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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 95.5 — Minisode 95.5

    Finally! It's about time they stopped monkeying around.
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Maximum Overdrive

    Speaking of assholes with asshole trucks, I was working at a bank a couple of years back when we got a call to be on high alert because a bank a few miles away had just been robbed. It wasn't one of ours, but it's not like bank robbers have brand loyalty or anything. Anyway, things cooled down a short time later when we learned that the culprit(s) had been caught almost immediately. What happened was that some girl had turned her boyfriend in for it, as the cops had come to her house after witnesses reported her truck, which had been borrowed by her boyfriend, fleeing the scene. If that wasn't dumb enough, thinking you could get away with a robbery just because you were driving a vehicle that wasn't yours, the truck itself was this bright pink pick-up with writing across the top of the windshield, so it really, really stood out. And if THAT wasn't dumb enough, the giant words on the windshield were spelled wrong, so it said "Daddy's Angle" or something like that. I specifically remember the "angle" instead of "angel" part.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 95.5 — Minisode 95.5

    It's like Tyler Perry's Monkey Shines!
  4. "How Did This Get Made: Origins - Cage" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2IJ6KuC4gI Turns out he was in some legit good stuff as well. Here, he clearly looks like "Kiss of Death" Cage...
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    2047 Sights Of Death (2014)

    Y'know what? I wasn't even thinking of his love for Big Kahuna burgers. I was going to basically say the same thing about Danny Trejo, that you'd just need to make him a grilled cheese with the crusts cut off.
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    2047 Sights Of Death (2014)

    Samuel L. Jackson will be in your movie if you just make him a sandwich. It has to be a REALLY good sandwich though.
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    halloween suggestions

    I don't know about that. I mean, there weren't nearly enough instances of someone threatening to skull fuck someone else at the dinner table.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    I introduce to you all, the proto-Nic Cage: TIMOTHY CAREY

    The WORLD needed that. I'd never been aware of the guy, but a friend showed me that first clip a little while back, so I went down the YouTube rabbit hole and found some other quirky stuff. He also kind of reminds me a little of Pacino and Harry Dean Stanton. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vNJNqeRyKo
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Left Behind (2014)

    From a recent Cracked photoshop contest: Nic Cage trying to talk to a guy on fire...
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 95.5 — Minisode 95.5

    To be fair, she probably wasn't EXPECTING to have a quadriplegic go down on her that day.
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    halloween suggestions

    I think that this was finished first but came out second because of re-jiggering that had to be done following Donald Pleasence's death. In fact, I'm watching the extras on the super enormous Blu-Ray box set RIGHT now, and the actress that plays the brother's girlfriend is talking about how he left at one point to audition for "Clueless" during the filming. She's also Edgar Wright's interior designer.
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 95.5 — Minisode 95.5

    Has anyone told Jason?!?!
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Skyline 2: Beyond Skyline (2017)

    And those were the same visionaries behind Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem, arguably the sixth best film in the Alien series!
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Skyline 2: Beyond Skyline (2017)

    If it's a real thing, it could also end up as a straight-to-video flick or SyFy original.
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Skyline 2: Beyond Skyline (2017)

    Skyline 2: Sky Harder
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 95.5 — Minisode 95.5

    I see what they were getting at there. That metaphor hit me like a ton of bricks...that severed my spine.
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 95.5 — Minisode 95.5

    I don't remember if we see the actual landing or just the hilarious dive through the air, but is it possible that he was taken out in a horribly ironic way, like impaling his back on that huge sack of pointy bricks that he was wearing?
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 95.5 — Minisode 95.5

    If I didn't know better, that it would be turning into a killer monkey movie, I'd think that the first half of the film was a solid beginning of a drama about a guy overcoming adversity and stuff. It's surprisingly well-acted for a Romero flick, and as we mentioned before, the monkey is a hell of a performer. The death scene is actually kind of sad.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    God's Not Dead

    How does this even come up, and how do these people end up together in the first place? Forget religion, if someone makes it a point to bag that badly on ANYTHING I'm interested in, I'm not with that person. I mean, I've had different views on things than girls I've been in relationships with, but we just end up NOT talking about it, because no one's going to be changing anyone's mind, or it's something that comes up when we're just busting each other's chops, like jokingly blaming your partner's political party of choice for something completely absurd. I think we ALL know that it's the Bush administration's fault that Pluto isn't a planet anymore though. I mean other way more ridiculous stuff... Also, from what I've seen of it, this film seems like a religious version of "Crash" where EVERYONE in the damn movie just ends up talking about one thing, no matter how the conversation starts or what kind of situation they're in.
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 95.5 — Minisode 95.5

    So I'm watching "Monkey Shines" for the first time in forever, and this monkey is an incredible actor. I'd never realized until now that "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" was such a shameless rip-off. Andy Serkis wishes he could be HALF the monkey that Ella is.
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Ignorable Thread

    I understand that they don't want the tank to run dry, but after nearly 100 reviews, I think it's safe to bust out some of the big guns on occasion if for no other reason than to get us to finally shut up about them. There are some that would be so much fun to talk about that DO run the risk of getting overexposed if they aren't already or the crew doesn't get to them in time, and I don't want that to happen. That said, they should never do Phantom Menace, because it's an absolute bore to sit through, a bore to talk about, and it's the deadest horse there is. I don't think I've ever seen another movie that was so unentertaining that's gotten so, so, so much press after the fact. I think it might be because it's "hated" by people that have a hard time genuinely hating things. They hated it so much that they saw it five times in the theater, bought all the merch, complained about THAT, have purchased the movie in every available format, and continue to seek out feature-length reviews of the film on various geek sites and YouTube channels.
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    God's Not Dead

    I've just caught bits and pieces of it, as it played at my theater for like a month and a half (we're a very old, conservative, white market), but I'm pretty sure that I've seen a good third of it or so. I think there's a whole other story to be told here about kids that WANT to be in this class that have majors where this is a required course, but because there's this asshole kid that shouldn't be there that keeps rocking the boat, things get derailed, and then it gets even worse when even the professor of said course gives up on it and then fucking DIES. So, does EVERYONE end up at this concert at the end where the professor is run over? Yeah, that's not fishy at all, especially after he'd been engaged in a war of words with this kid for what I'm sure was months. Also, it looks like the Asian kid is turned into a believer. He probably wasn't before, what with being Asian and all, right? I kept catching the moment of realization "Awwww, shucks, I guess you're right, so I'm going to start clapping" look at the end.
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Ignorable Thread

    If they're not going to do it, I just wish that Paul would admit that they're too afraid to do "Southland Tales".
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    God's Not Dead
