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Posts posted by aaronmartinez

  1. As a proud and loyal Gelmaniac I pledge my allegiance to the great Brett Gelman!! GELMAN!!GELMAN!!GELMAN!!GELMAN!!GELMAN!!GELMAN!!GELMAN!!GELMAN!!



  2. This is honestly my favorite show on Earwolf now. FUCK! it's so fucking good. It's on another fucking level.........and that level, is fucking glorious. Nobody who goes to that level ever comes down...... and that's where Brett Gelman lives. He's unstoppable. You can't turn him off. There's no off button. He just keeps slamming us in the face with his beautiful street poetry and delicious comedy. Mmm that comedy is so delicious. Finger licking good. Slurp slurp slurp. Lick up all that comedy! Don't let any of it go to waste!! There are people who would do horrible things for that comedy! HORRIBLE THINGS!!
