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Lukas Holmes

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Status Updates posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Have a wonderful day! Know you are wonderful!

  2. THIS DARKER NOW is out in five days!

  3. Very excited to be featured in the @UTTylerAlumni magazine this month. http://t.co/MiryIZ5X

  4. I threw a block party tonight and met 15 neighbors I didn't know. Gave away 15 books. =) Marketing baby. Always marketing.

  5. Trying to buy a podium off of Craig's List is simply terrifying.

  6. The announcer on the Broncos game just said, "And he caught that looking up at the big light in the sky." We call it the sun.

  7. Our cat has a cold. The sounds it makes are the things nightmares are made of.

  8. People posting how lottery win would mean good for those around them. Not me. Had I won it would have ushered in age of darkness. #KingLuke

  9. To celebrate today, THIS WORLD OR THE NEXT is now on sale for Kindle for $.99. Use the @earwolf link please and enjoy! http://t.co/mW4bdsli

  10. I apologize for my absence. My mother has turned very ill and has been put into hospice. Thank you for your understanding.

  11. 'I'll bet you're pregnant right now. Oh...she IS pregnant right now!" @moshekasher #CLASSIC.

  12. Will he be giving the world some old UFC dvds? RT @mmaweeklycom B.J. Penn Wants 2 Show World He's Still 1 of the Best Fighters on the Planet

  13. The problem with journalism now, to me, is that it's changed from 'Look at this!' to 'Look at me!'.

  14. American Horror Story is a surprisingly emotional story.

  15. It's Festival of Lights day in @CityofBrighton!

  16. Does the UFC and Metro PCS have some sort of marketing partnership going? It's not really clear........

  17. I was a fan of @earwolf before today, now I consider them family. @jeffullrich @SklarBrothers @JuliaEveHays #HendersonForever I love u mom

  18. No matter how bad things are getting, if I ask our littlest one, "How much do you love me?" She will come lean on me and whisper, "So much."


    #NRA I've never been shot by Super Mario, Anderson Cooper, or an Excel spreadsheet. Thanks for your help in furthering the conversation.

  20. So much evil in the world. But you know what, there is more good. So much more good. We can win.

  21. I am so gosh darn proud of @ToddGlass for standing up on a live podcast to tell the host that using the word 'retard' wasn't okay. #LoveYou

  22. Over a year ago @donnybrookcody introduced me 2 the music of THE POGUES. Last night the UFC introduced him 2 the world. #AWinForTheGoodGuys

  23. Separated at birth! @roryscovel & Star Wars hero General Crix Madine. http://t.co/380n7mYG

  24. Leftover cheesecake from the party at The Cheesecake Factory yesterday! Score! #Breakfast #TakeThatMyDoctor #LeftArmNumb #SmellToast
