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Status Updates posted by NaylorBen

  1. No on 2nd thoughts, let's not go to the trending topics. It is a silly place.

  2. Nobody could possibly care about that last tweet.

  3. Nobody's been home this weekend so I've come back to a freezing cold house, I think it's actually warmer outside. http://t.co/P253r8FL

  4. Not that, that's nice behavior either, but have some perspective.

  5. now she's trying to say something to get the audience to clap #bbcqt

  6. Of course it's hard to do the false beard or moustache, over my beard.

  7. Oh cool it's Wimbledon, we can start getting false hope for something else.

  8. Oh dear, game of thrones made me glad when a woman was hit, I wouldn't normally be happy at that happening, but she is very evil & annoying.

  9. Oh shit that was a lunch tweet. Oh well hopefully it was justified.

  10. Oh wow, I just saw Birdemic: Shock and Terror. Going straight to the How Did this Get made episode now.

  11. On my Birthday I've currently been enjoying Jack Handey's book "What I'd say to the Maritans (and other veiled threats)"

  12. Ornithologist standup - you ever noticed that vertebrates walk like this... whereas invertebrates walk like this...

  13. parks and recreation DVD's arrived. Now I can listen to the opening theme looped automatically on the main menu.

  14. People seem to have some very strong feelings about snow. Everyone is either deliriously happy or incandescent with rage at the sight of it.

  15. Peter Cook trending, although not as high as a topic about things that make black women mad. Well it's a start.

  16. Pizza hut advertising the hot dog stuffed crust. That just looks utterly terrible and yet...

  17. Probably more fun not to know the full story http://t.co/dGLXAF0Y

  18. Rare Simpsons short from 1995 made for an NFL game http://t.co/hXrAKVYu Never been repeated or put onto DVD

  19. Really taken aback by this. Seeing Olivia Tremor Control and others at the Jeff Mangum ATP was one of the most fun weekends of my life.

  20. Rediscovering Godspeed You! Black Emperor at the moment. There's really nothing quite like them.

  21. Remember everyone, it's actually pronounced Badmington

  22. Remember when Glenn Hoddle said disabled people were being punished for sinning in a previous life? Those were good old days eh?

  23. Rowan Williams is stepping down to take on other responsibilities http://t.co/kvrZ0ugp

  24. RT @twit_zrenie: Судя по нашим данным, вы проводите за монитором без перерывов в среднем 7 часoв 27 минут в день, проверьте своё зрение. ...
