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Posts posted by Wien

  1. Seriously, when watching this bullshit, watch it with the Subtitles turned on so you can SEE and READ the bullshit they are saying. Its, to use a 'zoukism, Next Level Bonkers. Especially when there is music with lyrics.


    Its like the show was written by ESL foreigners through Google translate.

  2. This show is BAD. Some of the worst writing I've ever seen, and I'm counting The Room and Birdemic in there, too. I STRUGGLED to make it through 2 and a half episodes of this terrible show.



    What have they done to my lovely Famke Janssen.....

  3. Decided to watch Hemlock Grove on Netflix after Paul's mentioning it.... Holy shit, guys. This is bad. This is REAL bad. This is by far some of the worst writing I've ever encountered, on every level.


    Birdemic's dialog was better written than this shit, and maybe even better acted in some regards. Why is my beloved Famke Janssen a part of this??

  4. That's because he had. Recently. The timing of your question couldn't have been better/worse. He just tried raising $50,000 and reached only $130 for another movie project on Kickstarter on April 3rd. He deleted his Kickstarter account shortly thereafter.


    He didn't do himself any favors, though, by barely advertising it. He didn't even mention it to the audience at the Hollywood premiere when there was still time left.


    Bahahahaha holy smokes. Wow, I had NO idea. That makes his reaction perfectly understandable now. I have masterful timing, it seems. He didn't mention any amount of that.... that must have been even more awkward when the host said to his face that Veronica Mars raised 5 million on kickstarter. I wonder why he would think he wouldn't need to market his kickstarter campaign.

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  5. Great recap. What was your question that he seemed to take offense to?


    Ok first, he announced Birdemic 3 here, too. Said the plan is for it to be in 3D (I think he actually called it something like Birdemic 3D: Seagull or something). At anyrate....


    Every time he spoke, the answer inevitably went to "budget", and how hard a time he had raising money, convincing studios to give him money, etc. He talked about how he paid for Birdemic out of pocket with his paychecks, and how he had to scale things down in Birdemic 2 because of the budget.


    So I asked him "Would you ever consider crowdfunding resources like Indie Go Go or Kickstarter for Birdemic 3?" He almost seemed offended from the start. Like maybe he thought I insinuated that he couldn't fundraise traditionally....? I'm not sure why, but his answer was strange. He sounded like he dabbled in it before, and failed. He calls it a "last resort". He stressed that if you are a movie maker, to go the traditional route first; find a producer, talk to studios, fund raise, etc. The moderator made the note of pointing out to Mr Nguyen that Veronica Mars just raised 5 million dollars crowdfunding, but that didn't seem to steer him away from his thinking. He's pretty against the idea of crowdfunding, unless its an absolute last resort. His producer seemed to be a bit more open to the idea.


    What is weird, I noted, is that he trumpted the spirit of independent film making all night, and in the film, and lambasted big studios for getting involved with the creative process. With crowdfunding being as "No Strings Attached" funding as humanly possible, you'd think he'd be all over it.

  6. So was Birdemic 2 entertaining at all? I have yet to see an instance where someone released something that people enjoyed because it was bad, embraced the attention for what it was, and then made a followup that worked. They usually have to be deluded into thinking that people like it because it's good for it to continue to work (ala Wesley Willis).



    You know.... a couple of things on that:


    1. I had fun, and I think everybody there had fun too. We all knew what we were in for, and Alamo kept the beer flowing. Someone asked Nyugen before the film started what we needed to get into it, and he said "A strong buzz.". So he seemed like he was along for it, too. The whole spirit of the night was just like a festive watch party.


    2. I can't say too much about shit I saw because, at its core, it was Birdemic. I'm not going to give any sort of movie review over it because honestly, it didn't seem like it was a movie so much as it was a Birdemic-follow-up-event. There were some neat moments, some funny homages to classic movies, some HILARIOUSLY awful CGI, etc. There were moments where the movie was obviously winking too hard at the audience, and there were moments that were genuinely funny. Most of the fun was had interacting with the cast and such. Alan (Rod) stated that after Birdemic, he started taking acting classes, to which everyone applauded and cheered. Was he better in this one than in the first? I'm going to say "maybe". Lots of call backs and cameos, and "Hanging Out With My Family" guy debuts a new jam while the gang jams out in a Nicaraguan contras bar.


    3. The Q&A was fun. I asked what I thought was a harmless question and he seemed to be genuinely offended by it, which is odd since to me the saddest moment of the night came when I thought someone else asked what could be viewed as an offensive question: "Why do YOU think Birdemic got popular?"


    James Nyugen (who, btw, LOVES to talk) started on a very long, rambling answer about how the first film had passion and humanity and talked about the indie spirit of the film (that was a big theme for the night, and a big theme in Birdemic 2). You couldn't help but get the sense that either he was talking himself into thinking that people weren't just outright laughing at a mindbogglingly bad movie, or he just genuinely didn't know. Nobody in the crown laughed or chuckled when he delivered this answer very seriously, so for what its worth I guess people are on board with humoring him to a certain degree. But I personally couldn't help but feel kind of bad for laughing all night at his bad movie, and then having him go off on such a long and personal answer for why HE thought Birdemic became popular. It was a bummer to me, at least. The actors I think kind of knew what was up, I think Alan smirked knowingly a couple of times during James' answer.


    BTW, Alan seems like a pretty cool guy, even if he is an alien from another world struggling to learn human emotions (as Jason described him).

    • Like 1

  7. aaaugh why does it have to be at Lake Creeeek?!?!?


    My bf used to work there so it's the one we can never go to because of reasons.




    It was at Lake Creek because its close to my work and Jesus loves me. :)


    Shame, you missed out on quite a thing. James Nguyen was there, as was Alan (Rod), one of the new cast members, and Jeff Gross, the producer (who I thought for a second was Jeff Ross).

  8. There needs to be a new segment on the show called "Jason Mantzoukas Gets Schooled", where message board loons individuals go out of there way to correct one of the many politically incorrect messages Jason espouses on the show ala Conan O'Brian's Fan Corrections. Jason's first lesson: Black People Are Regular People, Too.




    But not Asians, those guys are nuts.

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    Are you sure you weren't being "hyper sensitive" when you pointed out Chaffin's statement? After all, this is a comedy podcast and not an NPR symposium Did you really think that Chaffin's statement was problematic? Did anyone else think so? If not, then why didn't you apply your own advice and shut the fuck up?


    This is what I said at the time: "Whoa... that Blackie stuff was starting to get kinda rough...."


    And that was it. It was just a passing comment, certainly not a social-political indictment of THE SYSTEM. I certainly didn't have a protracted, mightier than thou, self righteous message board screed about it. If it bothered me that much, I'd stop listening to it. I did it when Adam Corolla slammed female comedians. Its no big deal to not listen to shit that bothers you, especially in a comedic environment because - guess what - comedians often feast on people like you, regardless of what they may actually really believe. So once again, I implore you; stfu or gtfo.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-tdYMGQ9FM


    1:45 is where you can see Raul Julia's fancy bathrobe and scarf.


    Also, the director seems to think that the story for this movie is analogous to Operation: Desert Storm, when Saddam Hussien kidnapped a gaggle of hostages and demanded that ???? deposited 20 billion dollars into his seemingly very public Swiss bank account.


    Also, the actors playing Ken and Ryu eeeven look a little gay in this interview. They are way too close to one another to not have immediately follow this interview up with a makeout session.

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    Did you call Chaffin out on that? If not, then what's your point, that you don't consider calling a black child "blackie" or implying black weddings are irregular problematic statements? Do you want a cookie for that?


    I think I made a comment at the time about that part being a bit rough, although the gang made a note of that in the episode itself.


    I guess my point is that you should probably stfu because nobody cares about your, or anyone elses, "outrage". Its a comedy podcast, not an NPR symposium.

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    Haha, I don't know, I think learning from Gemberling how far removed the movie is from the game was another funny aspect of why this film is terrible. I don't think it's any different than when Paul cites some behind the scenes trivia to deepen our understanding of how bonkers the movie is. I don't think someone who simply is familiar with the source material HAS to be some nitpicking nerd, I think Gemberling definitely wasn't, and I don't think it made the show less entertaining for him to bring his knowledge to it.


    The more angles they cover the better the conversation I think.


    I get what you're saying, I just think its kind of an unnecessary rabbit hole. Fighting games are notorious for having loudy stories anyway (Tekken, anyone?), so I don't think the movie would be done any more justice than it was if it DID stick to the script. It would be different if it was a movie based off of a story driven game like a Final Fantasy or something, and got the entire core of its existence completely wrong.


    But for movies like this... where would it end? The live action Dragon Ball Evolution movie? The Dead or Alive movie? I think Street Fighter does a good job being the standard bearer for this "genre"... its approachable, has some stars people know, clearly isn't up its own ass with Street Fighter ethos though it has plenty of nods (Nobody mentioned that M Bison was controlling the water mines with a Street Fighter arcade cabinet controller), has plenty of decent-to-good action scenes... I think most normal people could watch this movie and walk away with a sense of the niche being well represented.


    For people looking for the hardcore stuff though, you might have to go to other sources for that. Nostelgia Critic or Angry Game Nerd or something.

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  13. I don't think their lack of knowledge of Street Fighter was a big deal. In fact, the last thing I need to hear are more nerds arguing about the technicalities of game-to-movie translations, especially in this sense. I'm glad that they just took it in as a normal movie, because as a normal movie, this shit must have been BANANAS. Like, imagine watching the Mortal Kombat movie without knowing anything about the game.


    Having said that, I don't think knowledge of the game would have brought anything new or different to the assessment of this film. Essentially all it did was make it easier for John to separate out the characters for everyone else.

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  14. I'm amazed no one has brought up the greatest exchange in the movie:


    VEGA: "Where were we?!"


    *Ryu kicks Vega*


    RYU: "You were losing!"


    There is much more baffling shit than that going on. The Zangief/E Honda fight with Godzilla noises, brainwashing a monster to be good by making him watch wedding videos (which is typically enough to make anyone insane), the teetotaler bureaucrat that is set up to show that diplomacy is wimpy and defeatist. Zangief's "Change the channel!!" (which in all fairness, did make me laugh) Fucking Dhalsim very randomly being bald and shirtless in his last scene, with NO explanation at all or even a hint of explanation. The fact that most of this movie seems to try its hardest to at least try to mimick what it might perceive to be reality, even on science fiction terms (re: M Bison's magic boots), yet Ryu throws a fucking fireball out of nowhere, and NOBODY seems to be surprised about that. That pose they all do at the very end.


    And of course, the most egregious front to me from this movie.... every Street Fighter character is squeezed into this movie (even freakin T Hawk) EXCEPT for Fei Long!
