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Zac Brooks

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Everything posted by Zac Brooks

  1. Zac Brooks

    Episode 80 β€” Ms. Sklarbro Int’l

    Since I was the presenter of the Henderson Ink Challenge, I'm more than happy to get the Henderson tattoo. I would however like to have a commitment, from one other citizen of Sklarboro Country, to have Henderson eternally emblazoned on their body. I know what your thinking "A Henderson tatto? Thats a bit much." But is it? When you really think about it? When I get my Henderson tattoo I will look upon it with happiness, thinking about the calming shores and visiting them in my mind. And when my future grandsons look upon my tattoo and ask "Grandpa, what is Henderson?" I will look off in the distance with a smile on my face, and say "Henderson, my dear boy, is the remnant of a great country. And on its calming shores, I felt a comedic kinship that's was unlike anything I have ever known." My fellow citizens, all I ask for is one to come forth and take the challenge with me. Great show by the way.