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Corky Kneivel

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Posts posted by Corky Kneivel

  1. Whole. Lee. Fuck.



    I was crying I was laughing so hard. Start to finish this episode was amazing. I am just floored by the brilliance and the unflappableness, of these performers. I say that with no hyperbole.



    Lennon sets up a scene based off the story about forgetting you have a date on a specific day by calling and asking where Joe is. He played it perfectly, nervous and fumbling and assuring he’s right there at the amusement park. So when Matt comes and just announces that they were buttfucking and is so graphic about it, I lost it. I fucking lost it. I’m thinking “Holy shit what’s she going to do? She was the date? It could have gone any which way and I think a lesser performer would have given over to that but she makes a great heighten by making herself a mistreated, fatherless, kid waiting on a Big Brother sponsor. Genius.



    That sort of ability is showcased by each performer throughout the episode in every scene they do with the game and pattern expansion. As funny as it was my favorite was the kicker. Just Matt piling on the defeated sounding Gemberling: “Do you wanna apologize?” Just twisting the knife in even more. I love being able to see it too because I loved the reactions to the shit that comes out of their mouth.

  2. If anything, the biggest problem with the segment is that the guests usually don't hold the line to their original argument. I found that the most recent one wasn't as good as it could be just because the guy started backpedaling immediately.



    Yes 100% agree. I thought the OP's point, before I clicked the post, was going to be this very reason:" Stop doing it because nobody has stood up for themselves". Don't blame Matt, or the other people on the show, because these guys are critical over the internet then wilt completely from, or can't produce a logical argument, during a conversation they agreed to. That's silly.


    That last guy just seemed to like saying things only to retract them. He did it with his first post in the Sklars' forums, coming in to say how he only registered just to credit the Sklars. When someone pointed out he seems to have registered more to criticize I4H and he was probably in the wrong forum, he agreed and thanked them. Then did the sam ething in the phone conversation. I HOPE they don't cancel the segment just because people agreeing to be on it seem to be the types who like to bail on their original position when confronted with any sort of counter.


    Now I'm thinking the OP, who registered just to make this post, is a troll hoping Matt will invite him on to discuss this post. Which is some enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a mystery shit. But reading through some of the longer posts above I don't seem to be the first to think this way.

  3. I've been having difficulty "seeing" the surroundings since they began the underater part of this adventure. So are they on top of the ocean, with structures all set up a la Waterworld? Or are they deep in the ocean in some sort of huge bubbled enclosure? I know there's ships pulling up and docking so I'm assuming its the former, not the latter. Were they ever in a bubble thing?



    I enjoy Sark's DMing so much iin that he understands when there's the briefest of lulls that they're all weighing what to do or how to do it, and he'll nudge them with "You can either..." but then he mixes it up on them and gives them false leads like the elevator preparation misdirect. Or when Brian asks if they could swim and SARK replies (paraphrasing) "Sure you could try that...". I'm sitting there listening and thinking "he's hoping they do that just so he can fuck them up".



    Bartho Shett was exceptionally snorey this episode. I'd noticed it before this episode, when the original breathing complaints came in, but I didn't say anything because it didn't get too bad. This episode was the opposite. There were heavy gargle-snore moments throughout this one that I just couldn't ignore. Maybe Blackey Green could do a CPAP Machine advert for some swag?


    EDITED TO ADD: Awesome things that got lost in this one: "I ain't afriad of no ghost" , Brian the avowed metal head going "6 minutes..." from the old Doug E. Fresh classig hip-hop song "The Show"

  4. Awesome as always. They need to make 2 hours long episodes and more Sarah please :).


    I agree. More more more. I'm always checking the time on this podcast because I'm thinking "Shit! Only 20 more minutes left before I have to wait a week...".


    Also, this show is responsible for me playing D&D & Pathfinder weekly now. I checked out the 1st episode and IMMEDIATELY fell in love with not just the show but the idea of Campaign podcasts. At the tables I play at, I'd say 1/2 the people are familiar with Nerd Poker and I've had a couple laugh-filled conversations with people about the Spirit Bear, Brian's love/hate with guys with 12 pack abs,and Blackie Greene's adverts. Hahaha one guy wondered why Sark only draws dick and vag maps hahaha.

  5. Me too.



    Me 3.


    This episode was pure “let’s wind Andy Daly up and let him go”. Scott & Jason are perfect foils for his weird-o characters because they do a perfect blend of “yes, and”ing, questioning him, and outright calling him on his craziness.


    “The fuck are you looking at? Comere and I’m gonna give you a goddamned handjob”- My favorite line ever said

    • Like 3




    Hahaha sorry.


    I promise I wouldn't have him any other way because he's a hilarious human being and they do make it a point to ask him to fill in the blanks...but he really is like a kid with ADHD at a birthday party on an ice cream cake & Hawaiian Punch bender. This episode was himat his bestestworstest. I've wondered what a Blaine appearance on CBB would be like. I think the universe would fold in on itself if a joke opportunity went by with neither Aukerman nor Capatch milking it.


    That sounds oddly specific, "all but two." Which 2 episodes are you referring to? Is one of them this one considering you said you hadn't listened to it yet?


    Sorry. I missed this.


    Haha, the "all but two" is oddly specific because the only episodes I haven't give a re-listen to were the same two I couldn't finish: both episodes featuring Allen McLeod. I mentioned it once before that i didn't enjoy those episodes and stopped listening. I'm not familiar with him anywhere but on I4H but the episodes featuring him were not funny to me. The 2nd one was better than the 1st but still I found myself turning it off.


    I guess I was harkening back to that when I replied (as if everyone reading that reply automatically understands which episodes I'm referring to haha). So yeah, odd & specific.

  8. I've yet to listen to the podcast


    Another thing I didn't understand and don't agree with on their face value were the statements:


    • "Why not just say 'Hey, I didn't like the scene' and keep it to yourself?"

    • "It's not like you bought a ticket that you were forced to stay in. It was free, you saw the title...I don't know. You don't have much of a leg to stand on."


    I suppose that these statements would make sense if it was clear that the show is not open to feedback or discussion, but the show literally has a forum for each episode. If you have a forum, I think you should expect people to use it;... the second point seems to suggest that one can only express a contrary opinion when they have paid money for the entertainmnet, which doesn't make sense to me, since a forum is being provided for feedback.


    I couldn't agree more. it always bugs me when people on podcasts, and even worse when other forum members say it, that because its free entertainment then you shouldn't voice an opinion if its critical of content.




    I enjoy the show and I respect Matt's willingness to talk about this stuff ...


    Again couldn't agree more except to say I flat out LOVE the show. I've listened to every episode, all but two of them several times over. I tell anyone I think would be interested about it, UCB, and Matt Besser.

    • Like 1

  9. Maybe it’s just me, but for me, I just don’t find the character funny. I’m fine with some anti-comedy humor, but what I found most unlikeable about this character was how she didn’t fill in the spaces between deliberately unfunny and simply unfunny. There were several times Scott and/or Kristen set her up and all she could say was ”uhn-hun” or give a serious answer. She either couldn’t or wouldn’t deliver with the funny hahas. Whether it was the character or the performer she wasn’t quick enough to take almost any joke farther. The character hit the same ntoes on her last appearance with the grandma and the washing machines and Charly Brown’s and the bus. When she made the comment about all of her cats I started wondering if it was just the performer I didn’t like. I mean come on, that’s a pretty lame attempt. Lots of Scott reminding her about the humorous aspects of her own backstory or what would be funny about the situation. I liked him not bailing her out on her number countdown though.




    Pants Masterson - that was a fantastci post

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  10. If Ian does it I think it was accidental. I think people accidentally do it sometimes then they just roll with it. I'm not a fan if it overtakes the game of the scene.


    Cool, thanks.It got me curious because I've heard it done a few times. In this one it became its own little sub-game with everyone doing Roseanne-related names which was funny. It seems like people play it two different ways: either acknowledge it directly and fuck with it (like they did in this one), or deny any knowledge of it being odd. Or they're named Cuntalina Hittler



    This line up was fantastic in this episode. They played so well together and hit the patterns perfectly in the Obama Inauguration & Bad Fiancé scenes. Gabrus & Walsh are always solid and Lauren Lapkus has quickly become one of my favorites.

  11. More gold from the goldmine that is Dan Van Kirk’s elocution.


    ….any time or soanso we can IMBIDE some erahh advice onto people, here’s my here’s one right here…



    ....anyone I know that does drugs recorzshzsly...


    I went with Imbide on the spelling, but it could easily be Embide depending on whatever the hell that word is supposed to mean .

  12. This podcast has ignited in me a burning yearning to play D&D and/or Pathfinder. It’s also got me scouring the inter-web for other D&D podcasts. However, everything I’ve found pales in comparison to this one for a few reasons:

    1. These are professional comedians and/or writers. The jokes between them aren’t just dork banter and there isn’t a bizarre deference to the Alpha-Dork among them. Even when they aren’t funny they’re funny about how unfunny they’re being. It’s like MST3King a D&D campaign.
    2. This DM is fucking great. I’m into it for the story of it and the details he brings. A podcast of dice rolls and in-jokes would be boring as shit. This guy, unlike nay others I’ve found, paints the scene incredibly well. On the PvsP/Penny Arcade D&D Podcast the DM is good at acting out the bad guys moves but then he lets the players just talk and talk and push him around. Sark does a good job of balancing story teller, referee, player, & zookeeper.
    3. This group has played together so long they have a rhythm to how they play and know each other’s playing styles. It comes through.
    4. Blackie Greene, Spirit Bear, the shittily named Armoth Amon just charging ahead and destroying things then stopping to think about if he should have, a fair dwarven girl everyone still calls ugly and gay, & nu-id druids. PLEASE MORE BLAINE CAPATCH COMMERCIALS.

    • Like 6

  13. Donnie Wahlberg doesn't so much go "full retard" as he goes "full 90s Sandler". The only thing missing from his first appearances on screen, and when he comes running down the stairs to see his friends, is him shouting "abbey sabba doo!" in a Sandler voice. Shame on the OP citing Stand By Me flashbacks as the kids in this film are more Last Airbender quality performers.


    There is so much happening in this movie at once, yet none of it makes sense. Its like a less cohesive Spider-Man 3, but with triple the plots, and 1/10 the reality.

  14. I say no just because the announcement of his death made me laugh harder than almost anything ever on this show. The way Thomas Lennon was hemming and hawing and getting to it, building it up and telling us how tragic Lil Gary's last days had been, when Scottabot finally hears the words he's passed he starts this outpouring of noises and "No! No! You don't get to do this!! You don't get to do this Tom Lennon!", and you hear him banging on the table while Sir Lloyd Webber's just moaning in the background and oh man I'm laughing so hard right now just typing about it.


    "You don't get to do this!" ranks just behind "Ya interrupted mah FLOW!!" on the Scottabot Raves n Faves Quote List.

    • Like 1

  15. I've yet to llisten to the episode but I cannot wait.


    Okay that statemen tis a falsehood because obviously I am taking the time to write this.



    As long as we're talking about subverting clauses of the bill of rights for the sake of safety, let's put the rest of it on the table.




    I'll happily discuss the remainder of the Bill of Rights with you as long as you acknowledge that the Bill of Rights concept of, and reason behind claiming it a right as decreed by God, bearing arms in no way resembles life as it is lived in 2012. The fundamentals of everything else you mentioned: due process, freedom of the press, separation of chuch and state, still apply (and have been an ongoing national discussion as modernization dictated) but fervent defenders of the constituational right to bear arms have vowed to act like there have been no changes in the last 2 and a quarter centuries regarding the readiness of, accessibility to, and technology of keeping guns.


    The United States of America is no longer just a loose confederation of newly founded states still afriad of an invading superpower, and each other, and that there will never be a need for armed militias of landed gentry. Tyranny and subversion of democracy in 2012 is effected with voter fraud, and back room machinations your guns will never protect you from.


    And to your last paragrapg regarding "the government": you do know who "the government" is don't you? Its us. Its voters. If we the people decide, after FINALLY engaging in open public adult discussion, that arming every white male landowner isn't a natural law, then its not fear or out of safety or cowardice. Its grown ups understanding cause and effect.

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  16. Is it just me or does Chris Fairbanks sound very similar to Craig the guy who works there who's always offering to get sodas for people? I kept waiting for him to do an impression of him waking his mom up.


    I love when the guest just go and go and go and create whole worlds out of ridiculous observations. PFT & Fairbanks mix with Scottabot very well.

  17. I could listen to old Hollywood guys talk shop FOREVER. And a legend like Burrows? Amazing. It is impossible to state the effect he has had on modern comedy. I recently watched the entire of Cheers on netflix and it was such a walk down memory lane, like I was transported back to being 8 and I could remember exactly which jokes me and my dad laughed at together.


    Thank you for this episode.
