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Posts posted by Shannon

  1. Did you miss out on the fun was Sklarbro Country LIVE at SXSW? Fortunately, we captured it on audio AND video for only $4.99! (audio only track available for $2.99)


    See Gar Ryness and his batting stances, listen to the music of The Sheepdogs, join us for a conversation with Ryan Stout, and find out why Mark Wahlberg has been leaving us all those voicemail messages! Henderson would watch it, will you?






  2. Oh poor howie! I'm also a fainter, thanks to strangely low blood pressure.


    The worst one was going down in front of a really cranky plumber who would not shut up and let me sit down while he fixed my toilet. Busted my head open on the counter... Not fun.


    Thankfully, I can tell when I'm going to faint now and my friends and family are used to me just suddenly sitting cross legged on the ground wherever I am to avoid another head injury.


    I feel bad about laughing at Wie's stories, but it comes from a place of love and understanding


  3. EEeep! I had so much fun at the Who Charted sxsw too!! Here's my unofficial favorite moments chart in no particular order. (perhaps it's chronological)


    #5 I wore my "You Wont Sass Me Like That When I Can Summon Wolves" shirt (under a blazer, I'm a classy lady like that)

    #4 I got to squeeze my old friend Wie. He was happy I was wearing the tshirt he gave me.

    #3 I finally met Kulap! She's so pretty and nice omggg

    #2 I watched the show from backstage with Doug Benson! We talked about the merits of cheap pinata candy.

    #1 I got to sweep all the Doritos Jacked off of the stage after the show in high heels!


    Least favorite moment? Getting mauled by the chart pinata. Kulap and I were stuffing it full of Doritos bags and a sharp wire inside mangled my hand and I was bleeding so bad it was horrifying. Ku Ku kept saying she was sorry like a million times. But it wasn't her fault! I was so embarrassed and trying not to get blood all over her pretty jacket. But it's all fine now and I totally didn't get tetanus or anything.


    I can't wait for you guys to hear the show! We really had so much fun

  4. Try to win a Who Charted contest?


    It would honestly be your best shot. There are no official dvds, but Howard has them. He gave me a copy a while ago and if I was technically savvy I would totally secretly upload them somewhere so everyone can share in them.



    UPDATE: someone totes put them all on youtube!!!

    here... start with my favorite episode


  5. oooh thanks for posting that Brendan!!


    The banana and Doritos are the food I previously mentioned James/Merrill eating during the show!



    Those Doritos were a really big deal... they were seriously everywhere. Doritos built a giant 3 story vending machine right behind Esther's. Be prepared to hear about them on all of the live sxsw podcasts. It was a good running gag.

  6. Sorry you're having problems, I totally know exactly what you're talking about.


    It used to happen to me a lot a while back, specifically with episodes of Professor Blastoff and Mike & Tom Eat Snacks (nerdist)


    I honestly don't know why it happens, and the way I "fixed" it was restarting the phone and trying again until it works properly. That's probably crap advice, standard IT "turn it off then on again" but I really don't know what the problem might be.



    Maybe an iPhone expert might have a better idea... any geniuses in the building?

  7. The only way I've ever gotten videos to embed here is to just paste the youtube url directly into the comment and it will turn into an embedded video when you post. Not the link code, but the actual url that includes "watch" somewhere in it. I've noticed that if it's from a playlist or external link it won't post right. I truly have no idea why, but I know this works.


    I'm not sure about other video hosting sites... but I can try to get in touch with the forum designer and see if I can find out anything else.


    Edited to clarify.
