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Posts posted by sarel

  1. I watched it and loved it. Exactly my sense of humour.


    I like the idea of the comedians making no effort to disguise themselves as the people they are playing and no one ever pointing this out. Coupled to that is the apparently low-budgetness and somewhat amateurish appearance of the show is going to make for some comedy gold.


    If I'm not mistaken, the Adam Scott and PFT bit was done on the podcast before? It sounded familar.


    I second being able to see it online somewhere. I want to support the show but don't own/cannot afford a TV with cable.

  2. Well the Comedy Bang Bang preview be available online for those of us who don't live in the good old US of A / those of us who cannot afford television? I hope so.


    Another fantastic cast. Is it just me or after a long time gone, James Adomian seems to be on every other week? Not that I'm complaining!

  3. Absolutely brilliant guys. I remember when I watched it for the first time and almost every single point you brought up I noticed: the blatant environmentalism, the awkward pacing/dialogue, the lack of birds to name a few.


    Unfortunately, a sequel will never capture the magic of the original. However I will still watch it.


    Oh, I'd love to see an episode with the MST3K/Cinematic Titanic/Rifftrax guys. I hope that is in the works.

    • Like 1

  4. I noticed that too Kristopher.

    And he wasn't 16 when he released ice ice baby he was 23! Very strange.

    But he sounded like a nice enough guy and it was a great episode.


    I think he might have been referring to 16 when he wrote the song (which Wikipedia states) so he was probably basing it off of that.


    Regardless, fantastic episode. I've seen reviews of this film before but you guys got the man himself! It's what makes this podcast fantastic.
