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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)

    Actually, all of the sequels and stuff BESIDES part 2 seem to be non-canon, as every film past that just seems to be a rehash of the original. That being said, as much as people complain, depending on where you stand with part 2, the Platinum Dunes remake with Jessica Biel is AT LEAST the third best in the series.
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    And if only THAT comment was the very first comment on said page...
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Ironically, you wouldn't see a seatbelt in the entire movie!
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    I think that what Paul is saying is that all "Fast & Furious" directors look alike to him. Not cool, brah...
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad Joke

    The 9/11 references on this show are usually SO broad or ridiculous though that it could almost be a stand-in for ANY big tragedy or historical atrocity, but it just so happens that this is one of the most recent and it happened here in the U.S., so it's going to stand out a little more to most of us. Without looking, I'd guess that something like the Holocaust probably gets brought up more, which was a tragedy on a much larger scale, but it would be silly to blame THAT on "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze". I mean, it didn't even happen in New York... See? GEOGRAPHY was the punchline.
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    I think that "2 Fast..." is a total video game movie. If you break it down, it's like every race or every task is another level. They get their mission, things are going well, something goes wrong, then things go right just in time for them to pull it out in the end, and the cops forget again that they're looking for a big crew of racers that all hang out together that have flashy signature vehicles. Seriously, it's like everyone gets away and the cops are like "Well shit, we'll never find them again". Meanwhile, the Asian girl drives a bright pink car with a fucking dragon painted on it. Speaking of which, the first race of the movie has everyone racing around town while Ludacris is doing things to spice the race up, like lifting the drawbridge, which causes some racers to totally eat shit, while others just don't try the jump. Anyway, again, the Asian girl wipes out, and she's all "Shit, I don't know how I'm ever going to fix this", to which Luda's like "I think we can...work something out". I'm assuming that they fuck, Luda fixes the car, and she forgets that HE'S THE ONE THAT FUCKED UP HER CAR IN THE FIRST PLACE.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    I would have liked to have seen maybe Clooney as Fury classic, or go really old (he was supposed to have fought in WWII with Cap) and have Clint Eastwood, but Russell is a really good pick. I think maybe I'd disregarded him previously because of the aforementioned eyepatch work, but dammit, he can certainly rock it.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad Joke

    Not QUITE the type of negative response that we're used to seeing after a live episode hits...
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    It's as though he saw a penny or something under the car and that just kneeling down to dig it out would have been too inconvenient.
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    HDTGM movies and their RT scores

    I kind of like when a review comes out and the person is shitting on some movie for being a sequel or a reboot or a rip off of something, and then they start talking about the original film as though it's an untouchable classic, just to find out that in their review of that original film, they didn't like that at all either. They're basically just shitting on sequels or whatever because that's what you do and that's how you get heard.
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Up through the first part, I was thinking of the bad guys from the Goonies...
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Also, maybe they were planning on that actor becoming something in the meantime, but then it didn't really pan out.
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    You forgot one big thing. Rob Cohen was also the director of "xXx", which was a big F.U. to the F&F franchise that he helped create. With Diesel having returned to the F&F camp, SOMEONE still has to pay for that betrayal.
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    I think we've already seen Vin lose to the street in those instructional breakdance videos that he did.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    That's the only thing that would make sense to get that space installment we've joked about/prayed for. Therefore, in keeping with the series logic, it will NOT be the reason.
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    Did the guys say that they really couldn't tell that things were re-worked a bit because of Paul Walker's death? From what I've seen (I caught bits and pieces of about half of the movie at my theater) and heard, it seems like the entire pregnancy/possible retirement subplot hardly involves him at all and takes place in conversations when he's not around, or when he's not in the same shot where the other actor is basically putting the words in his mouth. For instance, Vin says "Are you telling me that..." In close-up, explaining everything Jordana Brewster has told him so far, and then it cuts to a shot of Walker just saying "Yeah". Is that about right?
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    If the gang does an earlier installment in the series, I think "2 Fast 2 Furious" would be the way to go. Holy shit, what a stupid movie...
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    HDTGM movies and their RT scores

    Oh, it definitely go the other way too, as there were certainly things about the highest-rated films that have nearly perfect scores that critics were against at the time. "Godfather" , for instance was pretty violent for its day and also glorified that culture in a way that hadn't been done before. And then two years later, I'm sure the same critics were like "Godfather 2? I hate sequels! Hollywood is out of ideas!". I saw "Devil's Advicate" when it was out and don't really remember much of a reaction either way. If anything, it was picked on for Keanu trying to sound Southern.
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    So the one Second Opinion said the guy had been waiting three years for this movie, right? I don't see how that's possible really. I mean, part 6 hadn't even come out yet. Did he just want to skip right past that?
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    HDTGM movies and their RT scores

    I'm sure that back in the day, GamePro gave "Double Dragon" a glowing review!
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    I think I pointed out in a previous Fast and/or Furious thread that Vin Diesel and Jordana Brewster's brother/sister relationship is COMPLETELY believable, seeing as how they both seem to suffer from the same type of charisma deficiency.
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    That was a really good interview with Show, and he seems like a guy that's just happy to be there and do whatever's asked of him. I worked in an episode of Nickelodeon's "Supah Ninjas" where he was the villain, and I can confirm that Big Show's hands are not entirely unlike skillets!
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    To make another wrestling comparison, the part where they talk about none of the main characters ever having to lose a fight made me think of Hogan and the NWO. There, you had a bunch of guys that had been around forever that all had creative control over their characters, which basically meant that everyone refused to lose to everyone else, leading to basically EVERYONE being in the group and just beating up on the nerds, leading to a complete lack of credible good guys. Ironically, as far as the F&F crew is concerned, the one professional wrestler in the bunch, The Rock, is known for being a guy that doesn't mind losing to get another guy over.
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    HDTGM movies and their RT scores

    I don't think the extreme highs or lows of anything pre-Internet can reeeeeeeaaally be trusted as being accurate according to Rotten Tomatoes, though we pretty much have an idea that certain movies probably wouldn't have fared too well anyway. It's easy when gathering information on older stuff to assume that yes, "Mac and Me" is one of the shittiest movies in creation, but I'm sure that in it's day, there HAD to be at least a good review or two of that or "Jaws: The Revenge", "Staying Alive" or "Top Dog" from the Armond White of that period (who may have actually still been Armond White...) that didn't make the jump to the digital age.