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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 110 — The Island of Dr. Moreau

    It is so, so dry, and while some of the information is interesting, the presentation isn't. I guess I was expecting it to be a bit lighter and for the people telling the stories to be a bit more animated, because ultimately, this is a movie that really wasn't important in any way, shape, or form that's just notable for being a nightmare of a production. There's a half hour left, Frankenheimer's just shown up, and they're now getting into the actual shooting of the film, so maybe it'll pick up. It's missing a lot of the people that we WANT to hear from though...
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 110 — The Island of Dr. Moreau

    Well, the documentary is up on Netflix now. I'm about 35 minutes in though, and it is borrrrrrrrrrrring
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    Look no further than Page 6 of this very thread...
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Hulk (2003)

    My biggest issue at the time was that it wasn't the kind of movie that it NEEDED to be. I caught it a night or two before it came out, and all I could think after the first half or so was that we were going to have SO many angry parents. I mean, not necessarily because it wasn't for kids (although it wasn't), but because it is SO boring, and nothing happens that would interest kids in the least. It was totally marketed to kids though, and if you'd seen the toy aisles, you'd think that this was going to be the action/adventure movie of the summer, not a movie about daddy issues. We do have it to thank though for Hulk Hands, possibly the greatest toy ever. Anyway, if it was going to be a talkier film like this, it needed a star, someone that could hold your attention through an hour of technobabble and psychological stuff, not an unknown like Eric Bana. I think they got the casting right the second time around with Norton, or at least it was closer, because he's a good known actor that can be pretty captivating with the right material. However, the Hulk movie that he got was a different beast altogether. Edit: Oh jeez, I only just saw that I'd basically repeated what I'd already said in a comment from three years before...
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    It makes me think of this...
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    Of course we know that the cop that has a fear of heights is going to be put in a situation where he has to overcome that, and that the only thing stupider than that happening would be that NOT happening. For once, I'd like to see something in a movie where we DON'T necessarily know how it's going to pan out. I mean, like, if we found out that the main character failed to save the lives of some hostages or something because of his deadly peanut allergy, I'd think "Sure, by the end of the film, this cop is going to overcome this affliction to save the day, but what in the WORLD is going to happen to make him have to confront that?".
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    I'd like to imagine that the robot at the beginning was slipped the gun by Simmons in some sort of complicated "Godfather"-style way that involved him getting in and taping the gun to the back of the toilet or something...which of course the robot stumbled with for hours before getting it in its claw.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    Wait, you can jerk off at HOME now? Huh...
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 113.5 — Minisode 113.5

    Fuck: C-3PO. Fluent in over 6 million forms of communication, which could make for some HOT dirty talk. Marry: Iron Giant. I don't remember enough of the movie, but he didn't talk a lot, right? Kill: Bishop. It won't work though, because the guy's pretty unkillable. I just know I don't want to fuck him and don't want to marry him, but I can probably "kill" him with a clear conscience. Okay, Fuck, Marry, Kill: Rosie from the Jetsons Kevin Spacey in Moon HAL
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 113.5 — Minisode 113.5

    Okay, guys. Fuck, Marry, Kill: Lois Paulie's robot from Rocky IV Randy Quaid in Pluto Nash
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    God's Not Dead

    This is totally on Netflix now, guys. I kind of want to do a live blog of it as I watch it...
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    God's Not Dead

    Is Jason still in "The Dictator" though?
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Identical (2014)

    I'd like to hear the conversation that he had with himself that led to THAT career change.
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Radio Flyer (1992)

    I wonder if, following the success of E.T., they saw that Huffy (or whoever) sales were through the roof or something after being featured prominently while fucking FLYING, and went "Yes. We want a piece of THAT."
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Terminator: Genisys (2015)

    Actually, with the first Jurassic Park, they pretty much DID spoil a lot of the dinosaur stuff before the movie came out, as that was one of the movies where I specifically remember there being a lot of "making of" specials and things before the film came out. you'd usually see those things afterwards. I didn't really even care for the movie at the time, and while it looked great, a lot of the wonder was taken out of it already, so that didn't even really do it for me. I think that later on with "Godzilla", the teasing was good, but people were so disappointed with the final reveal, and studios wrongfully took that as a sign that maybe audiences didn't want to be surprised, when all it really was was failure to deliver on sky-high expectations that the marketing created. If the campaign was the same, but Godzilla looked like Godzilla, THAT part could have been great. As it stands though, people hated the monster, and the movie built around it just happened to be pretty shitty, which didn't help. I wonder though, in this day and age, how much lack of communication plays into things being revealed in trailers and stuff. Usually, the people making the trailers are working with what they're given, and if what they're given is the most spoilery stuff, it's hardly their fault. Maybe the people giving them the material shouldn't give them the final shot of the film if they're not supposed to USE the final shot of the film, right? Maybe nowadays though, they just go "Fuck it, so much information has been leaked anyway, what's it gonna hurt?". Speaking of giant monster movies, does anyone remember when some people were upset to find out that "Cloverfield" was pretty much JUST a giant monster movie? I kind of feel sorry for Abrams in that it seems like because his biggest success was so shrouded in mysteries, and because the marketing of his other projects start off as being very mysterious, people take it to mean that everything has to mean something that we're just not being told about. I'm glad that he doesn't play into that so much though, and I'd like to see what would happen if he just decided to do a by-the-numbers romantic comedy one day.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Terminator: Genisys (2015)

    Jason IS still in "The Dictator" though, right?
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Terminator: Genisys (2015)

    I don't think I'd ever seen any of his other films in their entirety, or at least didn't know he was in them, so he never really stood out to me, but I did think that Jai Courtney did fine here, and I don't think the differences between him and Biehn were AS apparent because of the twists that the story took. He's a bigger dude and looks more like an action hero, but he was fighting alongside a BIGGER dude and wasn't fighting the same kind of enemy. I think I remember hearing the stories about the first Terminator where some people were opposed to Arnold's casting, at least in that role, because the general consensus was "Look at the guy. OF COURSE he can murder you". I liked the idea in the second one that the smaller guy that could literally blend in anywhere was the threat, that the walking tank was suddenly at a disadvantage, and I guess that wouldn't have been possible and that it wouldn't have been AS interesting of a dynamic if they hadn't gone the more traditional David & Goliath route in the first place. Holy shit though, does anyone else remember the reveal in T2 though that Arnold was the good guy? They kept it well hidden in the marketing and stuff so that it was more like an actual plot twist. That blew my 13-year-old mind right out of the back of my mind!
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    So what would it look like it Nicolas Cage WAS in every HDTGM movie? Well.....

    That "Glitter" one is pure nightmare fuel.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 113.5 — Minisode 113.5

    Oh jeez, THAT fuckin' guy...
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Am I really dumb (no U.S listerners)

    Oh, not a problem at all. 1973 was clearly when Chinese food was at its sexiest!
  21. I mean, you still can if you WANT. For fun. I think the guy in the movie did it like seven times before he actually did anything! It must have been delicious.
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 113.5 — Minisode 113.5

    I wanted to see more of the baby dinos in general! We could have a modern day "Land Before Time"!
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 113.5 — Minisode 113.5

    During the attack, there was a part that I thought was SO adorable that no one brings up. The petting zoo gets attacked, but they couldn't lift the baby dinos because they were too heavy. Like, one of them tries to take off with a little brontosaurus or something, and then drops it from three feet off the ground. Awwwwwwwwww! It's too bad what happens to the humans though. Yeah, that sucks... Maybe the Pteranodons were genetically engineered to crave HUMAN FLESH!
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    EPISODE 113.5 — Minisode 113.5

    I hope that Paul has some nice button-up, collared Ant-Man/Drax shirts for his signings. Maybe a nice pair of slacks too, because if the comic show crowd hates anything, it's shorts and graphic tees. Oh, WAIT...