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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 101 — Xanadu: LIVE!

    Wait, so you want to hire an actual Greek guy to do a reboot based on NORSE mythology? Eh, makes about as much sense as this one already...
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 101 — Xanadu: LIVE!

    XanaDOUCHE! Had anyone said that yet?
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 101 — Xanadu: LIVE!

    This reminds me, I have Marvel's "Krull" adaptation that came along a couple of years later, and there are articles in the book that describe the mania surrounding the film, the merchandising blitz, "Krull"-themed weddings, and numerous other things THAT WEREN'T REALLY THINGS, many of which DID NOT actually happen. I was very young during that time, my four-year-old self wasn't terribly media savvy, but it looked like the way they were trying to convince you that it was the next "Star Wars" would be comparable to if they were trying to convince you that "In the Name of the King" was going to be the next "Lord of the Rings".
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 60 — Mind Blowing Movie Thought Experiments

    "The One Where Everyone Didn't Get Killed In The End" was always one of the more peculiar episodes of "Friends" to me...
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 101 — Xanadu: LIVE!

    I REMEMBER my first three in the theater to be "Annie", "ET", and "Return of the Jedi". I'm told though that my parents also took me with them to the drive-in (because they had an infant and they weren't assholes) to see "Alien". My dad said they were both asleep by the halfway point, so I can only imagine the psychological trauma that my one-year-old self endured that evening...
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 101 — Xanadu: LIVE!

    Hold on, if you create an account to make comments immediately after the posting of a live episode, the only thing you're allowed to do is complain about the audio quality! This is etched in stone somewhere, I'm sure of it! Or not. I guess I don't know how to react to polite first-time commenters...
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 101 — Xanadu: LIVE!

    I'm generally not a fan of musicals anyway, but I think that with each layer that gets thrown on to the original (the musical based on the film, the film based on the musical based on the film, etc...), it becomes LESS enjoyable, because part of the enjoyment of a good BAD musical or movie (that gets a musical remake of some sort) is the lack of self-awareness since much of the fun or humor of it often comes from its ineptness, whether it's bad writing, bad acting, or any combination of things that makes it great in ways that were completely unintended.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 101 — Xanadu: LIVE!

    Its name: "Xana2". BAM.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Poseidon (2006)

    Also, a rapping animated dog...on the Titanic...
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Poseidon (2006)

    I'm sorry, did you say something about a cartoon boat in a disaster movie? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvfU5gzAmHg
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    If Alice Cooper and the Black Eyed Peas were to appear together on an awards show or at a halftime performance or whatever, I imagine that this is what the Asian guy that never gets to talk would look like.
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Robot Jox (1989)

    I'm pretty sure we have this posted already. I specifically remember a gif of a Power Glove fist bump.
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    I love the movie, but as super violent as it is, there really isn't much for these guys to talk about as it's not nearly as cartoonish as Punisher or Crank, and while it has some of the satire from the comics, it's a lot more subtle and not nearly as over the top as it is in the Stallone version.
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 100.5 — Minisode 100.5

    I can't believe I didn't post this last week when they were discussing Arnold's burgeoning femininity, but it's a nice change of pace after the "big word" megamix this week... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJiyO4Ng7v0
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 100.5 — Minisode 100.5

    Speaking of this, when most of the mini-eps show up, it says something like "the prequel to next week's episode", which is often completely wrong if the episode in question hasn't been recorded yet. In this week's case, it's correct, as the live episode was recorded some time ago, but if you're doing one thing to hype up the next thing, and there's no indication at all that the next thing has already happened, I'd say it's more of a "prelude".
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 100.5 — Minisode 100.5

    This kind of reminds me of something I saw in a documentary called "Chasing Ghosts", which is about a bunch of guys that used to be hot shit arcade gamers in the early 80s. During the course of the film, they talk about how this was like the biggest craze on Earth, but then the arcades closed, and some people just couldn't move on. I was thinking that maybe these places had hung on a while, to maybe the late 90s, when the Internet became a big thing and home consoles started to catch up to the arcade quality, but that wasn't the case at all. In the closing montage, they showed these places booming in 1982, but then a lot of them were shut down by like 1984, so a lot of these dudes had just been wandering aimlessly in life since then.
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Strange Wilderness (2008)

    I DID like the bit where they try to cover up for the fact that they murdered Bigfoot, but I don't remember much else aside from the bit with the shark that goes on forever and ever.
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 100 — Junior

    ALL of the times. I'd like to right now suggest a "raw dog" montage for the next Howdies!
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Men With Brooms

    Hold on, a sports movie where the climax hinges on some sort of impossible/improbable/ridiculous shot or play? I've never seen such a thing...
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Caddyshack II (1988)

    It may be one of the finest things to come out of the 80s, period. It's legit one of my favorite songs and probably the most underrated of all of Loggins's many, many incredible soundtrack contributions during the course of the decade.
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Other Sister (1999)

    What makes it even more ridiculous was that neither actor was poised to make that next step, like playing handicapped was going to be that last push that they needed to get to the upper echelon or something. On top of being terrible, you're left wondering WHY these two actors?
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Roomate

    When are we finally going to get the proper (not straight to video) sequel, "Married White Female"?
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Interview

    What you're claiming though is that it's just a bad movie, and while all the external craziness surrounding its release is interesting, that doesn't mean that the movie itself is necessarily worthy of discussion on a podcast about MOVIES that are outrageous. I haven't seen it yet, but when it comes to bad comedies in general, it's not all that fun to talk about how unfunny something was unless it inadvertently caused some terrific unintentional humor or is horribly misguided and doesn't know who it's audience is supposed to be, like "Old Dogs".
  24. OK, so I caught a scene from the new "Night at the Museum" movie today where the various museum characters are up to shenanigans as usual. Anyway, Atilla the Hun had been fighting a dolphin or something, and Ben Stiller's like "Atilla, you don't beat up dolphins! They're gentle creatures, but you were hacking away at him like it was 'The Cove' or something". WHO THE HELL IS THAT LINE FOR?!?!? "The Cove" is a documentary about horrible shit happening to dolphins, and while I probably listen to more podcasts where documentaries are discussed than your average person, I still BARELY know what it is, and I can't imagine how or why there's a "Cove" reference in a PG-rated movie geared towards kids. I'm not even sure it's anything that the parents would get. It's certainly no "Say 'ello to my li'l fren'!" from "Scarface", which pops up in plenty of inappropriate places, but EVERYONE knows it. This is something I'd expect if Dennis Miller wrote a kids movie...
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 100 — Junior

    From what I can tell you based on playing a Pfizer rep-in-training in the Jake Gyllenhaal film "Love and Other Drugs", those conventions are...I don't know what they are. I just wanted to shamelessly mention my film career again. I can be seen over Jake's shoulder a few times in the training montage, and then the film is dead to me. I'll next be sort of seen (I better be seen, I'm a fucking judge at ringside) in ANOTHER Jake Gyllenhaal flick, "Southpaw", directed by Antoine Fuqua, coming to a theater near you in 2015!