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Status Updates posted by NaylorBen

  1. Surely other Tennis players mum's are in the crowd, why don't we hear more about them?

  2. Tell @Jeremy_Hunt to end the #Murdoch #BBC robbery! Click here to join: http://t.co/F1RZdu7q

  3. Thanks @scharpling I keep having to stop myself from talking in the voice of @GaryThaSquirrel

  4. Thanks to those who came out for drinks last night, it was fun in spite of the interruptions from 2 separate farting costume parties.

  5. That Eddie Pepitone movie will be playing at the Price Charles on 14th august with Q&A any interest? @GrimWord @alexjthomas @each1teach1

  6. That will not clean off a burnt book! what sort of example are they setting to children! #e3

  7. That's probably been done before.

  8. The best time to get mugged would be when you've just bought a new wallet.

  9. The cyclists going through Richmond park.I could show them a much better shortcut.

  10. The subtext of that TFL tweet - now stop bothering us and use your bikes instead

  11. These are good RT @Twistedlilkitty So, I've put all of my doodles from the last month or so on this tumblr. http://t.co/XxxYjnHZ

  12. They could buy giant billboards with Jimbo Wales' face and threaten to keep putting them up until the legislation is dropped.

  13. They really should be wearing union jack speedos #olympicdiving

  14. They should have got Jon from Delocated to interview Banksy.

  15. They think that equipment's good? They just haven't seen......

  16. They've really undermined the good will Matt and Trey provided with this.

  17. Think my question was used on @pftompkins Dead Authors podcast but they're uncredited and recorded so far in advance I'm unsure

  18. This "football" is a peculiar sport. Can't see it catching on outside the Olympics.

  19. This may be a controversial statement, but I think punching women is wrong! #grammys

  20. Ticket booked to see Godspeed You Black Emperor at the hmv forum in November. Seated, so maybe I'll get to see the stage properly this time.
