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Lukas Holmes

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Status Updates posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. In reference 2 his new fame from TV show on IFC, "It's been incredibly subtle." HA! Love @ScottAukerman. From @blastoffpodcast on @earwolf.

  2. I enjoy that less than a week after the shooting we've turned our attention to something really important. Chic-Fil-A and the Muppets.

  3. Fave part last night? Seacrest interviews gymnasts & drops he knows Bieber & he's sending a package. It's the Olympics. They don't care.

  4. As a parent in the morning I always do the same 3 things. 1) Attempt 2 remember who these creatures are. 2) Find pants. 3) Avoid injury.

  5. Daughter dressed as Captain America, chasing Nazis around house. Not clear if dog knew it was a Nazi or not. #IgnoranceIsNoExcuse

  6. So are we still trying to drown out the evil in the world today folks? Are we still fighting THIS DARKER NOW? Let me know how.

  7. Batman Forever is on G4 right now! SWEAR TO VAL KILMER!!!

  8. Holy goodness @EliseRome! Our sweet baby girl starts school in less than a month. =(

  9. You're right #NBCFAIL. Much rather watch interviewers interview interviewers about interviews with old Olympians than watch current games.

  10. I've always thought @danielkinno was good, but his comedic timing and brilliance really came out at the Live from Portland @ToddGlass show.


    #NBCFAIL. Did my Olympics coverage just stop so that a Time Life CD infomercial could come on? Words....escape me.

  12. Finished Kasher in the Rye by @moshekasher. I can honestly say I've never been more emotionally drained after reading a book. #Beautiful

  13. All the dressed up extras remind me of the henchmen that belong to any of Batman's villains. #closingceremonies

  14. I cannot believe #NBCFail so clearly shot their new show in the foot. Such bad feelings associated with AP now because of the cut away.

  15. This is offensive on a lot of levels and I will never buy @Progressive insurance. http://t.co/2CRSC7Cu Thank you @pattonoswalt

  16. The "Thanks Doug, for doing this in Denver...yeah?" at the end of @dougbenson's podcast by @nottjmiller was subtle brilliance! @peteholmez

  17. Review seemed like someone who doesn't know much about @ToddGlass, @nowtoronto. By the way, who reviews comedic sets? Who reads them? #Sad

  18. Everybody FOLLOW the new CHL hockey team the @DEN_Cutthroats! Easily the thing that has me most excited about living in @iknowdenver.

  19. The secret to plot problems or finding new ideas in writing? Remembering those thoughts you have laying in bed, between sleep & awake. #Gold

  20. Don't fully agree with @ToddGlass's stance on the show today regarding Chick-Fil-A, but the idea of 'this is progress' is well made.

  21. Caldwell must love this QB after that.

  22. Editors. Am I right people? Who is with me? No one? Up top? No? Okay.

  23. The heckling by @PFTompkins and everyone else on the latest 'A War of Two Worlds' on @gosuperego gave me fits of giggling this morning.
