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Lukas Holmes

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Everything posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 115.5 — Sklarbro County 20

    "Oh yeah, that dude was in the movie Frequency," silence....followed by DVK finishing with, "Solid flick." I have no idea why, but that made me laugh so damn hard.
  2. What I really dig about this show is how varied it is. I would never have dreamed that there would be an episode devoted to people who had shows on MTV as teens. What a crazy interesting glimpse into that world. Of all the Earwolf shows this is the only one each week where I literally have no idea what to expect. What a fun feeling. I feel so old hearing her say she watched Hostel 2 at 15. By the way, why does that guy keep posting about the Iron Sky movie every week? Starting to get a little creepy.
  3. This is one of the best lineups the show has had yet. Another great bit.
  4. The reactions to the 'anal breathing' video are why I listen to this show.
  5. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 9 — Divorced Dads

    Worse problems to have than a bunch of fans wishing for a show to come back, right?
  6. I feel like it might be.
  7. The other day at a park here in Denver, I was shocked by a group of white/Latino kids, proably age 9-12, all pretty much screaming it at each other. I kept looking around expecting someone to stop them. I think there is no fear behind it anymore. We need SHAFT to show up places and just assault people.
  8. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 72 — Expectations/Tig Update

    I am amazed at how wonderful the people on this show are. Tig's emotion when it comes to the package from her friend's children, or the fan's Christmas ornament, is really touching. What strikes me the most is how hard the team has worked to come together to do episodes even if one has to be over the phone, or if they have to bank them, or whatever. I can't think of another program, in any media, where things like what happened to Tig (even Kyle's concussion a while back) wouldn't have caused at least some sort of hiatus. Yet here they are offering us new programming week after week because, for whatever reason, they thought it was important to bank the episodes to be there for us. Is that crazy to anyone else? To think that they actually care that much about the program, each other, and the fans? I just find it very refreshing in a world that is so cynical to see that. By the way, being born in Spring Texas and living there for a good bit of my childhood, I can honestly say I never heard the Mary Lou Retton story, but when asking my family they said that it was common knowledge. Weird.
  9. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 72 — Expectations/Tig Update

    Further proof that 'no one is watching'. This crisp fall Denver morning just got a little brighter after hearing this news.
  10. The only complaint I have about all the new shows it that I would really like to have them also first show up in the Earwolf Presents iTunes. In the mornings when I sync up I don't usually see that there are new shows out there and don't pick them up. Not that big of a deal I guess, but this lazy American wants everything handed to him. As for deluding the brand, I'm all for it. As a matter of fact, I want to see more of it. Think about the variety Earwolf already gives us on comedy, but now they have branched off into-parenting, music, business. For my money I would love to see them start to do some 'radio drama'. I constantly point to Podcasts as my favorite new form of media and while most people I talk to have no idea what I mean, once they are shown how to hook in, they love them too. So bully for Jeff and Earwolf for paving the way and trying new things. Keep it up.
  11. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 46 — Barb Wire

    I assume it is something to do with his egg allergy? Yes, I feel that makes sense. Yes. Yeeeeessssss.
  12. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 46 — Barb Wire

    I always just assumed they have better, more exciting rich people movie star things to do together than watch awful movies when they do find the time.
  13. Different Strokes was just full of awful stuff.
  14. By the way Jake, I want you to do a whole episode of 'Very special episodes'. This came up over on the Improv4Humans forum with such nods to Punky Brewster finding the homeless guy on the roof, and Webster finding the dead girl's boarded up room. Such rich and truly child innocence ending terror in all of these.
  15. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 114.5 — Sklarbro County 19

    More Tom Segura!! We're pretty lucky in Denver, our fans seems to be pretty calm. I will tell you that the worst fans I ever encountered were Eagles fans. I went to a Cowboys game on Christmas Day four years ago in Dallas and while there were maybe 1,000 Eagles fans in the whole place, we all thought we were going to die. In the bathroom there would be twenty Cowboys fans and one Eagles fan and we would all get a little closer to each other because the one would scream and just piss on the ground or in the sink while offering to, I think, either stab or rape us, I wasn't clear.
  16. I wish the Glory Dog video was surprising to me, but having grown up a Southern Baptist in East Texas, you have NO IDEA how common this is. Each 'Harvest Festival' that was done to undercut Halloween was filled with things like this. The irony was that the next year the jails were then filled with the various performers for...well, you can guess why.
  17. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 114 — Who Wants Pepperoni?

    THIS IS NUTS!!!!! The Meltzer story right off the bat is insane!!!!
  18. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 8 — Consumerism

    Jeff MacDonald: You're right. They are just a tool. The failure rests with us as parents. Video games, internet apps, TV...it's all so damn seductive for parents. If you know you can give a kid something to occupy them for just thirty minutes a day, it's amazing. Then it turns into forty, then it turns in to whenever you need a break. I grew up playing video games, sure, but they were truly invented for the home until I was about ten or eleven. Now you can have them from birth and I worry that it is different than it was for us. My sister teacher psychology at the University of Denver, and she explained to me once how they rewire us (in terms of problem solving skills, hand eye coordination) but also in terms of our ability to interact. Her point was that when you have that much control over a....story, or a world, during your formative years, that you have trouble with not having that same control in real life, later on. Not the video games fault at all. But I wonder how much those of us who grew up watching narrative (movies, TV, listening to radio) were able to transition into video games and back out, because we knew the world at large didn't give us those controls? Just my rambling two cents.
  19. This is the best forum thread ever on Earwolf.
  20. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 8 — Consumerism

    I thought the point Jeff made about how the thing you are addicted to, becomes precious to you, was great. I have seen this in action with screentime and could never summarize it or really quantify it, but this is perfectly put. My nephews both play video games and lose their minds when time is taken away from them for bad behavior. With my own girls, I've seen it in reference to TV. This gave me a lot to think about.
  21. Seriously, I had trouble peeing in front of other guys in sports. What kills me is you know that guy leading it would bully the others, "Why aren't you gunna do it? You gay or something?". Childhood is hard.
  22. The freaking pope sketch was magnificent. I wanted to hear more of him getting ready and picking out rings.
  23. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 71 — Wealth

    Were we ever so young? HA! Looking back at that episode and my fear that the show might be ending is laughably depressing now. Things got much, MUCH worse right? Steven for Intern!!!!!
  24. Lukas Holmes

    Episode 45.5 — Minisode 45.5

    I know Jonathan Tiersten, he lives out here in Colorado. Super nice guy. He sings now, has a few CD's out.