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Lukas Holmes

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Posts posted by Lukas Holmes

  1. No Swamp Rock? No Shame Shack? Disappointing. However one of the best experts you've yet had on. But I am starting to agree that maybe we need to back off the theology stuff or have a new episode devoted to that. It was a bit jarring this time to move from 'gravity' to 'So, do you believe in God?'. Like really jarring actually now that I listen to it again. One of the reasons I like this show so much is because it allows multiple points of view and lets people who are not normally talking about these topics get together in a lay sort of way. That's fun.


    But then getting on the message boards and aruging about...whatever we're aruging about above...not fun.


    But it is nuts.

    • Like 1

  2. I bought my t-shirt! No kidding, the Earwolf shirts are the best in my collection. This was another great episode. I love it when the guest stays through the final act. I can't believe more people haven't bought the SXSW episode, it was spectacular. We have to suppor the show guys or it won't always make sense for them to keep putting it out.

    • Like 1

  3. I'm late to the party this week, but I'll summarize the with the following.


    1) Aaron is awesome.

    2) Shame shack is awesome.

    3) Kyle wearing a Blastoff t-shirt in the photo this week is awesome.

    4) The idea of expanding to have even more experts in and more varied topics is awesome.

    5) Tig being gone. So not awesome.

  4. This was one of the best eps yet. Colin was simply amazing. I had no idea he had such a sharp sense of humor. Earwolf needs to give him a podcast. I thought the brothers were really on their game this week, great questions, great timing, and really rolling with the jokes especially with Colin. Just a perfect experience. Thank you guys.

  5. I went right out and bought the book for my Kindle after hearing this. The story about being in a classroom with the cell in it, was heartbreaking. When I first heard Mr. Kasher on Sklarbro Country last year, I didn't really care for him. After now hearing him on so many podcasts and hearing his true voice emerge and seeing him for who he truly is, I have become a huge fan. Thanks for a great episode guys and well done in treating the topics with humor and grace.

  6. WOW! I am sorry, but that is maybe the funniest story I've ever heard in relation to Earwolf! The 'watch batteries' aspect of this is...insanity! 'Watch batteries! Watch batteries! You pay for that oven! Watch batteries!'. Then just picturing him screaming this at your unconcious body until he realizes you aren't getting up,then he just wanders away to go work on the toilet. I'm picturing him working on the toilet just mumbling, 'That's what you get, putting watch batteries in the oven. Serves you right. Our God is an awesome God.'.


    Oh man...thank you so much for putting this down on the forum. I am in tears, this is so bizarre! I just told my two year old daughter I'm crying because something is so funny. Oh my gosh.

    • Like 2

  7. Oh poor howie! I'm also a fainter, thanks to strangely low blood pressure.


    The worst one was going down in front of a really cranky plumber who would not shut up and let me sit down while he fixed my toilet. Busted my head open on the counter... Not fun.


    Thankfully, I can tell when I'm going to faint now and my friends and family are used to me just suddenly sitting cross legged on the ground wherever I am to avoid another head injury.


    I feel bad about laughing at Wie's stories, but it comes from a place of love and understanding


    Can we please hear more about the cranky plumber story? That sounds amazing.
