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Lukas Holmes

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Posts posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. I love how Jason goes off on MJ's Broadway performance. I look so forward to these shows so much. God bless HDTGM. Every one.


    Oh, and HOLY CRAP, the talk about Ursula. "She's definitely on the spectrum...but in a super sexy way." That was perhaps the hardest I've ever laughed at this show.

  2. Β 

    Hey! Hands off!


    Not only is she exceptionally funny and whip-smart, but also quite striking. My comedy crush was fortified with "Burning Love." Like you said, Ms. Varney was absolutely fantastic. I hope she keeps coming back to Earwolf.


    Did you see the BL episode today? Looks like she's found the 'one'.

  3. Β 

    'I don't know how I'm going to get over Mark. I guess I'll give it a try.' Completely deadpan and just total BS. Loved it. She was brilliant on BL, so glad she made it the furthest. Just a delight to see on screen.


    I think the part that made me laugh the hardest is the scene where he is trying to kiss her in the sauna and she just keeps pushing her forehead further down. She is brilliant.

  4. This dude was a giant weirdo but people referring to rape with the "how dare you say she was asking for it" is a bit much, isn't it.


    I think you are the one going for a 'bit much' there. Saying a woman was 'asking for it' has been used as a classic defense for rape, but in this instance we were talking about his continued uncomfortable behavior.


    Kulap was pushing the interview forward and he turned it into a strange, hyper-sexual thing. She β€˜asked’ for him to give an example of what he was talking about. She didn’t β€˜ask’ for him to make everyone in the room, and then listening, uncomfortable. She didn't 'ask' for him to keep going for so long that it became apparent that it was more than just an answer to a question.


    Don't try and undermine a legitimate argument by going to extremes. Trying to equate our desire for basic civility with us implying that she was β€˜raped’ is beyond ridiculous.


    And Mart, in case you didn't notice, it was a woman who first said the 'asking for it' thing. In the end it doesn't matter what we, as men, feel. It matters that at least one woman felt that way. It's important for us to not be focused on what we feel or think, but understand with deep empathy what may make anyone feel uncomfortable. As a father of two girls, I know that if a man behaved like this with me present, toward my girls, I would feel EXACTLY like something very bad, and very much in need of dialog, had occured.


    Then again, if a man ever tried to take one of my girls out on a date that was 'folding laundry', I would hope she would know that's probably not a great date.

    • Like 3

  5. Wasn't a big fan, but didn't find this as bad as most of the opinions seem to be.

    Anybody else weirded out that he started both this AND his I4H appearance by pouring praise on the host for not reading wik-ee-pedia (he has a weird way of pronouncing it)? Especially after every fact in Kulap's introduction is on his wikipedia page. Maybe it was sarcasm, maybe it's just part of his plan to capture sweet Kulap's affection.


    YES! That was really weird. For someone who seems to do no research himself, it was strange for him to be focused on 'all those' people who interview him without research.

  6. I'll say this much- I've been taking improv classes for a little under a year and it has definitely, without a doubt made me a better person and that is not bullshit. I don't know if I'm any good or not, but it's most definitely made me less pf a pussy.


    You know what would be cool? If they added a new section to I4H that had Matt talking to guys like you, people starting out in the Improv life and what it looks/sounds like early on.

  7. You know what makes me like Howad and Kulap so much? How genuine they are. I really appreciate the fact that Kulap loved the song made for her on the Todd Glass Show so much that she played it here again and again. Seriously. That shows me again just how much Kulap loves what she is doing and appreciates where she is.


    Howard's super positive response to it was great too. He could have been sarcastic or snotty like other comedians might be, but he acted very impressed and encouraging of how nice it was for them to do that. Then, Howard's referring to Todd Glass as a national treasure and Kulap's pushing of people to support Todd was really refreshing. He hasn't been on the show, he is on a rival network, and yet they still went to great lengths to talk about him.


    This is what makes them so wonderful and so much fun to listen to. In Brody's words, POSITIVE ENERGY!


    BTW, I'm starting a campaign to get all of the EarWolf people out to Denver Comic Con next year. Come on guys!


    PS: Why is Kulap being forced to wait in lines at SDCC? She's Kulap. She goes straight to the front of the line.

    • Like 3

  8. Β 

    Hey! Hands off!


    Not only is she exceptionally funny and whip-smart, but also quite striking. My comedy crush was fortified with "Burning Love." Like you said, Ms. Varney was absolutely fantastic. I hope she keeps coming back to Earwolf.


    The way her storyline ended on the final episode was priceless. "I'm all broken up inside" or whatever she said...just perfect.

    • Like 1

  9. Am I that off base?


    Yes. Yes you are.


    Two things. 1) There is no way Kulap could have guessed that inviting him to go on with that topic would have resulted in a twenty minute speech that was a how-to guide for serial killers. Except with serial killers, the story ends with killing someone, and his ended with, 'but I want a meaningful relationship'.


    2) There were two specific things that struck me-his surprise at finding out Kulap was married and his referring to her as a 'hot comic book girl fan' or whatever he said. Both, very unsettling.


    But more than that, what I didn't care for was how important 'he' was. When Kulap chimed in that comics were made for people like her, he completly glossed over it, almost mockingly so 'well, for guys like me'. I was very impressed with Kulap for not pulling out the, 'oh, are you on the cover of a DC comic right now?' line.


    I can see where people would wonder if he wasn't just trying to make his point clear at the start, but the entire show he gave off a weird vibe. All in all, his knowledge of the show (lack of it) his bizarre rambling nature, his creepy dedication to finding out where The Smashing Pumpkins were on the charts, and more, made me dislike him as a guest.


    Oh, and one more thing. To pull up what Kulap said in an ealier show about Fassbender is a little distatseful. Women can say whatever they want about crushes, and she can say whatever she wants in terms of a comedic take on celebrity crushes. That in no way means that hence forth she is allowed to be treated with disrespect on sexual topics and don't get me wrong, I don't think that's what you meant, but people will take it to mean that once a woman expresses in interest in sex then from there out, she's open game.


    You're better than that. We're better than that and yes this is a comedy podcast but guess what, we're all adults and we can behave as such when the time arrises.


    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gunna go have a summah.

    • Like 10

  10. My i4h ritual is to always listen to it after my lunch break on Thursdays, sitting at my desk in my cubicle, usually covering my mouth, teary eyes squeezed shut, trying not to breathe, trying not to laugh out loud because seriously? This show is so funny.


    I love how much stuff goes into this show, I love the bonus episodes with the deleted scenes, and I had no idea how far down the show could plunge into the depths that are Eric the Intern's routinely fubar segments.


    I remember around the end of the Earwolf Challenge when Matt was talking about this show and hadn't decided on a name yet, and when he listed the three or four he was split on, improv4humans definitely stuck out to me and I'm glad it was picked.


    Beyond that though? I had no idea that the Thursdays of the future would consist of me in the office, post-lunch, gleefully in pain with an aching belly and smile muscles completely spent, giggling like a maniac. Good show, old sport.


    I think this is the best post put up on Earwolf in a while. I love picturing a guy just losing his $hit in his cubicle over something good and joyful and not something opressive and horrible. When other writers (or parents) ask me about why I love Earwolf and comedy that is, at times, pretty not kid friendly, I sometimes forget just how much happiness it has brought me over the years. What we get for the 'price' we pay is simply amazing.


    I can't think of another thing of late that has brought me as much entertainment, and as much joy, as Earwolf.


    Well....my kids.
