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Posts posted by JacobCrites

  1. That was the best improv the show has done so far. So fantastic; right from the get-go there were so many running gags and games happening and it just built from there. The idea of having a box with "canadian healthcare" in it never stopped being funny for me.


    EDIT: It seemed clear to me that Belushi was doing an old Hurt's Don't-it? joke. "Do you want to be in this shot?" and then he takes a shot at him. Am I crazy?

  2. guys, did you see that contest on the earwolf homepage about winning a trip to the studio and sitting in a podcast recording? Let's start a fun discussion - if you won, which podcast would you sit it on?


    For me, it would be a tough choice between HH and CBB. I feel like so many forum people have already been on HH, it kind of diminishes it's value as a contest prize. Also - it would be scarier b/c they would definitely make fun of me.


    Also, good ep. I watched the video before, but listening to the audio is also fun. Great job everyone.

    I've never seen a live improv show, so I'd really like to sit in on an i4h. But yeah...it'd be hard to choose between that, CBB and HH. The hosts of all three of those shows are heroes of mine, and not just because they're all white males.

    • Like 12

  3. I'm a dumb hick from Ohio, so the only exposure I have to good improv is through podcasts (so thank you!). Prior to Spont, the only other improv-based podcast I listened to were Improv4Humans and Superego. I've noticed that the tone of the improv is typically broad and silly from the start, whereas typically with I4H and SE it starts more naturalistic and grows sillier as the game develops. Was this a conscious decision you made when thinking up the structure/tone of the podcast, or just something that happens naturally because of the vibe in the room? (This isn't a slam or anything, just an observation. I really appreciate this thread as someone who is interested in improv but doesn't have a lot of resources where I live)

  4. Has Paul never heard of A Bug's Life, or the much-worse Antz? Ants can be heroes, Paul.

    (And just to get ahead of this: I understand that it looks like I misspelled the word "ants," but that actually is the name of the movie. It's a very clever title because the main ant's name is "Z" and on the poster for the movie, Z--the ant--is holding up the letter Z next to the word Ant. That's how you know it's a funny movie.)

    • Like 3

  5. Hayes, I promise you, if I ever start the podcast I've been wanting to start for years but haven't due to lack of determination, if I have you on as a guest, it'll be a smooooooth ride. It'll be like you'll be on a baby's bottom, that's how smooth it'll be. Also because the podcast is specifically about Baby's Bottoms.

    I'm thinking of calling it, The Baby's Bloomers Generation, or I Want My Baby Butts Ribs.

    • Like 5

  6. Looks like other people out there are starting to appreciate Sean and Hayes's service to us non-Hollywood insiders: http://www.vulture.c...-24-topics.html

    This was a pretty bad list. The Wit and Wisdom of the West really should have been the answer to every category. At the very least you've got cooking, entertainment, arts, literature, comedy, learning, poems and observations humorous and otherwise...that's gotta be 24 topics right there.

    • Like 7

  7. ^

    Yeah, I understand that podcast hosts don't give a fudge (and why should they?) but I find it fun to talk about the merits/problems with all forms of pop culture, including podcasts. Spontaneanation is a big one for me; some weeks I find it absolutely delightful. Some weeks I find it awful, unlistenable. People who get mad at the slightest bit of criticism...that's irritating. Yeah, it's free, but so is watching sports, and we still argue about that stuff.

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  8. Green Lantern. I had just seen the movie and saw the episode on the Earwolf page. I hated that movie so much, and the promise of being able to share my hate with a podcast was appealing. Of course that episode has since been taken down, for no apparent reason. The second episode I fell in love with was The Smurfs.


    So, yeah.

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