. Time and again there are tweets saying Patton et al are only complaining because Sammy’s funnier with their material, they’re pathetic because it’s nothing to get worked up over, or they’re just bullies and trolls. I’d believe the sincerity of their support a lot more if so much of it didn’t drip with snarky superiority and condescending criticism towards the people calling him out for joke theft. Most confusing is the “I think you’re funnier than they are” – what? How? I think that’s a great idea to have not Sammy Rhodes but one of the more vocal supporters on to discuss. It could give a great insight into how people who don’t see twitter as a creative outlet view the people who do.
  17. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 25 — The Locker Gifts

    Sorry I didn't notice this question. Yeah I tried listening to that one, I gave it a fair shot on two occasions. The "people in different places" thing messes with my enjoyment as does some of the personalities on there. Truth be told personalities on most of these RPG podcasts can be pretty damned off-putting. I'm a miserable grouch but a lot of what I've sampled embodies some of my worst RPG experiences. For a long time I liked the idea of D&D but not actually having to sit with the people who are into it. Then I found a group of folks who were cool who played. Some of these podcasts that are out there (Beer & Battle & Paths of Gaeda Pathfinder Sessions are 2 huge examples of this) feature 3 hours of prime social awkwardness. The laughing while they talk thing, is like the SNL sketch The Bloder Brothers is what it sounds like. These guys play okay but the guy with the dog with the jangling chain KILLS me http://www.rpgmp3.co...iewtopic&t=4691 I'm trying to find the one where they ate directly into the mic. There's a British guy and an Indian girl on it.
  18. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 83 - Driving Yellow Jackets

    Speaking of Twitter, I wonder if a Case Closed segment with @ProdigalSam/Sammy Rhodes would be funny/satisfying? Patton Oswalt recently blasted him.
  19. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 83 - Driving Yellow Jackets

    AWW FUCK YEAH © weird Scott Aukerman cumming noise
  20. I'm kinda excited for this episode
  21. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 25 — The Locker Gifts

    Yeah Gerry was killing it this episode and I love how really in character or in line it is with what he's gone through. If you were already a paladin in service of a God, then were brought back to life and tasked form that God with evidence on your body of the righteousness of your resurrection - damn right you'd be a zealot. NOTHING and NOONE else would matter if it didn't serve Bahamut's purpose. Plus it riles up Mildred and Amarth so its doubly great. I love this show. I mean it when I say it is one of only 2 even listenable D&D podcasts on the web and its the only one that records regularly. Sark's world development and DMing is sublime. I've only had one mild instance of being underwhelmed and that was because what had come before it was so great, plus I'm a whiney ass-hole. The way the gang plays is whats best about D&D and is what every table should aim to be. In character play, out of character fucking around, and no gigantic social outcasts who laugh after every single thing they say ** . I look forward to this podcast every week. Okay this will be my last negative comment about Bartho Shett I swear but, damn I forgot he was dragon-born! I even said out loud "oh shit yeah thats right" when Sark brought it up. I forgot because there is just absolutely nothing to that character. Not a thing. Nothing to make you remember who he is, what he is, or what purpose he serves. He's a dragon-born with a strength of 21 or 22 (I only know because they said it this episode)? Has he ever displayed his tank ability in combat? I'm asking sincerely. Even his "tailor-made" locker gift was only unique because it was for a dragon. Everything else went with character as well. Amarth's a muscular dolt quick to anger, Mildred has a big heart and a big brow, Blackie can be summed up with the phrase "finger guns", and Sir Richard (and Naked Druid Bear Man before him) both had unique characters, such that the boards were clamoring for the latter's return. Bartho Shett is....what? ** seriously thats why I can't even tolerate any of the myriad D&D / Pathfinder podcasts on itubes and elsewhere - the geek laughing. OH.My.. God. On every single podcast there's on of those fuckers that laughs after every single thing they say with that exhale-breath laugh. There's one where they eat the whole time,like directly into the mic. I'm on a D&D/Pathfinder kick right now so I've been chasing down as many of these as I can. I should go through and list the most egregious examples.
  22. @thestray: Wonderfully stated. My thoughts 100% on the money throughout your entire post. I love the Case Closed segments for exactly this reason: calling ignorant bullies out on their shit. The guy wasn't smart, didn't have a real opinion aside from just knee-jerk criticism of both the praisers and the praisee, yet has a way of conveying his bigoted words to a wide group of people without real human interaction. So fuck the being content in just knowing you're better than this idiot, get him on the phone and verbally slap some sense into him. Hopefully he hung up that phone thinking, or his friends listened to it and are now thinking, "hmmm...maybe I should actually think before I speak". I4H is the greatest podcast that exists right now. I'm a little biased because of my affinity for long-form but the number of great comedians that come through, and the comedy explored is just astounding. I'd also like to ask Matt what he thinks of the new hosts of Stuff You Missed in History Class. I got turned onto that show through Matt's recommendation and went through the back catalog.The hosts at that time: Sarah & Dubleena,made a good tandem. This new crew doesn't do it for me. They just don't have pleasing voices and on girl talks with that "uptalk" where every statement sounds like she's asking a question. Just not doing it for me.
  23. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 24 — For Glinishmore and Bahamut!

    I was disappointed with Sark’s description of what happened to Amarth & Mildred while trapped in the water world. Not that they survived or that it was hokey or anything but it was just kinda…boring and not told very well. After the two separation sequences for Naked Druid Bear Man (forgetting the character’s name) & Sir Richard perhaps anything was going to be a letdown but that sequence took long and he said little in a tortured way. Brian echoed my sentiments afterwards when he tried to reset after the commercial by going “Alright we’re back and…what the fuck happened?” I look forward to this podcast every week, and it is one of two LISTENABLE Dungeons & Dragons real-play podcasts that I’ve been able to find. The other is the Acquisitions Inc. stuff and that’s every couple of years or so. I noticed last week Gerry mentione D&D ignoring them. I’m curious what would be the reason for that.
  24. Corky Kneivel

    Episode 78 — The A Crew

    He seems like he's the Rush sort of conservative blowhard, the kind that I equate with bad guys in wrestling or in a Wild West show at Universal Studios. They know their job is to rile up the crowd and be the dog heavy. Guys like Rush, Dennis Miller, and O'Reilly, I think they "get it" and are just cashing paychecks. I don't like them, or what they say, but I absolutely despise all the people in the big crowd eating up their words unquestioned. Guys like Hannity though...yikes I really believe that motherfucker thinks he's a good guy. ((haven't listened to the podcast yet, sorry))