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Status Updates posted by NaylorBen

  1. To be fair to Tim Martin, anything posher than a kebab shop is extravagant for Wood Green. His pub is more extravagant than a Library though

  2. To compound the Jewish stereotypes , I walked into a bakery and heard two men joking about hiding money from the tax man.

  3. To those who would find this interesting. Brad Bird just posted a link to Prisecolinensinenciousol sadly not the Mike Reid version though

  4. Today I'll recover with, Parks and Rec, Archer, and Portlandia. That's what today is going to be centered around.

  5. Todd Barry's first comedy central special has a joke about Slash. So that's why he showed up last night.

  6. Trouble at the diving, as the green light won't come on to tell them they can go.

  7. Twitter actually sent me an e-mail to warn of some changes they've made?! Something you might want to think about Mark Zuckerberg.

  8. Tywin and Arya in the morning.

  9. Wait a minute, who should I call to report the lost dog? http://t.co/QxtNrnjC

  10. Waiting for Godot: The game http://t.co/aq2IoMu2

  11. Wanderlust was great, although despite recognizing most of the cast, I somehow didn't realize Carvin was Alan Alda until the end credits.

  12. Was great to catch up on what pieces and sjunior had been up to on today's comedy bang bang

  13. Watched the Tim and Eric movie. My expert, in-depth verdict - Yeah it was quite good.

  14. we don't take the killer whites #nutsinmay

  15. Weird seeing old friends, some of whom I've not seen in years performing at the barfly, beeing cheered for like their rockstars or something

  16. Well at least my group predictions are looking accurate now.

  17. Well done Chelsea, maybe got lucky with that 2nd goal, but 5-1 is probably the fair result overall. #twitteristooeasytotroll

  18. Well I've been tweeting #eurovision all night. Now let's see how many people it caused to unfollow me.

  19. Well that was more rapey than I expected #gameofthrones

  20. What part of London is this exactly? #Uncharted3

  21. When I see someone writing lol jk I always read jk as a word, not as the initals. saying J K is more syllables.

  22. Where do I go to get a cheap bike?

  23. Where the hell have you been hot sunny weather? I was expecting you weeks ago.

  24. Why is someone pretending to play drums to this? #malta #eurovision

  25. Wikipedia has only said they'll be blacked out. Won't it just change the colour of it's text to compensate?
