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Hot - Slunch

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Everything posted by Hot - Slunch

  1. Hot - Slunch

    Episode 210 — A Spiritual Journey

    We're so close to that all teen episode I suggested. Lapkus/St. Clair/Neil Campbell, make it happen Choctaw. Can you explain the joke? I just can't watch How I Met Your Mother anymore, it's become so terrible.
  2. Just did some googling and found Room 237 will be screened about a half hour away from me at a random location next month. Buying tickets on Monday!
  3. Hot - Slunch

    Episode 139 — Cock Pulldowns

    I was coming to post the same thing haha.
  4. Ugh, I can't believe Amy Mann mentioned those filthy astronauts in her song. The Inquisitive Triplets and Can't Hide Excitement scenes were the highlights of the episode for me. Is the Jerry character related to Leonard?
  5. Hot - Slunch

    Episode 209 — The Bisco Boys

    I was hoping we'd get another Don't Stop episode, last one was great. Farts and Pro 3!
  6. Best episode thus far. I'm a huge fan of old commercial bumpers, logos, station idents, commercials, etc. Plus, The Shining is literally the only movie to ever scare me. It's genuinely psychologically terrifying, and I've lost many a night to Shining conspiracies/theories. Kubrick was amazing. One more thing, color correction and matting issues frustrate the hell out of me. I'm still waiting for a proper full screen release of Evil Dead. The Japanese laserdisc is the closest you can get to the way it was originally shot. Great episode, all the nerdy stuff I like.
  7. Hot - Slunch

    Episode 207 — LIVE from SXSW 2013 II

    I'm glad Huebel brought attention to the complete idiocy of the Yahoo boards. Holy fuck, every time I go watch Burning Love or First Dates with Toby Harris I'm astounding by the blatant stupidity.
  8. Hot - Slunch

    Episode 208 — Zombie Candles

    How is this episode not called "Party on, Girth!"?
  9. Hot - Slunch

    Episode 72 — Blue Cash

    That teapot is alright, but I prefer the earlier Krafft Work. They really harnessed their sound in Autobahn. (I had to.)
  10. Hot - Slunch

    Episode 205 — Titans of Comedy

    You know what's really weird? I was watching a few random Kids in the Hall skits a few hours after listening to this episode, and the King of Empty Promises skit when he was in prison had him waiting on the phone to get tickets for Phantom. It kind of blew my mind.
  11. For anyone that hasn't seen it, Mookie was just in an episode of Seth Morris' 'First Dates With Toby Harris'. I love that he throws in NBA references, like Wilt Chamberlain in the 'cheating husband' scene or LeBron James Improv in the Master Class videos. --- Great Case Closed, that led to some really funny scenes. Speaking of Hitler... I came across a really weird Hitler t-shirt in a Goodwill like 8-10 years ago and bought it because I thought it was funny enough to spend 2 bucks on and have in my closet to show friends. Plus I couldn't believe it existed and was for sale at an arguably religious non-profit. I did some research on it and found the origin of the shirt: The guy is claiming to not be a Nazi, but according to other things I've heard he was legitimately paying tribute, but acting like it was a joke. So somehow one of the employee shirts made it to a Goodwill store in Maine. I just took pictures for you guys. Click for bigger images.
  12. I guarantee she meant that most African cultures respect the elderly and their older family members; living with them and caring for them as just a part of everyday life. We just throw them into a nursing home. It makes a lot of sense that African immigrants would gravitate to care oriented jobs.
  13. I love that the con man runs into one of the best improvisers in the world... Someone capable of dissecting your poorly constructed story and prodding for answers without directly calling them out for lying. That's like a Twilight Zone episode.
  14. Hot - Slunch

    Episode 117.5 — 3/1/13 TWO CHARTED 56

    Love that Howard did a C-Czar impression from Kroll Show. "Exercise yo body, exercise yo MIIIIIND!" I'm also on board with the Smart Car stuff. I've thought about getting one.
  15. Hot - Slunch

    Episode 56.5 — Minisode 56.5

    Cool shoutout for the RedLetterMedia reviews, those things are amazing. I've watched them at least a few times each. They just wreck the Star Wars prequels, but do so with (in my mind) totally valid criticisms of story, character, and canon. Check them out if you dislike the prequels in any way:
  16. Hot - Slunch

    Episode 16 - Building The Track Pt. 4

    So is Rafflecast making the slow transition into Building the Track? I'm not opposed to that. The song this week reminded me a bit of Super Chunk's "Watery Hands" (video with David Cross and Janeane Garofalo): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIoafYpHeYs
  17. Hot - Slunch

    Episode 203 — The Vicar of Yanks

    I love that Paul F'ing Tompkins almost always brings up MASH. By the way, a MASH musical would be a hit.
  18. ^ It's not constructive criticism for the show when you lambast a comedian because of their medical preferences. That's just being a dick. Also, those negative reactions weren't for Wompler, they were for another character.
  19. Regarding Kevin Dorff's mini Super Bowl rant: I've gotten into a couple of big discussions about the crazy people who go on killing sprees. It's a bad thing, no doubt about it... But for the most part, they are terrible at it. I mean isn't the goal to take out as many people as possible? I just think that if you're going to go on a rampage that will undoubtedly end in your death, you should plan it out better. That's assuming there's logical thought in an insane person's mind though.
  20. Please do an all teenager episode! Marissa Wompler as the co-host, then guests Todd and Rick Faber. That would be an instant classic. This is one of the best episodes in months. It went completely off the rails and got really dark. --- What the hell is up with all of these people talking down to Thune and natural medicine? Calm the fuck down.
  21. Hot - Slunch

    Episode 116.5 — 2/22/13 TWO CHARTED 55

    Augusta shoutout from Howard! I reside in Maine, and I can give travel tips... Not that they'll be requested. Stay out of Bangor, there's nothing there. Stick near the ocean i.e. Portland, Camden, Freeport, Boothbay. The further north, the crazier the people. There's one town so far north that there's maybe 20 people, and they have Canadian area code phone numbers yet they refuse to just become Canada. Howard was right about it being like it's own thing. People are born here and never leave. The accent is strange, almost Boston mixed with Cajun. Lots of bastardized French names and words. I moved here as a kid and it's odd... I have to get out soon. But it is really nice to visit for a week or two in the summer (or winter if you ski). I've only had it once, but it's a lot better than deer... Pretty healthy, up there with steak and stuff. Think steak but gamey.
  22. Glad you picked up what I was laying down.
  23. I always get a kick out it of whenever Fred Stoller pops up on a show. I might have to grab that short book of his, it sounds interesting. Love the quick Fernwood Tonight discussion, please go more in depth with that sometime Jake. That was a really funny, odd show that would never get on tv today, especially in the nightly format. Too bad there's no dvd for America or Fernwood (well, legitimate dvd).
  24. Hot - Slunch

    What's the episode where...?

    Thanks Julia! I guess I was right, even though it still may not help justin.
  25. Hot - Slunch

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    I have no idea about the context of this video but it's good. Knives vs. Cops: