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Lukas Holmes

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Everything posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. This was one of the best episodes you have ever done Jake. I actually jotted down some quotes that he dropped for future use. This was just fascinating.
  2. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 275 — LIVE from SXSW 2014

  3. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 275 — LIVE from SXSW 2014

    Adam Cayton-Holland! I am so excited to see him on CBB!
  4. I love the both of you. Your talking made me run back and hear the hearing test again.
  5. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 123 — Mikey Liked It

    This one was perfect. The ridicule of the guy who saved the girl was terrific, but the Mikey 'I don't like it' was nearly flawless. Great job.
  6. I think this was the best episode yet. It was different than the rest of the episodes but I loved the format. A really interesting topic mixed with a lot of data from both parties and clips that added to the trivia. Just a great all around episode. I've never seen NETWORK so I'm heading out to get it and pick up the book. Cheers!
  7. I am at eleven minutes and in tears.
  8. Yeah, they have to get someone on each one that hates U2. I like U2, so it was just me hearing people I feel I already have in my life, talking about U2. I want to hear the other side. WHERE IS THE DRAMA???
  9. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 272 — Sex Party Season

    I needed this.
  10. In total agreement. This is the best i've ever heard.
  11. The most oustanding part of this show, or any in history, was when Jake2, in the midst of saying all these awful things, spelled out f-u-c-k instead of saying it.
  12. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 72 — SEX CARL

    Jesus, what was up with the crowd? This episode was gold.
  13. Oh my god. That sketch at the cliff was amazing. 'I think I might have shoved him a little so we're defintely going to have to get on the same page now.' So perfect.
  14. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 263 — Hollywild

    I agree, but I think they would be more disappointed with that power play that Scott Auck clearly played. I would bet he was never booked for the show and Auck is grandstanding, trying to get attention for Comedy Big Gang Bang Theory, like so many others. Typical.
  15. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 263 — Hollywild

    Did you guys not hear the message Scott said about him cancelling? From an assistant? Really guys. Let's be pros with our cancellations. I feel like the guys at Hollywood Handbook should get on this.
  16. Lukas Holmes

    Episode BO2013.3 — Best of 2013 Pt 3

    Hearing Pereti lose her mind about killing Scott and Kulap, made me laugh so hard again.
  17. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 12 — Ben Schwartz, Our Close Friend

    It used to be funny when the guys would say guests credits wrong, but it's not anymore. The show is called HOUSE OF PIES. Please be more professional in the future.
  18. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 178 — Treat Your Ass Like Your Throat

    The proportions of the picture alone have sold me on this episode!
  19. First, I am a huge Sara Barellies fan. My wife has all her albums and I really enjoy everything she puts out. That being said, I stand up and FUCKING applaud Matt getting this upset about his work being ignored. I WANT TO SEE THAT! I want to see artists that believe in their work and are annoyed when their hard work is not given credit. Improv4Humans is one of the best out there because there is actual WORK in it. I hear so many shows that are just the same comedian telling the same story about how they came up or their brush with SNL. I4H creates something new every minute, every week. I hope Matt never loses that fire. But for real, leave Sara Barellies alone you douche.
  20. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 262 — 2013 Holiday Spectacular

    Did I detect a bit of James Abdominalpain laughter too?
  21. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 262 — 2013 Holiday Spectacular

  22. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 176.5 — Sklarbro County 81

    Moshe is one of the best things I have even gotten out of this whole podcast universe. Being introduced to him early on by the Sklars, made me a lifelong fan. KASHER IN THE RYE is one of the single best books ever written. I've bought it or recommended it for a number of people. Love seeing him on a show. BTW, did I hear an Andy Daly podcast ad in the middle of all of this?
  23. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 261 — Nubile Agape

    JESUS! That made me laugh harder than anything else this week. Not sure you meant it to be funny, but God that made me laugh.
  24. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 77.5 — Minisode 77.5

    Do you think maybe they are putting some in the can to keep on schedule while people take Christmas breaks?