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Posts posted by JacobCrites

  1. I got my sister into CBB by making her listen to the Gweneth Paltrow bit. Now she loves the podcast an the TV show. I told her that there wasn't any word if CBBTV was coming back for a second season and she got genuinely depressed.


    I also thought there were a couple great moments from less-than-great episodes that deserved bonus clips. The slash fiction bit with Fred Savage was hysterical, and I loved Ed Helms' character coming full circle with the "I thought they were mustard packets" punch line.

  2. And now it's time for the issue of Entertainment Weekly where we talk about what episodes were snubbed during the Best of 2012 podcast, and how it flubbed when it snubbed them!


    What are your favorite episodes that didn't make the cut.


    -Repeat Your Keyword

    This was top 5 for me. Can't believe it was relegated to bonus material.


    -Words With Friends

    I that Peele was brilliant on this, and Gillian brought some great stuff to the table. My favorite episodes are when we get really in depth with one crazy character, and this did not disappoint.


    -Mop Water

    A genius concept that took awhile to pay off, but it was worth it in the end.


    This is a Safe Zone

    I thought Brian Huskey was incredible on this; I know a lot of people didn't care for it, but this is one of my most-listened-to eps of the year.


    -Ghost Protocol

    I think people just forgot about this one because it's the first episode of the year. For my money (time is money so...idk what I'm saying) it's Herzog's best appearance.



    This was one of those veer-off-the-road episodes for me. Tim and Eric explaining the ridiculous complexity of popcorn.com and the popcorn.com search engine just killed me. And I actually liked Adomian on this one, contrary to popular opinion.

  3. Can't wait to listen to this! (It will happen on Wendesday). Happy to see some of the episodes that made the cut.... but so far haven't seen any mention of any of Amy Philips's appearances. If none of her eps made the cut, this is a truly tragic oversite on the part of my fellow listeners! She's done some amazing character work, and gets my vote for Best New CBB Guest.

    Plus, in a perfect world, she could have brought back Liza Minnelli to accept this award.

    Did Amy Philips do Gweneth Paltrow? I loved that bit.

    • Like 1

  4. Scott, do you think it's possible next year to have some sort of ranking system in the voting process? I think it skews the vote when all 10 shows we pick count the same. I think it will give more clear results as to what episode the fans loved the most

    I agree with this. It seemed like literally everyone thought that Wipeout and Time Bobby were going to be 1 and 2, and that Finger Guns was definitely going to be top 5. And there is no earthly reason why Best Bro Hang should be anything other than a bonus clip. A plague upon his lack of a character!

  5. The "Case Closed" on episode 36 definitely made me uncomfortable, but all the rest of them have been some of the highlights of the show. Matt usually calls himself out on his own attitude, too. On the Cyborgs episode he says in a hilariously brash tone, "People can write comments about the show on the website. I like the positive comments about myself the best." This Gun Control episode in particular had a great discussion; I don't think the caller felt offended or threatened. He argued his position well and seemed to have a good time.


    That being said, I like that it's not a weekly thing. After the Kat Williams-themed episode and the Gun Control episode it was nice to have a regular one this week.

  6. SO YOU GUYS. I am going on a fun drive to (and home from) a funeral that is hours away this week. Can anyone give me suggestions for episodes that would be best to play for someone who has never heard the show before? Also preferably something that won't have me blushing in front of my mom...



    Listening to this episode, I'm thinking Friends Without Words would work pretty well. I wish I could play something with Andy Daly or Jessica St. Clair, but the word "dick" might be in there just a few too many times for my poor mother.

    Hologram Toes (with Patton Oswalt and Eddie Pepitone) has almost no cursing during the character bit. And it's one of my favorite episodes.

  7. The moment where the gang figures out the connection between "Rudy" and "Reindeer Games" is perhaps the greatest moment in HDTGM history.


    Also, this episode made me realize how few callbacks there are in this show. And how much I love them when they come around. Loved Jason mentioning that he was still confused about the family relations in Sleepaway Camp and the clown rapists.

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  8. hey matt,


    i had recently made remarks on another forum here on earwolf about how i couldn't get into this episode and someone brought it to my attention that i should probably bring that opinion here. it seems i'm one of the only people to not have appreciated the lack of sensitivity regarding the skits. i mean, i really think the 'too soon' idea could be applied here and although i know you and your guests were more so trying to tackle the issue of gun control as a challenge, perhaps it could have been one that you didn't attempt to take on less than twenty-four hours after such a tragedy. sorry to seem like i'm bashing you, i think you and your comedic friends are exceptional performers with a quick wit, but i don't understand how anyone could find humor from a skit that sets up a scenario of a student having a gun in a classroom given the matter. perhaps, i'm not being fair because i couldn't even get through the whole episode, but i just wanted to share with you my feelings on this episode because i found it in poor taste. i don't consider myself someone who is easily offended, but i couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with certain aspects of the skits. sorry i couldn't get into it, apparently everyone else could and maybe i just missed what you were going for.

    None of the skits had anything to do with the tragedy itself, but rather the issue of gun control. The episode isn't all laughs, either. A large portion of it is dedicated to simply discussing the issue.


    Speaking personally, it was cathartic to be able to find humor in an issue that makes me so angry. There's nothing funny about the tragedy, but there *is* humor to be found in some of the anti-gun-control arguments.

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