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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Johnny Mnemonic (1995)

    Hey, it was a busy holiday weekend, and I'm sure there were at least a DOZEN people in there.
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Johnny Mnemonic (1995)

    And the front was transparent, showing that the inside of his head was basically a spool of video tape. Mid-nineties techo thrillers were so adorable.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Johnny Mnemonic (1995)

    I remember seeing this in the theater, having picked this over "Braveheart" that day. This was certainly a shorter film...
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Taken 3

    I believe you meant "T4ken". BAM.
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Fantastic Mr. Fox

    I still do it all for the nookie though. I mean, really, why wouldn't you...
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Fantastic Mr. Fox

    I had "Citizen Kane" on my shelf for quite some time, but by the time I got around to actually watching it, I'd seen that AFI or someone had reported that it had somehow lost its title of "Greatest Movie In The Known Universe" to "Vertigo", which just gave me a bad feeling about it the whole time, making me feel that it was now a film composed entirely of street trash.
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    American Anthem (1986)

    I think I kept getting this mixed up with "Vision Quest" or something. Lots of mid-80s flicks that centered on sports that didn't catch on so much in the way that "Karate Kid" did. I'd say that "Gymkata" had the edge, what with all the murder and stuff.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Taken 3

    If I remember correctly, it benefitted from the writers strike of '07-'08, as Fox was left with a depleted slate of theatrical releases, so the first "Taken" got the full rollout and became a big hit instead of being dumped on DVD during a time of year where that typically doesn't happen, even with BIGGER releases.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Seventh Son (2015)

    I've seen bits and pieces of this, and it just looks like standard bullshit, nothing particularly crazy or interesting. It's not helping or hurting anyone's career, I'm sure everyone has done worse, and it's probably not worth wasting a show on.
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Jupiter Ascending

    Yeah, while it is still kind of a popularity contest, it's more like voting on an Employee of the Month at work. Like, I've had nothing but trouble working with this one kid, so I'm never going to vote for him no matter what. Something like that, but with more money flying around. The funny thing with "Jupiter Ascending" is that it was supposed to be out last summer and would have been long forgotten by this point instead of being forgotten a few months from now, so would people have been saying "Oh, that Redmayne kid was in that shitty movie from half a year ago that I didn't see anyway, so fuck that guy"? I doubt it. I'm more surprised that they're not going with the usual "the real guy wasn't REALLY like this, which totally affects the quality of filmmaking and/or performance or something" stand-by (I believe that's Built-In Awards Season Storyline Template #7), but maybe that's harder to attack with when the guy the movie is about is still alive to defend himself. Oh, and fuck Cumberbatch, because he's going to be doing a superhero movie in a couple of years...
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Gummy Bear The Movie 3D

    Lionsgate will be close behind with "Sour Patch Kids: This Is Really A Thing".
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Jupiter Ascending

    I'm not sure that that's ever really been a serious thing though, the "shitty movie currently in theaters killing Oscar chances" thing. It's certainly something that people like to pin losses to as reasons why someone didn't win, but I really don't believe that the people that get to vote on them are THAT petty, as they certainly know better and no doubt have some shitty cinematic skeletons in their closets as well. They're not like publicly-elected politicians that have to bend to the will of their constituents that are pressured to vote one way or the other, otherwise the most commercially successful films would win the most awards every time. That said, I'm not sure that I've heard much general discussion either way about this film, much less any focus on Redmayne, but the theater I'm at is in a small market that still hasn't gotten "Theory of Everything" where "American Sniper" has been making an absolute killing for weeks. I think the week after the Oscars here will be all about how THAT movie was robbed and should have won everything, because dammit, that was the only movie in the race that 95% of our customers even bothered to see. This is the time of year when we start getting "When are you going to get..." a movie we had even just two months ago that our very mainstream, old, white customer base didn't even bother with because they weren't being told to see it yet.
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 102.5 — Minisode 102.5

    That's an incredible band name by the way.
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Mortdecai (2015)

    That sounds more like G4's fault then all the way. Whether or not she knew her shit, they knew that they needed some sex appeal to try to get some more attention, which kind of makes them guiltier than she personally was for pandering/trying to appeal more to the mainstream. She may have gotten noticed via some other outlet had the G4 gig not come along, but it seemed like there she was a big fish in a small pond as far as marketable female personalities go, so she was able to ride that into the ground. Also, the geek culture is known for taking itself way too seriously when no one else does, so it sounds like sour grapes when people I haven't heard of criticize a former co-worker for not earning their success through a genuine passion for the product, which is hardly anything new or unique. They might talk about their G4 experiences for the rest of their careers, while Munn can probably go the rest of her career without ever mentioning G4 or having to explain what that was. Speaking of the geek culture being entirely too wrapped up in their own shit, I was stunned when "Dark Knight Rises" was practically filming in my backyard a few years back ("Captain America: Winter Soldier" was pretty close to me too) and my local comic store crew couldn't give less of a damn. I used to work there, so I know that these people will debate those movies for hours on end and get super into the books and games, but here they were presented with an opportunity to get involved, to be IN the movie or get to work on it in some capacity, and they ignored it. I've never truly understood the mentality, and every time I thought I was close, I just felt myself descending into madness...
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 102.5 — Minisode 102.5

    Well, you could still SAY you're not going to...
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Dragonball Evolution (2009)

    DragonBall Zzzzzzzzz......Zzzzzzzzz......Zzzzzzzzz......
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 102 — Tango & Cash

    This reminds me of how at the end of "Judge Dredd", everyone's basically like "I guess you're in charge now, Dredd!", just after he took out the real villain, but AFTER essentially pulling off a prison break and probably killing at least several of his fellow judges that were only doing their jobs, as they'd been duped by the baddies. I would think that in THAT universe in particular that someone would be like "OK, we were being manipulated, but you still have a LOT to answer for, asshole". I'm not sure if they made mention of that in that particular episode.
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Army of One (2016)

    To be fair, Stallone's crazy is higher profile, more well-known crazy as far as box office is concerned, as he could put anything out in his heyday, and much of it was successful or at least aired endlessly on TV when most of us were growing up. Cage, particularly his more recent stuff, requires a bit more homework, because his craziest stuff has either been in smaller or at least lesser-seen stuff. They totally need to get around to Bad Leiutenant though.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Army of One (2016)

    And here I thought that this was suggesting the Dolph Lundgren film of the same name, which really wasn't all that remarkable. I'm only HALF disappointed...
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 101.5 — Minisode 101.5

    In this clip, friend of the show Vanilla Ice explains the subtle differences between the "Beverly Hills Cop" and "Tango & Cash" scores, because they're COMPLETELY different. For serious, guys...
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 101 — Xanadu: LIVE!

    Arnold Strong (you can hear both the dubbed AND original voice tracks on the DVD) was also involved in what I believe HAS to be the most accurate portrayal of Greek mythology happening on film ever...
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 101.5 — Minisode 101.5

    I haven't listened to the mini ep yet, I think I'll fire that up right now, but I'll be happy to share that No Prize! Excelsior!
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Collision Course (1989)

    So was it scheduled to be the last day of shooting, or did it just BECOME the last day of shooting? "We were totally about to shoot the important shit, but wouldn't you know it, we ran out of money THAT very day" is a fantastic excuse!
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 101 — Xanadu: LIVE!

    It was a lot better than when I was Gotham PD for a day on "Dark Knight Rises" a few years back. I'm pretty sure I got murdered in that movie. Possibly twice.
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 101 — Xanadu: LIVE!

    Oh wow, I'd recognized the name from a Like I'd received on my Krull comment, and I was going to ask if you were THE person! Geeky story: I met the model for Tim Bradstreet's Punisher covers through E-Bay when he was interested in getting more details on items he was interested in purchasing from me that featured his likeness. Also, I got to be a SHIELD agent in "Winter Soldier" when it filmed in Cleveland. It was pretty rad.