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Posts posted by Shannon

  1. Awesome pics. Can't wait for Friday! I'll show up as early as feasibly possible.


    Posted on the Sklarbro FB page:


    "It's a badge entry show but if you really want to come, let us know and we'll try and work out putting you on a list or getting the venue to allow you in if you buy tix."


    So... I should let them know by posting here, there, elsewhere?



    Give it a shot! I'd post on their FB page since I'm not sure how often the Sklars check the forums


    Best of luck! Hope to see you there!

  2. Here's a pic from yesterday's CBB live recording...



    Can you guess whose heads you're looking at the back of?


    Oh! and Reggie!!




    many more pics to come, the sxsw photogs are crazy busy right now, but we'll have lots of great ones to share soon!

  3. omg. this. was. amazing.


    The only thing I can say that hasn't been said already, (I also got to look like a moron at work today when I was losing my shit)

    is that I loved Jason's fake cry over Andy because it reminded me of his amazing scene in Baby Mama...



    "because she's so fat! and I love Christopher so much and he's fat! and I'm afraid the baby is gonna be fat! It'll just be me with two fatties!"

    • Like 4

  4. I suppose there's a Fair to Midland chance of getting in to these shows w/o a badge or a wristband (assuming one shows up early)?

    Is that badges/wristbands only? Cause if so, not I.





    At the two shows this weekend there was a no badge line and we were able to let in at least a few rows of non-badgers to enjoy the show. I'd say give it a shot for the Sklarboro and Who Charted shows next weekend! Just get in line early :)

  5. My boyfriend just came into the office and I whined, "Baby! Some people on the forum think Bio-Dome is a shitty movie!"


    There was a long silence before he sighed, "It is a shitty movie honey. I'm sorry."


    ...but... it's been one of my favorites since I was a kid... I've made him watch it so many times...


    ...how come I never noticed it?


    this is heart-punching :unsure:

    • Like 6

  6. I've done background work only once, but I got to sit in a really hot restaurant (air conditioners are too loud for filming) behind Heather Graham all day



    she smelled so nice.


    Thunderstorms really are teh shit. When we moved to TX from L.A. when I was a preteen I'd never seen a real thunderstorm before. I remember the first couple storms we spent on the porch just watching it. I wish I appreciated them all the time, but it's only worth it from the comfort of home...outside is terrible, Austinites freak out when the ground is wet and no one can drive.


    I have a friend who just recently learned that fireflies are not fictional creatures... since they don't have them in CA she thought they weren't real. adorable.



    Thanks so much for the insight into male dick relations dudes... really it was extremely fascinating. I don't know what a "sloppy" penis is either, sorry Andy.


    Oh, and I definitely spit on my keyboard at "pooped in the backyard." Ah-mazing.


    Yay! Great episode! :D

    • Like 1

  7. Is this a knowable thing?


    I feel like on a lot of podcasts someone will say, "How many people listen to this show?" and no one ever knows. Maybe they're all just being modest.


    But I thought you could only count iTunes subscribers or something? Like, it doesn't track streams and downloads?


    I'm probably totally wrong. Let's see if Jeff or someone else more official has a real answer.

  8. There is so much awesome stuff in the Earwolf Store right now you guys.



    First, we have this highly-anticipated new episode of Cyberthug Radio



    aand and amazing recording of Who Charted? Live! From Vancouver





    New SHIRTS!


    Show everyone how much you really this snazzy shirt.[/b]




    And looky! A Professor Blastoff Tee!




    What are you waiting for?! Go buy this stuff people!

  9. Oh man. This episode was like it was in a foreign language.. but I was glued. Just about everything anyone said was a new concept to me until they got to "Degrassi Junior High" and then I was gone again.


    I'm really going to listen to this again and open up YouTube like primeroach suggested and treat this like a lecture. I want to get an A in Hip Hop History class.

  10. Will there be "Wolf Dead" t-shirts in a size small available again anytime soon? They're sold out right now. :(



    OFFICIAL ANSWER FROM OFFICIAL PEOPLE: "Unfortunately, we're not gonna be restocking the Wolf Dead shirts.

    Once we run out of a size we're out of it."


    Super sorry broham :unsure: bummer.

  11. Hi everyone!


    Just a heads up that I changed Spam reporting protocol and added it to the original post.


    I finally figured out how to find flags and reports and this will make the entire process so much easier... this way nobody has to take an extra step to post here and I will see the offending messages right when I login.


    Thanks so much! You guys are really the best
