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Lukas Holmes

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Everything posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. SUCK MY DIRT! I listented to this maybe 15 times today. I have to have this as a ring tone. There is nothing better than hearing Matt's genuine laughter.
  2. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 119 — Live from Brooklyn / Habits

    David is starting to worry me.
  3. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 35 — Riddle Me Why

    I wish the Riddler said 'Riddle me why, Batman!' all the time. Then I wished that Alfred would always demand hugs after being saved. Also...dog collars.
  4. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 70 — Gymkata: LIVE!

    This movie was on every other week, Saturday afternoon film, KTVT Channel 11 in Dallas. I watched it EVERY SINGLE TIME! I was just fascinated by how I couldn't understand what was happening. I thought that this is why we were afraid of Russia. Because everything in Russia was this.
  5. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 161 — He DID Bone My Wife!

    MY GOD! This was just...this was just....I'm speechless! This is up there with Richard Simmons madness-level interview. Saving the guy who isn't from KISS?! Hiring someone to anal-violate his ex-wife's new husband? Hormel strike?????!!!! Brothers!!!!! I have a two week old and was up listening to this while I fed him at 2am this morning and could not help him get back to sleep from laughing and gasping so much. When you release your greatest hits CD, FROM THE SKLARS, this has to be track 1. Fudging awesome. AWESOME!
  6. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 51 — REWIND THIS!

    I was thrown by this one because Josh's response times were so strange. I found myself cringing at how quiet he was until I realized that he was doing something called 'conversation' and 'listening' where you wait for the other person to finish talking before you start. Podcasts have ruined my ability to understand this form of communication.
  7. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 160.5 — Sklarbro County 65

    I don't think he's calling for A-Rod to be killed....just rendered brain dead. There is a HUGE difference.
  8. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 48 — Sleepaway Camp

    Not for nothing, but people in Denver should know they are showing this at the new Alamo with Ricky. http://drafthouse.com/movies/sleepaway-camp-with-jonathan-tiersten-live/denver
  9. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 94 — Hands In The Air

    My blender doesn't have feelings. I'm not going to rape it.
  10. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 94 — Hands In The Air

    Having just had a baby last week I can say that the first sketch this week hit very close to home and was, perhaps, the funniest sketch I've ever heard on this show. Which is amazing, because the rest of the show made up the best show I've ever heard. Simply amazing stuff. And by the way, to Matt's point of days of labor, we went in at 8am on Wednesday, had the baby at 3am on Saturday.
  11. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 158.5 — Sklarbro County 63

    I want to give a tip to all writers (comedians or otherwise) who are looking for new material. I actually worked, for about a year, at a stenography school. On my third day there one of the teachers came in to get me to inform me they needed someone to read actual court transcripts to students to practice/test against. I said no thank you, and he laughed and told me I didn't want to miss this. It seems that they seek out the craziest transcripts they can get so they have fun while reading them and acting them out. On this day ours was all about a woman testifying about a sexual relationship with a councilman in, I think, Pennsylvania. It was so dirty and just...gross, I couldn't stop laughing. From there I never missed a reading. So if you get a chance, find a local stenography school and ask to help read transcripts. I promise you, you will hear some insane shit that will make paint this world in a new light.
  12. I have always disliked Jimmy Fallon. I hated the way he would break scenes in SNL and laugh or look at the camera. Based on that opinion (formed as a teenager) I have never given him a chance on anything. Hearing the way he spoke to Jake, like a genuine friend, from recounting the stories to being excited for Jake's progress and to see him, gave me a very different glimpse at him. Way to go Jake, great episode and I'll be adjusting my viewing habits accordingly.
  13. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 31 — Surprise Surprise

  14. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 157.5 — Sklarbro County 62

    'He's about to start his own religion. This is how Mormonism got started!'. Wonderful!
  15. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 31 — Surprise Surprise

    If we reach said status, will we be featured on JOCK JAMS? EN FUEGO!!!!!
  16. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 68 — Over The Top: LIVE!

  17. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 234 — Changing The Bandage

    What if I put an ad in the middle of my comments?
  18. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 91 — Biohazard Acoustics

    Seth Morris is SO wonderful. God I love how quick he is in improv. Just a treat.
  19. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 234 — Changing The Bandage

    I think I speak for everyone when I say, kindly...the fuck are you talking about?
  20. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 156.5 — Sklarbro County 61

    I think Dan thought Dennis Franz died. I only caught that because when my wife told me, I too thought it was the guy from NYPD Blue/ Die Hard 2.
  21. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 232 — LIVE from San Diego Comic-Con

    I went to my first comedy show in Denver to see the Sklars a couple of weeks ago. I always thought the 'drunk lady' in the crowd just talking was a cliche until the woman behind us would not shut up. Finally one of the openers had to call her on it. It was so weird, just to see someone have no understanding of how not a comedy performance, but the world works. I've seen people get drunk at plays, concerts, one man performances, and I've never seen anything like that (or what we hear on here). What happens to people?
  22. Lukas Holmes

    New Front Page Layout

    I already really liked the new pictures on the front page, but the gif of Sharknado BLEW MY MIND! You guys just took a huge leap forward in being attractive to first time users. Just looks great.