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Status Updates posted by NaylorBen


    #ff @GreavesIan @simonscott1975 @alexjthomas @lfbarfe Good people to follow and go to jazz gigs with.


    #IHateSebastianCoe is the only topic worth trending


    #theonewhere Joey is troubled because he's unable to remember what happened during the time he served in the Israel - Lebanon conflict.

  4. . @each1teach1 I'm on US netflix as you advised a few weeks ago. Any particular stand-up recommendations?

  5. *checks to see if anyone has retweeted that last comment yet*

  6. £10 = a message on twitter saying thanks £25 = signed photocopy of the receipt £100 means I'll call you for 30 seconds from my new phone.

  7. A good challenge for Man vs Food would be if he had to eat an entire plate of steamed vegetables.

  8. A racist trending topic has developed largely due to all the people complaining about that trending topic. Love when that happens.

  9. A thing I love about Wonder Showzen - in the Clarence bits, people get really angry, but they still argue with the puppet.

  10. Alexei Sayle has still got it. hope he continues his return to stand-up.

  11. Also anyone interested in some poison, pick this up near hendon park, but you can't touch it. http://t.co/tpxN4TAs

  12. Also if Boris is so amusing, why vote for him to be mayor? He doesn't have time to go on panel shows now.

  13. Another black guy in game of thrones. That means you get to take two drinks!

  14. Anyone have tips for dealing with lying landladies who claim you didn't clean the house properly and want to deduct it from your deposit?

  15. Anyone know the cheapest place to buy the delocated dvd?

  16. Apparently kids these days don't know they're born. Someone should probably tell them, might make them change their attitude

  17. Apparently making jokes about how everything causes cancer, causes cancer.

  18. Apparently they're going to privatize the concept of getting angry about everything being privatized. RT @RopesToInfinity Privatise regret

  19. Are all the best places in London further away from tube stations?

  20. Are Americans watching the ceremony on a delay? These reactions should be amusing.

  21. As soon as people start to come round to the olympics after the ceremony, right wing commentators & politicians start moaning about it.

  22. At some point I'm hoping @squidyuk says something like "Huge queue for " And then posts that photo of a dog.

  23. At the end of the Olympics, there should be a parents race.

  24. Back from jeff mangum #atpfestival Far too much to say but the highlight has to be the impromptu elephant six jam with the sun ra arkestra

  25. Bah useless Jamieson, couldn't even break the world record!
