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Lukas Holmes

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Posts posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. Can I just say I appreciate you guys having Danny on this type of HDTGM and not the regular show. It's a cool bonus to have such a great treasure to listen to like Danny, but then also get our regular rhythm of the full episode next. Thanks for always being considerate of the fans.

  2. Seriously though, this episode might have turned me around on the Sklars. I have always absolutely hated everything they did with ESPN (found Cheap Seats lame and their Sportscenter segments tended to have really lazy jokes, plus the catch phrase "FOKES!!!" made me physically cringe every time) but they were really hilarious and quick here, and had me cracking up with the knitting material. I guess I'll have to dive into the Sklarbro archives.


    Try the new show they are doing, SKLARBRO COUNTY. It is such a good jumping on poing. Only 3 episodes so far and this week's was amazing.

  3. This is easily the best thing Earwolf has come up with so far. I can't believe how much happiness this show brings me. It is everything I fell in love with related to the Sklars and the addition of Dan is perfect. Then you put Chris in this week and it just takes it up to a new level.


    Dan's timing, by the way, is AMAZING. "J-o-....s-.....he takes off running."


    Good grief, please keep this going.

  4. Could not agree with Russ Never Sleeps more. If every single show had PFT on every single week, I would listen to them all twice. He is the BEST guest on any podcast and I think Earwolf owes a lot of their success to his semi-constant presence on the network.


    In closing, please don't get drunk and fight each other on Earwolf message boards.

    • Like 3

  5. Another great one. Maybe time for Matt Besser to get on Sklarbro Country (again? Has he been on there?) to talk basketball. By the way, how awesome is it that Earwolf has Pepsi as a sponsor now? Even if you don't like them, you have to admit that is awesome. I went out and bought some last night just because I was so pleased with them seeing the potential of Earwolf marketing. Nicely done Jeff!

    • Like 3

  6. Wow! This was as perfect as I thought it would be. It is such a great jumping on point for new fans and it really reminded me of the way you do Rome's show. The takes were just perfect, and I thought Dan was just wonderful. Thought I heard a little Wahlberg bleeding through a few times, which made it ever better.


    So great guys, seriously, just wonderful.

    • Like 3


    Can we get some more Tiger Woods soon? I listen at work and have been catching up on back podcasts and any Tiger appearance results in me stifling laughter to the bewilderment of my coworkers.




    Saw your link, bought your songs. Good stuff.
