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Lukas Holmes

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Everything posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 105 — Zombie Lisp

    I was so entertained by how annoyed Pamela Murphy sounded during the radio and massage bits, with the characters. She nailed her tone so perfectly.
  2. That is so PERFECTLY put!
  3. I finally lost it when he went for 'Part 3'.
  4. Dykeula is one of the best characters ever. So upsetting.
  5. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 104 — A Hotel Tell

    The amount of entertainment value we get with I4H is insane. I loved the Harry Potter auditions so much. Thanks for making another week better!
  6. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 251 — The Bed Spoiler

    I like 'The Glass Menage' #NoHomme
  7. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 169 — Clean Fake Faint

    'Shut the hell up, Heaven is a Place on earth is on!' Priceless. Just a quick thought, why haven't the guys written a book? I think that would be one of the most comeplling comedy reads ever. The emotion of their father, the story of what it was like to be twins in this business. It all makes for the most unique one of those ever.
  8. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 250 — Podcast Silence

    I saw less discussion surrounding the government shutdown than 'Holmes-Gate'. Jesus.
  9. My favorite part is that it sounds like Besser turns into a psychopath at football games. The fact that he thought, 'I can domino all of these people' came into his mind, shows just how different a person he is at a game.
  10. As a kid, this movie scared the crap out of me. One of the great things about it, was how confusing it was. Michael wasn't in it. The plot confused me. The masks were weird. Nothing made sense. All of that added up to just one of the scariest things I had ever seen. As an adult now, and understanding how little sense it actually made, makes me like it more. There is something so perfect seeing something that doesn't totally add up in horror at a young age. It just adds to the confusion of childhood in general. I still love this film, always will.
  11. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 167 — Win Before The Snap

    By the way guys, I think you need to know The Governor is hiding the truth from you. He's still in the plugbag on CBB.
  12. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 167 — Win Before The Snap

    We should probably shoot them. Right?
  13. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 124 — Big Questions

    THIS! This is what we've been missing! Listening to this one reminded me why I started loving PB. Crazy topics with funny/famous people. As much as I love the experts and the science, I would rather they get back to talking about the intangible mysteries of life like aliens and ghosts and such, with their friend/guests each week.
  14. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 39 — There Is Ninjas

    This is BS. I'm still four weeks out from being able to come back out of my hole. Guess I won't get to say thanks. Fuckers.
  15. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 165.5 — Sklarbro County 70

    'Florida Silly String' is simply the best turn of phrase you guys have ever had.
  16. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 165 — He's A Lesbian

    That song was spectacular. And by the way, so we're all clear, he's a homophobe. And of course, by he, I am talking about Gary Hogeboom.
  17. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 121 — Live from Montreal / The Internet

    I'm at 26 minutes in. What the $hit is happening?
  18. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 243 — Blow Me Up, Tom!

    The Sklarbro Country mention made me bark out loud with laughter. The timing was just so perfect on this and the 'plug bag closing' shocker was just the icing on the cake. Episode of the year.
  19. I would never have guessed a year ago I would like this. Growing up in East Texas I had no exposure to Jake and had no idea what he was about coming into this. His unabashed joy at discovery and the antics of the world makes me love him and the podcast so much. Keep it up Jake, you make the world a better place.
  20. I'm looking at this forum like f*cking crazy. Looking so hard.
  21. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 120 — Live from Portland / Law

    Oh...and I truly did not like the constant sarcasm from the guest. Some people can pull that off and it be funny, his just seemed like a little boy trying not to be the butt of any jokes by any means possible.
  22. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 120 — Live from Portland / Law

    I don't get peopl coming to these things and behaving like that. What the heck is the point of shelling out your money just to be a moron? I can be a moron at home. Alone. (sobs)