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Lukas Holmes

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Everything posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 3 — Creating Scarcity

    I think this is the one that people need to get to for this thing to hit its stride. I heard a lot of stuff that I thought must have perked up Jeff's ears at Earwolf. As a writer of fiction, I have a hard time creating scarcity because there are millions of books a day out there now. One idea I got after hearing this was to approach my cover artist about going with me to book signings to sign prints of the book cover if people buy a book. We'll see if it has any success. I thought the app information was interesting too, as I remember Jeff mentioning something about apps not being as important at one point.
  2. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 13 — Responsibility

    JEFF! The football story makes me a fan of YOU for life. We've all been there. I blew out my knee after our second was born playing street hockey here in Colorado. Not even playing, so much as making a joke between games. My wife was not happy, as I was walking slowly with a cane for a few weeks. But she got stronger from it all! That's why we do these things, to build toughness in our ladies. Another great episode by the way and I want to hear more of the stories of Jeff/wife.
  3. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 51 — Too Soon

    This might have been the GOAT of I4H. The Poe piece had me in tears. When he couldn't remember the names of his works and then Tim's 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' part killed me. As for spreading word about the show, I'm doing something for a few of the shows to help get attention among my friends. It's an idea I heard on Sklarbro about music parties where everyone brings a CD and they exchange. What I do is just grab a best of, or a sample, from a show (like Love, Dad) and burn it to CD, then put a little note inside about where to find other episodes, then give that instead. People seem to dig it.
  4. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 3 — Creating Scarcity

    Finally started listening to these, great stuff.
  5. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 100 — 100th Episode LIVE from UCB-LA

    YES! How great was that little quip? I liked Howard, "Yeah, Chris Gore..." then PFT with his "he's got plots and schemes". I'm starting to think Gore's behavior wasn't a one off incident, but that might actually...REALLY, be a creep.
  6. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 48 — Sleepaway Camp

    Ah see! There is the rub. We've got shots that are her, mixed in with shots that are the mask.
  7. YES! I knew I remembered this from somewhere! That was pretty neat. I guess it's just a pipe dream though, almost impossible to get all their schedules lined up.
  8. You know what I think would be cool? If Earwolf did a week of hosts on different shows. Skarls over on Who Charted, HDTGM hosting CBB, Scott hosting Professor Blastoff. Just would be fun to see everyone take on each other's duties.
  9. I really enjoyed the GREAT HORNED OWL song. Just beautiful. This is the first time I've heard PFT doing something as 'serious' as this. I was struck that the quality of his interview style, timing and ability to not go for some jokes that felt right in his wheelhouse, seemed to be as high as any NPR host. Maybe PFT should consider tackling some more serious topics, as I think he might be that fresh voice in journalism we need. Then again, I can't lose things like, "Who-who...could disagree?".
  10. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 48 — Sleepaway Camp

    I FREAKING love that this movie is getting this response. The worst, most base film we've yet watched, and we can't unravel most of it. As for the final scene, Ricky (Jonathan Tieresten {sp}) lives here in Denver and I heard him talk about it once. What I understood is it's not so much a mask but a really good printing of her face put over a mask. That's what I read once online too. I could be wrong, because I have a hard time looking at that mask in the scene because all I can focus on is wondering about side pony tails.
  11. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 76 — American History

    Loved the moment when they were talking about makeup in the 20's and David said, "Yeah, right after the Civil War they wanted to start feeling happy again." Nice.
  12. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 76 — American History

    Holy $hit. I think you're on to something.
  13. I wonder if people in South America saw that preview for Snuff in a theater, looked around and thought, "Really? Screw it, let's start stabbing people." Oh, and thanks for the Sgt. Pepper's clip. Never sleep again.
  14. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 48 — Sleepaway Camp

    But, if you take it with the context that he is trying to hide the secret of what 'she' is, it kind of makes sense.
  15. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 48 — Sleepaway Camp

    Let's get to the meat of this movie.-Paul Literally. -Jason BEST USE OF 'Literally' EVER!
  16. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 48 — Sleepaway Camp

    Guys...at 18:49, Paul says this, "The movie opens with...". This is, maybe, my favorite HDTGM ever. Just for the discussion at the start about relationships in the movie. I am now, so much more confused than when I saw that movie.
  17. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 183 — Return to Suicide House

    Why is it so much fun to hear James laugh before he is introduced? I always get the biggest smile at that.
  18. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 183 — Return to Suicide House

    I held on until Snagglepuss and Hawking.
  19. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 12 — Self-Awareness

    I can not recommend highly enough, not working from home. Since deciding to get rid of the office and just use my home office, my productivity has dropped horribly. If my kids or wife know I'm in the house, they want to see me (the kids mainly) and I them.
  20. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 1 — Fanute The Coupe

    I finally had a chance to listen today, interesting stuff. I'm anxious to see where they go in terms of style and timing because there were a few parts where I actually got a little lost on the topic. Not really clear what Swag Dracula is (I know, shocking that the middle aged white father/kid's writer doesn't understand) but I really liked hearing the interaction with the guest. I think these guys are going to be great as they get more comfortable with it.
  21. I recognize that you recognize that.
  22. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 182 — Repeat Your Keyword

    Thank you! That actually makes a lot of sense.
  23. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 1 — Fanute The Coupe

    I love that a new hiphop podcast has the word 'beefin' in the third comment ever made about it.
  24. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 16 — Yikes Ahoy!

    PFT is such a perfect guest for this. I had no idea what the story behind 'gypped' was, thanks for letting us know. As for the Native American sports team problem, it is bizarre that we have an NFL team with the word 'skins' in it. I went to a college that was at least the Apaches, in reference to a tribe near the college itself. Wait...I think I'm racist for thinking that was okay. $hit. Just by the by, I have a friend who is full blooded (skipping word here you'll see why) and I asked him what exactly he would like to be referred to as. Here is EXACTLY how that conversation went. "Frank." "No...I mean yeah I get that. Sorry, I just I meant...I'm white..." "I've noticed." "Right, no, I'm white and..." "I'm very happy for you." "Stop it! What is your race." "..." "I mean, I'm not like taking a census, I just want to know what to refer to you as." "You mean other than Frank? Why do you need to refer to me as anything, other than Frank?" "Well you know...in conversation...in case..." "You want to say you have an Indian friend, don't you?" "...yes." "Thank you. Yeah well, if you don't know the tribe name and don't want to ask because you're too lazy or are worried you won't say it right, which you won't, just don't call us Indians or Native Americans. It wasn't America until you got here. If you don't know the tribe, refer to us as Indigenous People." "Okay, great." "You're going to keep saying I'm your Indian friend, aren't you?" "Probably going to say Native American because that sounds less racist." "I hate you."
  25. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 1 — Fanute The Coupe

    What's all this now? I can't possibly keep up with all of these shows...oh well, less time with my kids. I think that's what Love, Dad has been telling me to do.