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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Seriously though, this is me watching you two fight...
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    On the plus side, you DO get two Christmases out of it now.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Arrrrrgggghhh, I've got a really good and relevant one that I want to post, but my stupid phone won't let me! It'll be hilarious in like 7 hours when I get home, I swear...
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Boy Next Door (2015)

    There's another one that just came out on DVD that I don't remember the name of right this moment that doesn't look real, yet somehow also has Viola Davis in it. It looks like Jennifer Lopez pretty much just makes parodies of Jennifer Lopez movies now.
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    HDTGM movies and their RT scores

    That just reminded me how it took forevvvvvvvvver for a certain other film to come out on video, so this movie probably benefitted heavily from being the off-brand alternative to "ET" when that was not yet available for home viewing. See also: "Krull". What? It's been three years and "Return of the Jedi" still isn't on tape? Looks like it's "Krull" again...
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    That's kind of what I was getting at. Marvel is so comically (heh...) ahead of the game that their detractors have to find SOMETHING to ding them on, never mind the fact that this whole new superhero movie environment wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for what they've achieved so far, because they've rewritten the book. They've accomplished all sorts of crazy things, and will continue to do so, while the Distinguished Competition SHOULD be worrying more about getting their own projects off the ground than criticizing the best in the business on the one or two things that they haven't done. Marvel will still get the last laugh when "Squirrel Gorl" breaks every box office record.
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    I just hate that Marvel gets flack for not having female or minority-driven solo flicks, while still having several strong characters in major roles. If you want to talk about a lack of diversity, look no further than WB/DC, where they have trouble getting movies to exist that don't star Superman and/or Batman. Suicide Squad is a good first step (even if it leans heavily on the Batman connection), and they have a pretty diverse slate of films that they'd LIKE to make, but if BatsVsSupes isn't as big as it needs to be, that goes up in smoke and it won't matter that "Wonder Woman" was going to have more women on its crew than any other film ever, which has exactly zero to do with whether the movie would have been any good or not.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Not helping us stay on topic is the fact that we know that this episode is already in the can, what with it being the second half of the double-header with "Furious 7", so we're not going to influence the discussion of the film itself in any way.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad Joke

    Jason doesn't have a Twitter that would allow me to see where he's from, so he hardly even qualifies as a person, at least as far as the Internet is concerned. He's a citizen of nowhere, which of course is Erehwon spelled backwards.
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    He also had a really fun run on "Punisher: War Journal", whose final issue included Rhino teaching Frank Castle the true meaning of Christmas, or at least convincing him to not kill some stupid street kids that had come in possession of Stilt-Man's armor. Frank had killed Stilt-Man at the beginning of the series and then crashed the funeral and destroyed everyone in attendance.
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Spidey will watch ANYthing, but if Hawkeye AND Wolverine are down with "Dog Cops", maybe it's worth checking out...
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    As opposed to his fictional son, the one that thinks he's God's gift TO US ALL! Jeez, one's a shitty musician, while the other is a shitty actor/filmmaker. If put in a "Sophie's Choice"-style dilemma, how can he possibly decide which one has to keep on living?
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    While I'm happy that they did something with Hawkeye to make him more interesting, I too was kind of crushed that the whole family revelation kind of squashes any hope of him living in a shitty apartment building and having misadventures with his wacky neighbors and the Tracksuit Draculas in his off-time. Actually, it doesn't HAVE to, he has to stay SOMEWHERE when he's in the city, but I don't think we'll see it, which is a shame because it lends itself SO fucking well to a TV show, bro!
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    At the end of Cap 2, I was looking forward to Cap 3 more than I was Avengers 2, and by the end of Avengers 2, I STILL wanted Cap 3 more than anything. Like someone else mentioned, this felt like a weird middle chapter, and minus a couple of key characters, it seems like "Civil War" might be the Avengers movie that I REALLY wanted.
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Road House Remake!?

    Come on, Swayze in that movie was sexy as fuuuuuuuuucccckkkk.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    If this is the scariest, bestest, most Stephen King-iest thing yet, I can't understand how we DON'T have some sort of "Room 237"-esque documentary pulling back all the secrets, conspiracy theories, and infinite layers of "Maximum Overdrive". THERE'S SO MUCH WE CAN'T UNDERSTAND! I saw a list on some site or another of the best and worst Stephen King movies one time, and the thing that all the best ones had in common was that he had very little or nothing to do with the actual making of the films. Well, having written AND directed this one, you can imagine where it placed...
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Oh God, I just remembered that. It wasn't like a real movie though, was it? I picture it as being some sort of "Magical World of Disney" thing or something. And I'm guessing it had a sequel that was probably called "STILL Not Quite Human"? Jesus, I just looked, and that was actually the THIRD one. WHY DO I REMEMBER THESE THINGS?!?!? Anything I can remember from when I was 9 is completely useless to me!
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    Also, it's great whenever Seavers gets a shout-out on the podcast...
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    I don't remember what it was in relation to, and I just KNOW I heard mention of it in this mini ep, but yes, Michelangelo would look like shit with a beard...
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118.5 - MINISODE 118.5

    I believe that back in the '80s, Cocaine was a full-fledged member of the Writers Guild.
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad Halloween Movies!

    Well, dammit, if enough of us can get it trending on Twitter, maybe we can convince him to... Oh, wait. Right...
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)

    The thing with part 3 when it came out was that it was controversial for being crazy violent, but I remember being pretty disappointed with it and thinking it was just kind of generic. The only one I haven't seen is the one from a couple of years back, though I'm sure I'll get to it eventually.
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Road House Remake!?

    Actually, I was going to ask "Who will be the female Sam Elliot?".
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad Halloween Movies!

    "Deadly Friend" was totally Wes Craven though!
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad Halloween Movies!

    Oh, you better believe I've been looking out for the "Shocker" Blu-Ray release. While not intended to be a cash grab (I love it, but reAlly, it's "Shocker"...), I wouldn't be terribly upset if the unfortunate passing of Wes Craven helped it move some more units.