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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad Halloween Movies!

    I legit LOVE "Shocker" and think that the first half is a pretty solid serial killer flick, where we actually see the killer being as brutal as his backstory makes him out to be, and then holy shit does it make a hard turn when it goes into body-jumping supernatural killer mode. Yeah, it's not as great during that stuff, but still has some great moments. Anyway, to anyone that hasn't seen it, if you split it up the middle, it's like two completely different movies, sort of like "From Dusk Til Dawn" with the vampire stuff all of a sudden coming from out of nowhere. The soundtrack is also fucking fantastic, and there's a Scream Factory Blu-Ray release coming out next week that I'm super psyched for.
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    You'd be amazed. For instance, the thing I've been hearing a lot in our lobby when people look at the posters on the "Coming Soon" wall is "Oh wow, there's goes to be a Mockingjay Part TWO?!?". From what I understand, the "Hunger Games" films are mighty popular, as is the series of books that they're based on. Also, I'm told that the last film did not actually have an ending, and I know for a fact that it was called Mockingjay PART ONE. These people don't remember what they saw nine months ago, how it ended, or that it was deliberately titled in such a way that promised future installments, so I don't count on them to know if and when something is being made, much less when it comes out. I need a new job...
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    There's going to be some confusion at my theater, I just know it. General audiences are fucking DUMB. You should have seen it earlier this year when "Furious 7" and "Mad Max: Fury Road" were out at the same time. Actually, it was worse when the first one left. "What do you mean it's gone? No it ain't, it says it's there right there!". Fuckin' dummies...
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    I think they need to bring back another fan favorite to the series and just call the next one "The The 8".
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Spawn (1997)

    So, I've never watched more than five minutes of "Real Steel" before now, and what do I hear but a song off of the "Spawn" soundtrack, which of course is one of the best soundtracks to one of the worst films ever. How DARE you rip off a classic, "Real Steel". How. Dare. You.
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    In part 5, did anyone say "This time, it ain't just about being furious"?
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    In "It Follows", did "It" always have to be following? I mean, after the kids got away, they'd almost always end up back at one of their houses, so couldn't it just hang back, knowing they'd come back? I guess "It Waits Patiently For You To Return" doesn't sound as ominous. I thought the movie was fine, but I had a lot of "Hey, wait a minute..." moments once I stopped to think about it.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    I think my dislike of the Fast and/or Furious films just comes from the fact that I don't like the characters at all from the ones I HAVE seen and I don't feel like spending any time with them at all, crazy action scenes or not. The super douchiness and all the "family, family, family" talk just makes them feel like they're a Faygo product placement and some shitty face paint away from being Juggaloes.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad Halloween Movies!

    It DID get a mention in today's mini ep.
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 117.5 - Minisode 117.5

    I'm sure that I can count on all of you to provide interviews and insights for my upcoming documentary project about this fiasco, "Nun Taken: How Shonda Rhimes Got Away With Murdering Our Hopes And Dreams For A Proper Nundercover". "Nun Taken" would have also served as the tag line for "Nundercover" if we were able to get Liam Neeson in the lead. If that title is a bit too cumbersome, I was also thinking of just calling it "Jodorowsky's Nundercover".
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Boondock Saints (1999)

    This reminds me, my old roommate Julie LOVES "Boondock Saints", and I hadn't seen it until she pretty much forced me to watch it, and then I didn't see anything special about it. Anyway, one morning, she wakes me up because she needed a ride to work and her car had died, so I just rolled out of bed, threw some pants on, and we were out the door. I'd woken up late the day before and hadn't showered, and then I didn't shower when I got home before I went to bed, so here I was barely awake, hadn't bathed in two days, and had probably been sweating a bit in my sleep. So, as she's following behind me on the staircase in our apartment building, Julie asks me... "Hey, are you wearing Axe Body Spray?" Jesus, is that what that shit really smells like?
  12. Sometimes, Netflix gets it really, really right, but sometimes I think someone's asleep at the wheel and something sneaks it's way in. Because I watched "Sudden Death", Netflix suggested nearly every JCVD, Seagal, and Wesley Snipes movie that they currently have streaming (including the shitty sequels to their movies (like "Art of War III" and "Bloodsport 4"), with some Norris, Lundgren,, and Dacascos sprinkled in. However, there is ONE big "one of these things is not like the other" pick, and that is... The Josh Hartnett/Harrison Ford joint, "Hollywood Homicide". Most of the time, I feel like no one knows me better than you, Netflix, but then sometimes I feel like you don't know me at all For instance, here's my "Top 10" suggestions according to Netflix... -"Orange is the New Black": I've hard good things -"How I Met Your Mother": I've been meaning to give it a try -"Futurama": I liked it, but never watched regularly -"Bob's Burgers": Don't know WHY I haven't watched it yet -"Hunger Games": I'm willing to give it a spin -"Sherlock": It's been in my queue for about 3 years, I'm getting to it... -"Burn Notice": Eh, maybe someday -"The Road": I finally watched this last week, and I'm kind of disappointed that it wasn't more fucked up. It was kind of boring. This was actually filmed in my area somewhere, in the middle of summer by the looks of it... -"Star Trek: The Next Generation": No thanks and finally... -"A Haunted House": I'm throwing all of your stuff out of the house right now, Netflix. If you're looking for your record collection, it'll be on the front fucking lawn...
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    What film got you into the podcast?

    I have an idea for a spin-off thread...
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad movie options- Buzzfeed's How Many Bad Movies Have You Seen?

    This is probably the most that "K-Pax" has been talked about in over a decade.
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad movie options- Buzzfeed's How Many Bad Movies Have You Seen?

    Do you also have to exclude them if you've only seen them on MST3K? That's where I saw a lot of the older ones if that counts. I probably wouldn't have finished them otherwise.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad movie options- Buzzfeed's How Many Bad Movies Have You Seen?

    That's true, as some of the more recent ones reek of someone going through a list of movies from the 2000s and going "Oh yeah, I saw that and it wasn't good". Something like "K-Pax" seems like it belongs more on a list called "How many of these movies do you even remember?".
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Terminator: Genisys (2015)

    Hmmmmm. It's very possible that I'd only seen the teaser (which was on the Total Recall VHS that I watched a billion times) and the TV spots.
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad Halloween Movies!

    It hits the 80s nostalgia sweet spot though. I was never a fan of it really, but the hosts are about that age where they may have seen it a lot as kids and liked it when it was on TV all the time, but then don't like it so much as adults, this time watching it with an eye for things that they might find far more disturbing.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bad movie options- Buzzfeed's How Many Bad Movies Have You Seen?

    Buzzfeed's kind of a joke. All the "bad" movies listed are ones that everyone has either seen or at least heard of. No real deep cuts there. It SHOULD be called "How many of these bad movies have you seen, and how many times have you basked in the glory that is the flawless masterpiece known as Road House?".
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Boondock Saints (1999)

    While the movie isn't great, I think it is a good gateway movie. Like, a lot of the younger people in the early part of the century that thought this was the bee's knees didn't know that Duffy was lifting pretty much everything from better movies by better directors, so they might be more willing to check those out on a recommendation. And since this movie was made so long after it was greenlit and then not even really seen until long after THAT, Duffy was spared the "Tarantino clone" tag, though he certainly had the same amount of success as many of those filmmakers (translation: he was completely unsuccessful).
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Christian Mingle: The Movie (2014)

    Hmmmmmm, and I suppose that it will be tailored to fit the beliefs of whoever is in charge at the time, and that it will lose a bit in the translation from language to language. I didn't realize that this would be so hard!
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    What film got you into the podcast?

    "Punisher: War Zone" was the first episode that I listened to, though I believe that "Leprechaun in the Hood" was the most recent episode at that point. It didn't take me long to get all caught up!
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Christian Mingle: The Movie (2014)

    From now on, copies of the DVD should be left in hotel nightstand drawers.
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Monkey Trouble (1994)

    It's from the studio that brought us the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" movies and "Theodore Rex", guys!
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    It's biggest problem overall was that it was absolutely tone deaf. They were pulling things from different eras of the character, but there wasn't really any balance or anything that tied it all together in a satisfying way. Garth Ennis wrote the book for nearly a decade, doing two completely different takes on the character, with one being a more humorous and cartoonishly violent tale (Castle uses an entire zoo as a weapon at one point), and then the second run (which started just about when the 2004 movie came out) being a pretty terrifying version of how he'd deal with more real-world issues and the horrible people that do even MORE horrible things to good people. I think "War Zone" was a better balance, but I'd still like to see a dead serious Punisher, which we might get in "Daredevil". But holy shit, that ending to "The Mist" just drives it's boot right into your taint...