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Lukas Holmes

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Everything posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 318 β€” Lumber Hack

    One thing though Scott. I can't handle the Big Bang Theory joke anymore. Please...please stop. I can barely finish masturbating to your voice if I think that might be coming.
  2. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 318 β€” Lumber Hack

    I snorted so hard when she first said, 'You see I've been frozen...' for some reason.
  3. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 91 β€” Ghost Dog

    This was one of the best episodes ever. 'Olympic....dddiiiiivvvvveeerrrr.'
  4. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 157 β€” IQ of a Corpse

    I always knew the Lewinsky affair would be what finally brought about the great I4H civil war.
  5. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 221.5 β€” Sklarbro County 126

    Then you are a terrible person. Best. Laugh. Ever.
  6. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 221.5 β€” Sklarbro County 126

    SO many layers to that story.
  7. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 221.5 β€” Sklarbro County 126

  8. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 317 β€” Tash.2

    The way Mary kept pronouncing things and how much that delighted PFT, deligted me.
  9. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 317 β€” Tash.2

    Everyone in Denver is talking about PFM this morning and I'm all 'What about PFT?'
  10. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 95.5 β€” Minisode 95.5

    Can we talk about how Paul pronounces Sbarro? Sparrow? Is that how you say it? I've been say it wrong for years.
  11. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 221 β€” THE CARCAST!

    The post game show told me EVERYTHING I need to know about Jason as a fan. "I just really want him to kill himself, or his family to leave him, him to lose all earning potential." HAHAHAHAHA! Freaking amazing!
  12. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 221 β€” THE CARCAST!

    I am just through the opening and I was in tears with the stories. This was one of the best openings ever. 'She has to know what she looks like. That her baseline facial appereance is one of abject terror."
  13. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 221 β€” THE CARCAST!

    I am so stoked to hear this. As soon as I heard the idea behind it on the last one, I was hooked. I cannot wait.
  14. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 246 β€” The Magic Necklace!

    The way she described bungie jumping made it sound amazing.
  15. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 220.5 β€” Sklarbro County 125

    My favorite game to play on hikes with my kids is when the Park Ranger plays, 'Feral pig or honey boo-boo?'.
  16. Lukas Holmes

    The Wahlberg Solution 2

    Anne Hatheway is my favorite thing on EARWOLF.
  17. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 219.5 β€” Sklarbro County 124

    It was at the start when Randy said, 'Did he really 'serve' his country?' and Keith said it in response. Just felt like a weird, at times hostile, couple. It got better, but still, I won't be tuning in either.
  18. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 315 β€” Sandwich Therapy

    Each time I listen to a song in the car with my kids that I like I say, "That's a good song!' in Tiny's voice. My children hate it and me.
  19. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 219.5 β€” Sklarbro County 124

    "Easy to say when you've never done it bro." Jesus. Take a joke man.
  20. I actually don't like Carmen either. But I'm a HUGE fan of Caramel.
  21. If you have to ask, you can't afford it honey.
  22. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 242 β€” One Hundred Percent!

    I am LOVING this show. Only started it a month back and can't get enough. The best moment today had to be the 'It's where dreams go to die' with the 'Yeah, my dad died there.' It was so funny and terrible and just wonderful.
  23. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 172 β€” Conspiracies

    Is anyone going to comment on Burr's statements on hitting women?
  24. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 214.5 β€” Sklarbro County 119

    Agree! That Pearl Jam talk was AMAZING! One thing DVK could take a page on is just letting the comedy flow and putting the stories behind if need be.
  25. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 307 β€” Ruth’s Ross Dress For Loss

    This was a 'tasty' episode.