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Posts posted by LaurassicPark

  1. SO YOU GUYS. I am going on a fun drive to (and home from) a funeral that is hours away this week. Can anyone give me suggestions for episodes that would be best to play for someone who has never heard the show before? Also preferably something that won't have me blushing in front of my mom...



    Listening to this episode, I'm thinking Friends Without Words would work pretty well. I wish I could play something with Andy Daly or Jessica St. Clair, but the word "dick" might be in there just a few too many times for my poor mother.

  2. Nerd Poker's longevity depends on the players availability, we'd love for it to be weekly forever. And they want that too; it's just about scheduling.


    Would you possibly consider doing Nerd Poker as a monthly podcast with a slightly longer running time (1.5-2 hours) if it meant the podcast could keep on podcasting?


    Also, not a question but a suggestion. If the guys on the show don't draw pictures of their characters, they/you/somebody should ask the listeners for submissions. I'm sure the results would be amazing.

    • Like 1

  3. So I get the sense that a lot of listeners play d&d too. Who wants to share crazy stories?


    The group I play with has, not once but twice, decided to befriend the evil ass dragon we were going to fight. My character has also inadvertent broken an unconscious man's ribs by trying to nudge him awake, only to roll a natural 20.

  4. Hey guys, interesting discussion today. I've been enjoying this week's Cloud Atlas episodes, and look forward to the rest. However I just wanted to put something out there in regards to Lana Wachowski's transgender status.


    Using the phrase "got a sex change" to mean "came out as tansgendered" is essentially the trans* equivelent to calling a black person "colored"; it's very outdated and offensive to many trans* individuals. "Sex change" implies that a trans* individual's gender identity needs to be authenticated by means of surgery, when in reality, many trans* individuals choose to never get surgery. The term also implies that gender is entirely biological, and needs to be "changed" to affirm a trans* person's gender. Some trans* people get surgery, while others do not, but an individual who gets surgery isn't legitimized more than someone who hasn't. In fact, Lana Wachowski has always been a woman, even when she was still presenting as a man.


    It's also considered pretty offensive to even ask a trans* person if they've had SRS (sexual reassignment surgery), as it's a very personal decision, and comes of as a judgement on their gender identity.


    I don't mean to harp on you personally, Noah (I think it was Noah speaking?). It's obvious that you weren't trying to be offesnive. But this is a podcast dealing with issues of social justice, so I wanted to mention it.


    ETA: Here's a glossary of terms relating to being trans* if anyone is curious.

    • Like 2

  5. anyone have a link to the plugs theme song? searched dicky weasel bottom "plug time brag" to no avail.


    ps. moderators why do we not have a link to the plugs theme song submission in the comments for the show or even on the show page, not very famous for a week if no one can find them, the least you could do for the fans who are putting the effort into these songs.



    Here ya go. https://soundcloud.c...ottoms-plugtime


    Edit: I suggest you listen to his other song on there too. https://soundcloud.com/mordecaiwerewolf/luminaries I swear I'm not creeping, I just happened to hear his plugs theme over the weekend and liked it, so I kept poked around.
