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Lukas Holmes

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Everything posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 142 — You Kids Want A Soda?

    Would you have had any idea someone was doing any sort of an impression of him without his specific notable quoteables, before this impression?
  2. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 142 — You Kids Want A Soda?

    And just BTW, Nash's Lincoln is PERFECT! It should become part of his act.
  3. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 142 — You Kids Want A Soda?

    I love episodes like this when they just have on Jason or Chris. You get such a chance to see everyone so comfortable and Nash always has great stories. His relationship with his family is hilarious.
  4. Point of order, does one 'blow' rails? I guess I don't know how cocaine works.
  5. I remember when MTV did a show that talked about this in the 90's early 2000's. I can't remember what it was, but I think Kurt Loder hosted it and it just talked about the secrets of current music or something. Then they showed that and I lost all respect for current hip-hop. By the way, I feel if Jake had just left the room for bits at a time, Natasha would have just kept going. Great episode.
  6. That assassin story was INSANITY!
  7. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 212 — Comedy Bleep Bleep

    Holy $hit! You just won Earwolf forums.
  8. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 212 — Comedy Bleep Bleep

    How in the world was he doing it for them too? I mean he caught them at the right moments too. Something about the sound just made me giggle so much.
  9. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 212 — Comedy Bleep Bleep

    I would love to know who was in control of the bleep machine. By the time this was over I found myself wishing I could this in every phone conversation I have. I would just bleep out every third word and let the world guess at what was happening.
  10. Stupid Paypal...Lingua Pass is my old business name. College business ventures....they haunt you forever.
  11. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 20 — Looking Through Cosmos

    Did anyone else notice that they were close to breaking as they got angrier and angrier at all the ads? This was wonderful.
  12. The NPR recording was SIMPLY PRICELESS! The inflections, the pauses...it sounded exactly like an NPR report. Holy crap. Priceless.
  13. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 140 — Effy Scotty Fitzy

    "Stick your backlash up your back-ass." 2013 can get no better.
  14. The momentum carried throughout this episode was just terrific. I had to replay each of the Shock Sections at least twice to make sure I caught everything that I missed after laughing too hard. "I'm confused." "Did you call me Weezey? Is that my name?"
  15. This was, perhaps, the most insane thing I've heard on Earwolf in a while. I could not have loved it more. "It's fake. These are all fake." Andrew W.K. "[something incoherent] jerking off on your childhood memories." Doug Benson. Madness.
  16. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 138.5 — Sklarbro County 43

    That Rodman/Cox bit at the end was the most unexpected bit of fun I've had in a while. Just hearing him say George Stephanopoulos was worth the price of admission. I hope the guys turn that 'sleep time punishment' rant into a full bit. My wife and I 'take dolls away' from our girls if they keep getting up at bed time. I felt horrible about it at first, but now I have learned to live with it as it does work. I love the idea of 'going into the future to take away things you like' part. Good God this episode was a home run.
  17. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 208 — Zombie Candles

    This was simply wonderful! My favorite part was that Steven seemed pretty lost at times, but still played along and didn't poo-poo anything. Even when he said, "I'm thinking, why am I here?", it still felt like he was playing along. He did great at WYR as well and I really admire an actor coming in to something, seemingly cold, and just rolling with it. And I'm not sure why, but hearing Cake Boss say, 'Like Aquaman? You send out concentric circles and the grandma's and nuns come running?" had me laughing harder than I have in a long time. PFT is a national treasure.
  18. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 206 — Live from SXSW 2013

    But, to be clear, you are no Legal Zoom, right?
  19. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 206 — Live from SXSW 2013

    How is Mountain Dew able to get away with the 'kick start' name? Seems like a pretty blatant ripoff of Kickstarter but whatever. Totally agree with everyone else about the audience on this one, they came to see the stars and didn't seem to get the joke. I think Tim's character didn't help things either. I get Tim and I know why people like/don't like him but his 'I'm going to pull down everything' character certainly doesn't work on a live crowd that is already sort of lost.
  20. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 138 — Outer DB

    I have often called the police to report groups of, I don't, six....eight...people? Perhaps he was calling the police on Chumbawamba and just couldn't be sure how many people were still actually members of the band and how many were just...just awful.
  21. HOLY CRAP! I never even heard hints something new was in the works. What a land! WHAT A COUNTRY!
  22. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 95 — Math

    I LOVE to picture Kyle meeting Harry Potter and doing all of that discussion and the picture, then turning to meet the former Vice President and pretty much looking past him to the restroom and mumbling something like, "Done in there?".
  23. I want to see Jake go through a 24 hour period where he only communicates via You Tube videos, online. Meaning people ask him questions, he responds with a You Tube video that somehow answers it. Example: "Hey Jake, what's the weather like in Colorado in March?" Answer:
  24. A few things; 1) Never have I disagreed with Matt so much as I did over his Shel Silverstein blast. If you want to see how great a writer, and subtle comedian he was, read UNCLE SHELBY'S ABZ BOOK. The only complaint I had about Shel growing up was that every single theater or speech teacher I ever had, made us do prose from the books. 2) The case-closed segment was wonderful and created a great conversation last night among my friends at a hockey game. Even if the artist is trying to be 'ironic' it does not and would never count because the harm of that irony, by way of inspiring those that actually believe that, is too great. People who are supporters of the Nazi party or holocaust deniers, won't care if he ever came out later and said, 'Oh, it was just me pulling a big ironic joke on all of you'. They will take whatever they got out of the time period and the art and never care about what comes out later. I think this is a great discussion that has come up within comedy as well with people creating statements on race or discrimination in a broad sense (and I've heard this discussed on Earwolf before) but racists pick apart pieces of those things to make memes and what have you, that actually support racism and antisemitism. It isn't the fault of the comedian, but it is something that has to be considered and understood by them when doing these takes. 3) As far as it goes with citing anonymous sources in reporting, I have to defend her here (I do actually have a degree in journalism from the University of Texas). Day one in Media Ethics class, we discuss sources and my professor made it clear that as reporters we had a responsibility to use them for every fact and that we were allowed to use them without reference but only if it was for the greater good. He also put on us to police ourselves and one another on this front, meaning that if we had a suspicion that a fellow reporter was just making it up, that we should turn our attention on them. Of course, it is the job of the editor to confirm a source is real before allowing a story to go out, but in our modern age there are actually very few editors and almost no supervision. That being said the citation was pretty vague with 'laughing at studio owners' or whatever and while I think she's right to use the source, it does seem a bit iffy on what exactly is being attributed there and the story would probably be a bit stronger with a hinting at that idea without going so far as to cite anonymous witnesses. 4-God did I wanted to see the face of the man (sorry, I lost who that was) as Matt tried to get him to say the N-word. Great episode again.
  25. 'Doobies everywhere'. Sure are a lot of Doobies.' My nightmares have come true.