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Lukas Holmes

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Everything posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. I loved the crowd reaction everytime he hit another fact because you could tell it was just as hilarious that he knew so much about the universe. Side note, anyone else think the Pirate Hammock bit was the best one? Between, 'Cry hammock!' and 'This thing is lousy with albatrose' I got pretty close to having to stop the show to control myself.
  2. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 165 — World Travel

    Yet another 'Kyle-got-molested' story. I think we really need to explore just how troubling of a childhood he had.
  3. You know what, I think you're right! That was why it was so startling because she kept yielding the right of way. Good observation. Totally agree about Gabrus. I love his laughter. It used to drive me nuts in scenes on SNL when Fallon would laugh and look at the camera because it felt like he was trying to convince us how much 'fun' he was having. With Gabrus he seems to honestly be drinking up life and enjoying every moment of it. I love high laughter because it is so full of joy.
  4. I think that's part of it, but there were moment's were Betsy was flat out talking in a scene as part of the scene and someone just started talking as she was mid-sentence.
  5. Betsy is just the freaking best. I felt bad for her though, as it felt like she got cutoff quite a few times.
  6. The only complaint I have is that both she and Wompler make it very sexual with Scott at times (a man married to his former girlfriend) and I find it sexist. Mostly because I feel it should be universal for all interns and thus I demand Gino develop a crush on him as well.
  7. I have to echo the calls for less Traci. Oh wait. What's the opposite of that? MORE TRACI! How in the world does Lauren keep that lysp going?
  8. Jeff has been gone for Earwolf for less than a week and already anarchy is happening. Way to go Cody.
  9. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 139 — Penis T-Zone

    My favorite Matt Besser's catchphrases are 'Excuse me?' in a scene and 'HOLY SHIT!' between scenes.
  10. Lukas Holmes

    Announcing Earwolf's New CEO

    Highlander style?
  11. Lukas Holmes

    Announcing Earwolf's New CEO

    You are one of the best men in the world and most underappreciated in this medium. Thank you for everything and I can't wait to see what you do in the future.
  12. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 228 — Topsy Turvy!

    That story Liz told was one of the most upsetting #YesAllWomen I have heard yet. It just shows that in our limited view of 'harrassment' things like that never occured to me as happening. Jesus Christ.
  13. Who is Oliver Subpodcasts? (someone beat me to this. ignore me)
  14. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 202.5 — Sklarbro County 107

    The guy from the Portland story reminded me of Tom Hanks in that terrible Dungeons and Dragons movie back in the day.
  15. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 292 — DJs Are Sleaze Js

    Was anyone else disappointed that Merrill Garbus was not a nightmare mixture of Merril Shindler and Jon Gabrus?
  16. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 292 — DJs Are Sleaze Js

    WHOLE. E. SHIT! This was amazing! So many great lines and Scott's complete annoyance with Jon was great. This is a best-of-2014 in my book.
  17. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 292 — DJs Are Sleaze Js

    I lost my shit at 6am when Sappity decides it is time for him to be introduced.
  18. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 201.5 — Sklarbro County 106

    This one was just terrific. The bouts of uncontrollable laughter throughout were terrific. I loved the reaction to the couch story "I'll kill you guys!" and the Golden Corral part. I love it when the brothers, DVK and the guest just work so well together.
  19. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 158 — Film Composing

    Great episode. Really like the subject matter and Nate's enthusiasm was wonderful. I have a pretty vast collection of film scores because I like to write with them going in the background. Right now my favorite is a creepy sounding Coraline score.
  20. This went beautifully insane this week. Todd is an all-time-best. Oh, and by the way, his description of Bono is actually pretty spot on in terms of the animation from HOLD ME, THRILL ME, KISS ME, KILL ME video. [media='']http://www.u2.com/news/article/6397[/media]
  21. Does anyone else think it might have been Scott Weiland?
  22. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 157 — Materialism

    In terms of the glasses-case example, I would think that knowing that it will fall and knowing that there is nothing after death is flawed because the baseline is already established in one. We know the case will fall because we have experienced it, we don't know what will happen when we die because we have never experienced it.
  23. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 135 — Ute of the Butte

    IN TEARS!!! The Kool-Aid Man sketch was so insane, but then...Silence of the Lambs....I can't take it. I can't take IIIITTTTTTTT!!!!
  24. This show has quickly changed from two very busy men attempting to delve into their love of U2 and more into a study of what happens when fan obession turns into annoyance, anger and madness. I am starting to feel this show is either going to end with the release of the new album, or a murder/suicide....or both.
  25. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 287 — Stinky Chips

    Scott's 'if you do the time you can do the crime' idea has stuck with me and ruined my day.